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Concepts of Negotiations


Submitted By mosameme
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Concepts of Negotiations

Concepts of Negotiations

Communicating is crucial during negotiations when both parties are serious about reaching a mutual agreement. Whether the communication is direct, indirect, formal, or informal there has to be an open line of communication. During negotiations there are two or more parties, each has self-interests, all parties have options, the parties can come to an agreement or unable to reach a mutual agreement (Murtoaro & Kujala, 2007). There are also several concepts of negotiations including win-win, interest-based, positions v. interests, and BATNA negotiations. Below the reader, will find a brief description of all of these concepts.
Win-Win Negotiations The win-win negotiation approach is a relatively new concept and is successful when one or all parties meet their requirements of the settlement without the use of power (Falcão, 2014). A win-win negotiation strategy has seven requirements to form a solid foundation. “Promote interdependence, proactive learning, be translucent, be positive, be reasonable, be loyal in the negotiation process, and commit to a win-win process” are the seven steps to a successful resolution (Falcão, 2014, para.3). In win-win negotiations, it is necessary for the parties to conduct some background investigations especially for business-business negotiations because criminals wear different suits.
Best Alternative to No Agreement (BATNA) Rodger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton introduced the term best alternative to no agreement in their book, “Getting to Yes” (Negotiation At Work, 2008). Anyone going into a negotiating setting should develop a BATNA before meeting with the other party. A person needs to follow seven steps when developing a BATNA. No one can guarantee each party will accept the agreement; therefore, a person must have a backup plan. Decide what the most

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