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Conduction, Convection and Radiation: Methods of Heat Transfer


Submitted By stevestritt
Words 1777
Pages 8
Project 2

Physics 171 – Professor Reeves

Conduction, Convection, and Radiation: Methods of heat transfer

Steve Strittmatter

Conduction, Convection, and Radiation: Methods of heat transfer.
There are three different types of heat transfer we often discuss in physics. This paper uses example of each type of heat transfer; conduction, convection, and radiation. When breaking down conduction we understand it is the physical transfer of heat. Two objects are touching and the heat from one object transfers to the other object to warm it. In convection we understand it is the flow of matter that moves the heat. Matter is warmed, moves away from the heat source and then other matter that has not been warmed moves closer to the heat source to be warmed. This creates a current allowing the flow of hot matter away and cool matter toward the heat source. Radiation is the other type of heat transfer we discuss; this type of heat transfer takes no matter at all and uses electromagnetic waves to transfer energy (heat) from one object to another.

Conduction, convection and radiation are all methods in which heat is transferred from one object to another or from a heat source to an object. In each of these methods heat moves from the higher temperature to the lower temperature until a thermal equilibrium is established. It is the differences of each type of heat transfer that will be discussed in this paper. Before I explain each type of heat transfer I will discuss heat transfer in general. Heat is a form of energy, so when an object such as a cup is hot the particles in that cup have a lot of kinetic energy. In the hot cup, the particles will vibrate and rotate and the more the particles do that the greater the temperature of the object will be. Temperature is a measure of the amount of kinetic

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