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Conference Concept Document


Submitted By estudyante2015
Words 507
Pages 3

The purpose of the conference is to promote the Mezzo range of imported Italian espresso. The target market for the conference is the local owners and managers of retail coffee shops. This conference will primarily secure sales leads of espresso coffee market and build relationships between MacVille and its clients. The conference will be a one day formal event and will culminate with a dinner and it requires registration. It will have a coffee tasting and coffee machine demonstration. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet and mingle with other business owners.


The conference will be a one day formal event and will culminate with a dinner and it requires registration. It will have a coffee tasting and coffee machine demonstration. It will be in a participated format. Attendees will actually see and learn about the product and give them information to maximise their businesses.


Attendees will gain knowledge and training about Mezzo range of imported Italian espresso machine. It will secure sales leads of Mezzo and increase awareness about MacVille espresso coffee market and builds relationships between MacVille and its clients.

When, Where and Who

Conference will be held in Toowoomba on February 2016. We will research for a good location as well as a good date so it will not clash with other events locally and school holidays are over by then. We are hoping to attract local business owners, retailers and managers.


We will source an appropriate venue that provides all the equipment needed on the day and easy and suitable access for people. Security of the venue will observe to make sure of the safety of the people and reduce hazards. We will provide the best barista’s in Toowoomba to demonstrate Mezzo Italian espresso machine. We will be sourcing a key note speaking from our own organisation and

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