In the show “Doc Martin”, there is conflict between many different characters acting in the show. According to McCornack, “Conflict is the process that occurs when people perceive that they have incompatible goals or that someone is interfering in their ability to achieve their objectives” (246). The characters I will be writing about from the episode “Erotomania”, Doc Martin and Louisa, Danny and Louisa, and Mark and Julie. First, the conflict between Doc Martin and Louisa occur in several different situations. One situation is when Doc and Louisa get drunk together. They express feelings and then Doc falls asleep. The next morning when Louisa confronts Doc about his feelings, he does not remember. Doc and Louisa have avoidance during their conversation in town when Louisa just says she wants to have a drink. She doesn’t come out and say right then her feelings about Doc. According to McCornack, “Avoidance is ignoring the conflict, pretending it isn’t really happening or communicating indirectly about the situation” (255). When…show more content… Danny decides he wants to marry Louisa and move himself and her to London. A problem Danny and Louisa have is personality difference. Danny wants to go and do things, and Louisa wants to stay and continue with her job. They have differing goals in the sense that Danny thinks this job in London is his ticket in. Louisa doesn’t see anything for her in London and is not leaving the position she is in now. During there argument, Louisa shows concern for Mark and Danny disconfirms the situation so Louisa will listen to him. Louisa shows competition during their argument because she wants to talk it out and talk about the problem. According to McCornack, “Competition is an open and clear discussion of the goal clash that exists and the pursuit of one’s own goals without regard for others’ goals” (257). At the end of the conversation Danny and Louisa decide to go separate