...the causes of Israel-Palestine war? TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT AANALYSIS THE CAUSES OF ISRAEL/PALESTINE CONFLICT: THE FIRST INTIFADA 1987-93 DIVIDING THE MAP THE 1948 WAR ZIONISM 1967/OCCUPATION THE ARABS, TERRORISM & SECURITY: “NO SOLUTION” THE WALL/FENCE/BARRIER DELEGITIMIZING THE STATEHOOD DECLARATION BY PALESTINE THE IMPACT OF SCARCE WATER RESOURCES ON THE ARAB-ISRAEL CONFLICT CAMP DAVID FAILURE THE ISRAEL-PALESTINE CONFLICT IS CENTRAL TO THE MILITANTS’ CAUSE Abstract The notion of this research essay is to discuss the causes of the Israel-Palestine war. The first priority of the paper is to address the war in detail by describing the war. Another perspective that the essay will take in answering the causes of the Israel-Palestine war is to address the period of the war and how it emerged. The Israel-Palestine war is also denounced as the primary consequence that has formed the Israel-Arab war. The nature of the war is somehow a contagious form of war as it is fundamental in the creation of the upheaval of the Arab states conflict. The essay will also discuss the causes in the different sequence. This will be done by stating which cause took place before the following cause emerged. The principal ideology of the essay is to come to a founding cause that resulted to the war preceding other causes. Therefore the research paper will discuss the causes of the Israel conflict with the aim of establishing the causes that formed the Israel-Palestine war. The...
Words: 4159 - Pages: 17
...In the context of the period 1895-2000, how far can the birth of Israel be held responsible for the conflict over Palestine? The State of Israel was inaugurated on 14th May 1948 by David Ben-Gurion in what is now Independence Hall in Tel-Aviv. Since then Israel has had a turbulent history, the situation today maintaining this violent trend. This is the reason many hold Israel and thus its birth responsible for this century old conflict, however this reasoning is too simple for a conflict that has lasted for more than a century. An ancient claim, a nationalist movement, two wars, foreign powers, genocide and the UN created Israel, however there is more than one group of people; the other peoples that live in the land of Palestine can share the responsibility for the conflict alongside their Arab neighbours. However it is reasonable to say one can be held more responsible than the other. The Jewish people played an important part in the history of Palestine for many centuries before the birth of Christ. The Jewish version of this period is told in the Bible. It describes how God chose the Jews as his special people and gave them the land of Israel. Under the kings David and Solomon the Jews reached a peak of power in the 10th century before Christ however by the end of the second century AD Jews were no longer a majority in Palestine. The Diaspora had spread the Jewish people far across Europe where they suffered much anti-Semitic discrimination from persecution to the pogroms...
Words: 3962 - Pages: 16
...Assignment : Arab – Israel Conflict and Peace Process Subject : Conflict and Peace Studies Lecturer Date to be submitted : : Mrs. Nirmali 25th April 2014 Student Student no : : AGMPK Wijenayake PGDCPS 037 Class Institute : : Semester 1 UOC 1 Table of Contents 1. Background 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Geographical history of two states Who is Israelis Who is platinise Reason for the conflict 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 2. Conflict identification using conflict tree 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 What conflict tree Identification of conflict tree Root causes of the conflict Core problem of the conflict Result of the conflict 3. Time line of the WAR 3.1 List of battle 4. Time line of peace process 4.1 4.2 4.3 List of peace attempt Identification of failure of peace process Conflict through Galtung conflict Triangle 2 5. Possible answer for the conflict 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Common third party policy Identification by the United Nation One State Two State Three State 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 6. 7. . Recommendation Conclusion Bibliography 3 1. Background 1.1 Geographical history of two states Understanding Israel and the broader Middle East requires understanding the difference between a state and a nation, two words often used interchangeably. A state in the traditional sense is the political apparatus that governs a territory; a nation is a people who share a heritage, a culture, or perhaps a system of beliefs Israel, officially the State of Israel is a country in...
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...Israel-Palestine Introduction In the absence of peace, there is conflict. This might lead to war between countries if conflict is not handled carefully. Today it is almost a norm to see countries engaging others in war. Today the greatest problem facing many nations is international relation. Countries have failed to live like decent neighbors. There is disunity among many nations. War between nations is caused by mistrust and tension. Nations purchase arms to stock their armory. Major inventions are made daily in out on nuclear power and how to develop sophiscated weapons. This tries to explain the fact that countries are always in mistrust of each other. It also explains that there is constant tension between countries that one day they may engage in war. War is not acceptable. The consequences are dire and the outcome may last for ages. When nations are at war, there is always mortality and destruction of properties. At times, nation sign peace treaties. This is agreement to maintain a harmonious environment. This appears good on a piece of paper, but healing takes a lot of time. This explains the fact why war between countries may never end. The origin of the conflict Israel and Palestine are neighbors. A mention of the two nations brings a memory. The two have never been at peace. There has been constant fighting between the two sides up to date. The conflict is dated way back when the Middle East was still dominated by the British under the colonial rule. Middle...
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...The Middle East Conflict Wynell Henry University of Phoenix Com 156 November 24, 2013 The real differences around the world today are not between Jews and Arabs; Protestants and Catholics; Muslims, Croats, and Serbs. The real differences are between those who embrace peace and those who would destroy it; between those who look to the future and those who cling to the past; between those who open their arms and those who are determined to clench their fists (William J. Clinton, 2013). Even though people who live in Palestine/Turkey/Syria area between1988 - 2013 have been in a state of war, peace will soon come. The Middle East is at constant war, peace will not come soon enough if rules don’t apply to self-government. In the 1800’s Europe wanted to colonize Palestine land know as Zionists. The majority of the population was Jewish, which they wanted to create a Jewish homeland. This did not create a conflict until more Zionist immigrants population increased and talks of them taking over the Jewish land. The conflict in Palestine grew when Germany leader Adolf Hitler combined with Zionist engagements to disrupt efforts to reside Jewish refugees in western countries. The Zionists armies outnumbered the Arab and the Palestine army combined, and they fought on Palestine land. At the end of the war, Israel had taken over seventy-eight percent of the Palestine’s land; this is what has led up to the current conflict today. Muslims and Christians are unable to...
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...Conflict Research Perspectives - Israel Israel and Palestine have been in a land war for years fighting over entitlement that neither really have. Both Palestine and Israel believe that the land that they both occupy belongs to them and will not stop until one side surrenders the rights to the land. The argument is over the Gaza Strip, Hamas, and the West Bank. Many different people with different religious beliefs once occupied Palestine who had at one time been occupied by Turkey. Over the years a large Jewish population had fled to Palestine and a group formed called the Zionist. This group believed that they had the right to the land because based on Biblical texts it was the Holy Land and only those who were descendants of the biblical Jewish faith should have rights to the land. “The Jewish claim Palestine is actually the site of the ancient land of Israel, which was, according to the Hebrew Bible promised to the Jewish by God.” (Ebscohostconnection) During World War I a letter was drafted stating that the British would support a Jewish national home. “During World War I, in 1916, it convinced Arab leaders to revolt against the Ottoman Empire (which was allied with Germany). In return, the British government would support the establishment of an independent Arab state in the region, including Palestine.” (Shah, 2006) After World War I Turkey lost control of the Palestine and the British now controlled it. The League of Nations ended up approving the letter that had...
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...Analysing the Israel-Palestine Conflict in International Relations Perspective Introduction to International Relations Analysing the Israel-Palestine Conflict in International Relations Perspective Background Since the early 20th Century, Israelis and Palestinians have been fighting over the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. With the assumption that Palestine is a state to facilitate discussion, this report sketches out the most significant elements of the conflict on the three levels defined by Kenneth Waltz, and applies the Realist theory of international relations (IR) to the “Two-State” solution. Levels of analysis 1. First Level The first level focuses on individuals involved in the international relations. On Israel’s side, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has an important role to play because he has the final word in all political decisions. On the side of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas enjoys an even stronger position. Not only is he the chairman of Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), he is also the President of the Palestinian National Authority (PA), which is the ruling body for the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. He does not to have to face elections as he runs an authoritarian regime. On the regional level, the most influential figure is Mohamed Morsi, President of Egypt, who is vital to negotiating efforts for the conflict. Egypt is the first Arab country to accept Israel as a state...
Words: 1977 - Pages: 8
...Abstract The purpose of the research “How has Palestinian application for UN membership and statehood recognition affected the advancement of the peace process between Israel and Palestine?“ was to provide a thorough examination of the Arab-Israeli conflict and estimate the possible courses of its development in case of UN interference into the matter. The method used in the process of investigation consisted in accessing English and Israeli websites, including the official website of the Parliament of Israel, in order to collect the necessary information on the issue. A vast amount of opinions was gathered and applied in the research, that helped to create the holistic picture of the problem under consideration. As a result of the investigation the conclusion has been drawn that at the present moment Palestinian bid for statehood and membership rather added to the problem than helped to solve it. Although each of the UN members has its own interests to pursue in this conflict, the majority of the UN member states still refrain from any steps towards the conflict resolution and consider the admission of Palestine to the UN impossible until certain agreement is achieved between the two countries. Page numbers Introduction to the Essay 2 Subheading 1: The attempts to negotiate peace between Israel and Palestine. 4 Subheading 2: The official standpoints of the sides involved. Reasons for obtaining UN membership and statehood. Public response in Palestinian and Israeli...
Words: 4076 - Pages: 17
...administration provided Israel with the weapons needed to continue their settlement operations and to acquire more land from Palestine. However, Kennedy did try to stop Israel from developing nuclear weapons and give them the ability to stop any Arab nation from interfering. Kennedy did this to try to stop the Arab-Israeli tension from growing anymore than it already had. The Johnson administration would once again side with Israel when creating policies to end the conflict. Israel acquired defensive and offensive weaponry from the Johnson Administration. Johnson though that by giving Israel the advanced weaponry they needed. Israel would lose interest in nuclear weapons. However, this did not stop Israel from continuing on with their nuclear weapons...
Words: 518 - Pages: 3
...Palestinian-Israeli Conflict from the Perspective of Palestinian Filmmaker Name Institution Palestinian-Israeli Conflict from the Perspective of Palestinian Filmmaker The Palestinian movie industry has significantly grown in the resent past despite the challenge they face with majority of the movies coming from different sources of film production. There lack adequate equipments that are used to produce the movies, and this poses a great challenge to the industry. Lack of funds to finance the movie production, further, poses a greater challenge in the industry. The various Palestinian movie production sites include the Authority of Palestinian, the different Diasporas in Palestinian and also other producers in Israel. The Palestinian Cinema can, therefore, be viewed as an opposing representation because it originated from the conflict between Palestinian and Israel. The conflict between Palestinian and Israel began man years ago due to the decision of the United States to form Israel. The conflicts between the two nations involve the Arabs who are the Palestinians and Jewish who are the Israelites. The war has resulted in death of many people and has further, led to discrepancies between the Israelites and many Arab nations. The differences between the Zionists and various Arab nations that are not involved in the actual conflict are as a result of their involvement in the war to assist the Palestinians. According to Bulton (2013), most of the Palestinian films are based on...
Words: 2457 - Pages: 10
...promoting social reform and often by claiming to be defenders of the Muslim faith Jewish Problem: * Jewish settlers living among Arab-speaking peoples in Palestine achieved the Zionist dream of a Jewish nation-state shortly after ww2 * the inflexible opposition of Arab states to the very existence of Israel led to four separate wars between Israel and its Arab neighbors * Pan- Arab Nationalism To unite Arab peoples under one nation * Zionism- Jewish movement * Later, Palestinians entered into the struggle against the Jewish state in an effort to forge their own nation-state nationalism was at the heart of the Middle East turmoil in the last half of the century Oil Conflict/issue * Oil fields concentrated in the area around the Persian Golf contained greater petroleum reserves of higher quality than anywhere else in the world * The dependence of industrial countries on this vital resoourse brought the preasures of the cold war to bear on the oil-rich countries * SOVIETS AND U.S KEPT CLOSE WATCH ON THE UNSTABLE GOVERNMENTS THERE * Governments of land with large oil reserves nationalized their petroleum industry to get direct access to a share of the profits created an international cartel to set levels of production and prices for this increasingly valuable commodity Israel and the Middle East * Jeruselum was the most holy place in the world and the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity, and Muslim religion * It remained...
Words: 2422 - Pages: 10
...The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been one of the most important issues that the United Nations has focused on since its founding in 1945. It has been the central topic for many resolutions, special committees, and peacekeeping efforts over the last sixty years. The United Nations has served as a platform for discussion about this conflict and has been used as a mediator between the opposing groups as a peaceful resolution to the issues is sought. Its main interest is in creating a peaceful end to this conflict and ensuring that both sides are just in their actions. At the time that the United Nations was founded, Great Britain administered the area of Palestine as a result of a mandate that had been assigned to them by the League of Nations. The British supported the establishment of a Jewish state in the area and Jewish immigration was greatly increasing especially following the Holocaust during World War II. This was met by opposition from the Arab population in Palestine and, as violence between the groups increased, the British were forced to turn the region over to the United Nations. On 28 April 1947 a special session of the UN General Assembly established the Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), which had the task of investigating all of the questions surrounding the problems in Palestine and to recommend solutions to be considered by the General Assembly later that year. UNSCOP recommended two solutions. The first was that the area be divided...
Words: 3595 - Pages: 15
...Donal Casey Irish life and cultures November 23, 2013 Discuss "The Troubles", compare it to other similar conflicts around the world and analyze how aspects of the The Peace process can help these other conflicts. - Saeed Faghihi "The Troubles" refers to a point of conflict in Irish history from late 60's to the late 90's. It was characterized by military violence particularly in Northern Ireland but also to a less prominent extent in England, Scotland, and The Republic of Ireland. The violence was rooted in the different ethnicity of the Northern Irish people. The Unionist Protestant majority wanted to remain as part of The United kingdom while the Nationalist republican minority wished to cede ties with The United Kingdom and join The Republic of Ireland. Catholics and Protestants were largely segregated in Northern Ireland. Catholics were generally discriminated against and not given high power jobs. In 1969 a predominantly catholic civil rights protest marched against these issues. The protest was attacked by The Royal Ulster Constabulary. This sparked the beginning of the period in Northern Irish history known as The Troubles. After the protest a new paramilitary origination, the provisional IRA, was formed. They called themselves the Provisional IRA to differentiate themselves from the old IRA which had become somewhat inactive. Thereafter, Clashes between Catholics and Protestants became commonplace. Throughout this period the majority of the violence was perpetuated...
Words: 2164 - Pages: 9
...The Israel Palestine conflict has gone on for hundreds of years. The conflict started when refugees started moving into Israel more specifically, Zionists trying to find a Jewish homeland. The conflict continued when suicide bombers and hate started to spread throughout the country. Wars have broken out Innocent civilians started dying including woman, children, and families. As of now no peace treaty has worked to stop the conflict even though many have been tried. The causes that have kept this conflict going are boundaries, the want Jerusalem, and water. The first cause of conflict is the boarders in Israel and the fight over where the Israeli people should live and where the Palestinian people should live. When the land between the Palestinian...
Words: 926 - Pages: 4
...Palestinian-Israeli Conflict from the Perspective of Palestinian Filmmaker Name Institution Palestinian-Israeli Conflict from the Perspective of Palestinian Filmmaker The Palestinian movie industry has significantly grown in the resent past despite the challenge they face with majority of the movies coming from different sources of film production. There lack adequate equipments that are used to produce the movies, and this poses a great challenge to the industry. Lack of funds to finance the movie production, further, poses a greater challenge in the industry. The various Palestinian movie production sites include the Authority of Palestinian, the different Diasporas in Palestinian and also other producers in Israel. The Palestinian Cinema can, therefore, be viewed as an opposing representation because it originated from the conflict between Palestinian and Israel. The conflict between Palestinian and Israel began man years ago due to the decision of the United States to form Israel. The conflicts between the two nations involve the Arabs who are the Palestinians and Jewish who are the Israelites. The war has resulted in death of many people and has further, led to discrepancies between the Israelites and many Arab nations. The differences between the Zionists and various Arab nations that are not involved in the actual conflict are as a result of their involvement in the war to assist the Palestinians. According to Bulton (2013), most of the Palestinian films are based...
Words: 2450 - Pages: 10