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Conform Vs Conformity Research Paper

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Is it better to conform or to break away from the rest of society and become entirely different? Today everything is growing and changing at a faster rate than it ever has before, and at times it can almost be hard to keep up. This is an obstacle that people get over fairly easily in order to be involved in the newest trends. When looking at all of the glamour and happiness that technology seems to cause it can become very hard for people to break the trend and to not conform. Conformity is whenever someone becomes like everyone else, and just accepts it. They do not try to change, even when change would be for the better. “The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.” –Colin …show more content…
Wilson says that when people conform they are standing out in the rain with the blank expression of a cow accepting the fact that they are being soaked wet by the rain. Many people who conform go through life not questioning anything that they do, and accepting all of the miseries that come with life. Socrates was right when he said that people need to examine their lives. Asking questions is a vital part of becoming your own person. In order to become a nonconformist thinking on your own and not relying on others is necessary. I agree with Wilson’s statement because many people today are accepting their fate without trying to find a way out. I noticed this most when I was on a missions trip in California. There were so many homeless people that had gathered on skid row and had accepted that fact that they were going to live and die on the streets of Los Angeles. The people who had taken a step back and examined what they were doing with their lives were the ones who had jobs, homes, food for the next day, and hopeful futures. Sometimes people are afraid to get out of their comfort zone of conformity and this makes them afraid to ask questions. Conformity is an endless cycle that is only ended by examining your

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