Sin nature and Holiness are viewed totally from one end of the spectrum to the other end. When viewing sin nature and holiness, there are many different concerns one can have from this, when did sin first show up, the first it showed up through, and the effect it has on mankind when revealed. Holiness is on the opposite of the spectrum. It means to be set a part, keeping one’s life free of sin, and honoring the laws of God. “Sin is any evil action evil motive that is in opposition to God. Simply put, sin is failure to let God be God and placing something or someone in God’s rightful place of supremacy”. (Tezel & Gutierrez p. 65).begin
At the beginning of the history of man is where the sin nature begin, man had been sin less before this point. The nature of sin starts in the mind with a thought, after it have been meditated on then it is followed up with an action. When God is not at the forefront of a person’s life in every aspect, the sin nature will find a way to surface. It applies to the one that never had a relationship with Christ, as well as the one that thinks they know everything about Christ. The sin nature was taken on by one coming into agreement with another, where as one was exposed to the sin it from a thought the other acted in it and immediately it became nature of man. The choice of one fallen from obedience has cause sin to be a part of all mankind from that point on. The ultimate Atonement, Jesus, was sent here on earth to be the once and for all sacrifice, that no one has to remain in their sinful nature. Before I became saved I would often look at the people that said they were saved, and I would think to myself, if my going to church and seeing God was contingent upon some of those in my life including family, I probably would had never came out of my sinful nature. I remember plenty of times that I would do things