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Cons Of Hunting Research Paper

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Why must humans remain dominant over nature? Man takes so many things from nature and in return gives nothing. People disrespect nature with killing, global warming, and littering, which causes nature to be at a disadvantage.
Hunting for game or sport is wrong. The idea of hunting is to make every part of the animal useful. Man causes nature to be at risk through hunting. It is understandable to hunt an animal and eat the meat from the animal, but the "Pros and Cons of Hunting" article says that "Some hunters will kill an animal and not even eat the meat" and that is wrong, it is cruel. During hunting, animals may experience pain and suffering, as if their life is nothing to us. "Pros and Cons of Hunting" also says that "Another con of hunting …show more content…
Global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels and releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. An article by Holli Riebeek says that "Earth's average temperature has increased over the years by people burning fossil fuels so much." This means that seasons could go crazy. If this keeps up it will be hot in winter, or cold in the summer. In fact, Earth's temperature has risen the most in the last century: "The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6 F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years" (Riebeek). This is why the ice caps are melting. If this does progress to the seasons going crazy then, things that grow in the spring or summer will no longer grow like they should. The article also says that "Earth responds to this by melting glaciers and is effecting some growing seasons." (Riebeek). Global warming is a big cause of so many disasters here in nature. Do humans not care about where they live? Not only is Earth home to man, but Earth is home to all things living. So not only are humans affecting themselves, but they are affecting the animals that share this planet with them. The things that man get so much use out of plants, animals, and Earth itself are being chipped away at by man's ignorance. Once again nature has been affected negatively by man's

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