Premium Essay

How Is Dachau's Death Related To The Holocaust

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Words 861
Pages 4
In 1939, the Holocaust began and over 6 million Jews were killed. The Holocaust was a time period during WWII that the Germans wanted to go and kill off the entire Jewish population in Europe. It wasn’t only Jews who were discriminated against. Many other races and belief groups were also killed and tortured. At first, killing Jews was not the plan; they just used them as a scapegoat and wanted to lock them up to put them to work. Later they made concentration camps and one of these was named Dachau. At the time of the Liberation, soldier of America had to witness unbearable, awful conditions. Piles of dead bodies lay on the ground. Many survivors had nowhere to go and couldn’t look past the Holocaust. In Dachau, the conditions seem to be the most inhabitable, disgusting, and insanitary of the camps. In Dachau there were hundreds of dead bodies decomposing beneath your feet. This was a common sight around the camp. Some of the bodies had only been dead for less than a day. The camp was also infested with disease. Multiple reports of typhus, lice, and other diseases were reported on camp grounds. The barracks generally had no floor and were commonly were very cold. People were forced to lie on the floor. …show more content…
One of the few people who told their story was named Paul Schneiderman. When Paul first entered Dachau, his first intake was bittersweet. That atmosphere, the sound was peaceful and soothing but the stench and the sight was something unimaginable. Piles of dead bodies and sick people lay on the ground. The stench was something that he had never experienced before. Around the time that he was 23, he was dealing with extreme starvation and was losing hope by the day. Eventually he learned that all his family had been killed by starvation or gas

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