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Tuberculosis: Leading Cause Of Death In The Early 20th Century

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Tayia Drakeford
October 26,2017
Disease report outline
Dr. Donna Balding

Tuberculosis was very detrimental the leading cause of death in the early 20th century. The active agent of tuberculosis is mycobacterium tuberculosis. This disease is very prevalent in areas of high populations because of the proximity of people. Evidence of tuberculosis dates to 8000 BCE in Europe. Less and less cases of tuberculosis are being documented in the United States, but it can reemerge due to the miss use of antibiotics creating drug-resistant tuberculosis. Underdeveloped countries are more likely to experience TB epidemic this is because of poor and unprepared healthcare clinics. Tuberculosis has been a very detrimental disease worldwide, and has accounted …show more content…
This bacterium is a gram positive obligate aerobe, meaning it could only live in oxygen containing environments. This explains why pulmonary tuberculosis is so common because the lungs create a perfect environment for mycobacterium tuberculosis growth, due to high levels of oxygen. Tuberculosis can infect any organ in the body but it mainly infects the lungs. Tuberculosis can be either latent TB or active TB. Latent TB is when mycobacterium tuberculosis is present in the body but the immune system is fighting the bacteria so the body has not yet developed tuberculosis and remains dormant in the body. Tuberculosis can only be transmitted from person to person through air droplets. Thus, when an infected person expels saliva into the atmosphere any persons who inhales those droplets may get tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the air droplets can also survive in the air for several minutes. This means that you could contract tuberculosis even after the infected person leaves the room. Extrapulmonary TB (TB outside the lungs) is not easily transmitted. You cannot contract TB through kissing, holding hands, or touching objects an infected person may have …show more content…
It is known to mimic signs and symptoms of other diseases. Which is one of the main reasons why tuberculosis is growing resistance to certain drugs. This could be very dangerous and costly if tuberculosis develops complete resistance. To determine if a patient is infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis a skin test is performed on a suspected tuberculosis patient. This skin test does not determine if you have the tuberculosis disease, but if you carry the tuberculosis bacteria inside your body. A tuberculosis protein is injected by the nurse under the skin and if a hard-swollen red bump develops within 24 to 48 hours you have the mycobacterium tuberculosis germ in your body. A blood test may also be used to determine if you have latent tuberculosis. If the blood or skin test come back positive and the patient is portraying common symptoms of tuberculosis another diagnostic test may be performed. Sputum smears are sometimes taken along with x-rays of the suspected infected organ and susceptibility tests that will determine if the tuberculosis is drug resistant or not.
Tuberculosis can affect any persons but is more likely to affect people with immunocompetent diseases as well as people who smoke or drink. There has been a direct link between individuals with HIV/AIDs and the development of tuberculosis. HIV and AIDs increase a person’s chance of developing tuberculosis because the body’s weak immune system has a hard time protecting

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