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Age Of Consent Research Paper

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In the United States, the age of consent is an issue among teens, and how old they should be before having intercourse. The topic is debated on left and right by parents, authorities, and counselors. Some people say that children are not mentally ready for sex or telling them all of the negative sides of sex. Some parents support the idea of teens having sexual intercourse. Then, are people trying to stop it to help prevent teen pregnancies and have them ruin your life. Our nation needs to have a better idea of what consent really is instead of just saying no and listing all of the negative sides of sex.
There are many variations and laws in the United States about the age of consent and what it should be. All across the US, the age of consent …show more content…
There are many ways to be safe while having sex including condoms, birth control, and spermicide. Any woman at the age of 17 or older have emergency contraceptive pills right at their disposal without having to make any kind of appointment (Sedgwick). As opposed to the women that are 16 and younger, who have to have a prescription in order to acquire the pill (Sedgwick). Of the women who were sexually active, about one fourth of them has had some sort of STI according to a study in 2008 (Sedgwick). There were American reformers who tried to change the number of teen pregnancies by saying that teenagers are too immature to know that sex outside of marriage is immoral (Age of Consent). There are people on both sides of the spectrum because an incident happened to a boy and a girl where they had consensual sex, but the guy was 17 and the girl was 13. A counselor found out about the incident and reported it. The case was taken to court where both sets of parents even said that it was consensual too and even said that the girl was the aggressor. Nothing had worked and the boy still had to register as a sex offender

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