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Police Ethical Standards

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I believe police officers should be held to a higher ethical standard or degree due to negligence compared to other people or professional on negligence in the line of duty due to the matter they swore to the oath of office to protect, serve and uphold the law. Their position of power that they possess cannot be played with. I mean really who doesn’t know that negligence by the police in the line of duty indicates that they betrayed the oath to serve and protect. We cannot have criminals enforcing the law and hiding behind their badge and a code of silence. That just doesn’t sit right with me. What credibility do they have especially if he or she was charged with domestic violence and later to arrive on a scene to a domestic violence response? He or she would have none! More importantly, what kind of empathy will he or she have for the victim in question? There is no second guessing with that question either. …show more content…
When enough is enough? Every time I turn on the television or listen to the radio I am hearing nothing but the negative public responses on how the police officer are screwing up (excessive use of force, abuse of authority, speeding, intoxication, etc.) and not being held accountable for their actions. Don’t get me wrong; there are some good police officers out there doing what they are supposed to be doing and receiving little to no credit from the public or media. Seriously, could you blame the public for feeling the way they feel about the police officer when they fear being shot walking down the street or having on a hoodie late at night? The police officer must build and regain their trust back in the community. It starts with them doing the right thing by following the law

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