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Summary: The September Guarantee Empowerment

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Due to unemployment levels reaching a record high in the past 10 years, the traditional route of leaving school and either getting a job or continuing education has had to be adapted. A new agreement called †̃The September Guaranteeâ€TM was introduced by the government to increase the choices available to young people and adults.
The guarantee is aimed at 14-19 year olds and it guarantees that for every young person who leaves compulsory education by the end of the September that the person leaves school, that person will be in some kind of further education. Thus avoiding a situation known as NEET – Not in Education, Employment or Training. The September Guarantee also insists that the training placement must be appropriate for that person …show more content…
Question: Question 4
Answer: Within a large organisation such as a school, there are various roles and responsibilities. There are school governors, senior management, SENCO, teachers and support staff roles.
School governors (who are normally a team of 10-12 individuals) are required at every school and they are responsible for the running of the school. They are chosen in some part for their links to the school eg a parent governor is a parent of a child at the school and the head teacher is also on the governing body. School management by governors is split into specific areas eg Personnel. High level strategies are made by these committees and this includes the aims and objectives of the school, target setting and development of policies.
Within a school there will be the Senior Management Team (SMT), consisting of the Deputy Head, Assistant Head and SENCO. They will meet on a regular basis to discuss on going issues and ensure they are dealt with, and work on the school improvement plan. Information and decisions by this SMT will then be passed onto the relevant members of …show more content…
All schools decide individually who the SENCO will be and it could be a teaching member of staff, or a stand-alone position. Responsibilities for SENCO include liaising with other professionals such as social workers, as well as communicating with parents. SENCO is also responsible for ensuring relevant information about an individual SEN pupil is collected and that they have an appropriate IEP (Individual Education Plan). SENCO is also responsible for the paperwork to ensure pupils are adequately monitored.
In primary schools, there will be an Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) manager to monitor and manage the foundation stage. They need to ensure all observations and assessments take place and that accurate records are kept. EYFS manager must also ensure that all EYFS staff must implement the EYFS document and are adequately trained.
Teachers are responsible for the planning and preparation of lessons in line with the National Curriculum and to ensure it is taught effectively. Teachers in primary schools often have and additional role either in management or they may lead a specific subject. Subject leaders also provide advice and support to other teachers who teach that

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