...First off, "To an Athlete Dying Young", by Housman was about fame and death. To die, one can be killed, or die of natural causes. Some fear death, others look upon death as a crossing point to another life, but no human can stop its rampage. Housman's poem talks about the gradual death of fame and the more sudden death of its owner. As commonly known, the laurel represents victory and triumph. Yet, as with fame, the laurel dies faster than a rose. This poem is focused on the disappearance of fame, and how an athlete is better off dying, than witnessing the death of his/her fame. Strangely enough, the poet does not lament the death of the athlete. Instead, he talks about all the benefits of dying an early death, and how lucky the athlete was. Next up, the poet Yusef Komunyakaa, and his "...
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...Being an Athlete, I am aware we are consistently pushing ourselves To reach our goal, and once you reach that goal you receive great joy and motivation to improve, but from time to time, life takes its toll and unplanned events can happen, resulting in you not being able to do what you love the most ; your sport . This is just what the narrator explains; He explains how a top runner had reached his peak athletic performance and suddenly had his life tragedy taken from him. He uses examples, “Shoulder-high we bring you home/ And the name died before the man”(lines 6/20). to explain how he is dead and that his athletic ability died with him. The title, “To an Athlete Dying Young,” immediately tells us what the poem will be about; an Athlete dying. In the first stanza, the narrator, says “We chaired you through the marketplace; Man and boy stood cheering by, And we brought you home should-high”(2-4), this describes about the...
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...A.E. Housman : “ To an Athlete Dying Young” Alfred Edward Housman formally known as A.E. Housman was born on March 26th 1829 and died April 30th 1936. Housman lived in Valley House Bromsgrove UK. He was born to parents Sarah Jane and Edward Housman who married on June 17th ,1858 . Housman was the eldest of seven children and they were raised Christian . He was baptized on April 21 ,1859 at Christ church. Sadly shortly after his mother died on his twelfth birthday. His father who was a county solicitor soon after remarried to one of his elder cousin ,Lucy. Housman made a huge impact on the literature world of his time. It’s no secret that Housman was best known for his profound realization of life. He wrote countless quotes and poems which,...
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...A. E. Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young," also known as Lyric XIX in A Shropshire Lad, holds as its main theme the premature death of a young athlete as told from the point of view of a friend serving as pall bearer. The poem reveals the concept that those dying at the peak of their glory or youth are really quite lucky. The first few readings of "To an Athlete Dying Young" provides the reader with an understanding of Housman's view of death. Additional readings reveal Housman's attempt to convey the classical idea that youth, beauty, and glory can be preserved only in death. A line-by-line analysis helps to determine the purpose of the poem. The first stanza of the poem tells of the athlete's triumph and his glory filled parade through the town in which the crowd loves and cheers for him. As Bobby Joe Leggett defines at this point, the athlete is "carried of the shoulders of his friends after a winning race" (54). In Housman's words: The time you won your town the race We chaired you through the market place; Man and boy stood cheering by, And home we brought you shoulder-high. (Housman 967). Stanza two describes a much more somber procession. The athlete is being carried to his grave. In Leggett's opinion, "The parallels between this procession and the former triumph are carefully drawn" (54). The reader should see that Housman makes another reference to "shoulders" as an allusion to connect the first ... ... middle of paper...
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...Housman's "To An Athlete Dying Young" A. E. Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young," also known as Lyric XIX in A Shropshire Lad, holds as its main theme the premature death of a young athlete as told from the point of view of a friend serving as pall bearer. The poem reveals the concept that those dying at the peak of their glory or youth are really quite lucky. The first few readings of "To an Athlete Dying Young" provides the reader with an understanding of Housman's view of death. Additional readings reveal Housman's attempt to convey the classical idea that youth, beauty, and glory can be preserved only in death. A line-by-line analysis helps to determine the purpose of the poem. The first stanza of the poem tells of the athlete's triumph and his glory filled parade through the town in which the crowd loves and cheers for him. As Bobby Joe Leggett defines at this point, the athlete is "carried of the shoulders of his friends after a winning race" (54). In Housman's words: The time you won your town the race We chaired you through the market place; Man and boy stood cheering by, And home we brought you shoulder-high. (Housman 967). Stanza two describes a much more somber procession. The athlete is being carried to his grave. In Leggett's opinion, "The parallels between this procession and the former triumph are carefully drawn" (54). The reader should see that Housman makes another reference to "shoulders" as an allusion to connect...
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...Jordan Murry 4/24/14 Sociology of Sport 233- Final Paper Undefeated Sociological Analysis It is my honor to be doing my first submission of a topic based on the sociological aspects of the sports world in this month’s addition of Sports Illustrated. First off, let me start by saying “Undefeated” was an excellent film choice to look at from a sociological perspective. Not only does this film posses multiple theories and sociological concepts, but it also has real-life stories built into the film. The viewer almost feels a personal relationship with these characters by how detailed and up close the documentary is. The first theory that the film shows is the conflict theory. The Manassas High School football team is in Memphis, Tennessee. The team is compiled of poor inter-city kids in the western Memphis region. The Manassas Tigers football program has had a reputation for being an “easy win” on the opponents’ schedule for the last 110 years. The explanation for the consecutive failing seasons was due to the prominent power plant in Manassas shutting down. This caused the population rate to rapidly decline, thus resulting in an extreme loss of student athletes. The town, school, and football program never recovered because of this reputation. Meanwhile, a couple miles down the road in towns like Westwood and Munford, the football programs flourished because of the large population. These towns prospered because of a vast array of available jobs creating wealthy...
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...yMacmillan Study Companions Sharon R. Wilson-Strann POETRY FOR THE CSEC® ENGLISH B EXAMINATION Second edition Prescribed list for 2012–2017 CSEC® is a registered trademark of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) POETRY FOR THE CSEC® ENGLISH B EXAMINATION is an independent publication and has not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by CXC. CSEC Study Comp Poetry 2nd Ed_2011.indd i 9/6/11 4:31 PM Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world www.macmillan-caribbean.com ISBN: 978-0-230-41802-8 Text © Sharon R. Wilson-Strann 2011 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011 First published 2008 This edition published 2011 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. These materials may contain links for third party websites. We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the contents of such third party websites. Please use care when accessing them. Designed by Mike Brain Graphic Design Ltd Typeset by E Clicks Enterprise, Malaysia Cover design by Clare Webber Cover photo by Jenny Palmer The author and publishers are grateful for permission to reprint the following copyright material: Bloodaxe Books for the poem...
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...indicate all works students should know. A. FICTION Beckett, Samuel. One of the following: Murphy, Watt, Molloy Bennett, Arnold. Clayhanger Bowen, Elizabeth. The Heat of the Day Butler, Samuel. The Way of All Flesh Chesterton, G.K. The Man Who Was Thursday Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness AND one of: Lord Jim, The Secret Agent, Nostromo, Under Western Eyes Ford, Ford Madox. The Good Soldier Forster, E. M. Howards End, A Passage to India (plus the essays “What I Believe” and “The Challenge of Our Times” in Two Cheers for Democracy) Galsworthy, John. The Man of Property Greene, Graham. One of: Brighton Rock, The Power and the Glory, The Heart of the Matter Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World Joyce, James. Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses Kipling, Rudyard. Kim Lawrence, D. H. Two of: Sons and Lovers, Women in Love, The Rainbow, The Plumed Serpent Lewis, Wyndham. Tarr, manifestos in BLAST 1 Mansfield, Katherine. “Prelude,” “At the Bay,” “The Garden Party,” “The Daughters of the Late Colonel” (in Collected Stories) Orwell, George. 1984 (or Aldous Huxley, Brave New World) Wells, H. G. One of the following: Ann Veronica, Tono-Bungay, The New Machiavelli West, Rebecca. The Return of the Soldier Waugh, Evelyn. One of: Vile Bodies, A Handful of Dust, Brideshead Revisited Woolf, Virginia. Two of: The Voyage Out, Jacob’s Room, Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, Orlando, Between the Acts (plus the essays “Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown” and “Modern Fiction” in Collected Essays)...
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...The Natural Sports Management 11/2/11 Movie Analysis “The Natural” is one of the most inspiring sports movies that I have ever seen. Matter of a fact it is one of the most inspiring movies that I have ever seen altogether. It is about a baseball player named Roy Hobbs, whose main goal in the movie is to become the best baseball player to ever play the game. It starts out with Roy throwing with his dad at their farm when Roy was a young kid. Then it jumps to a scene where it shows Roy’s dad dying of a heart attack under the tree that is in their front yard. Then it has Roy standing in front of his window one night just looking at the tree when a streak of lightening came down and struck the tree splitting it into two pieces. Now Roy took part of the tree and made a bat out of it and called it Wonderboy. Then it jumps to where Roy is at the age of just getting out of high school and it shows him talking to his girlfriend at the time, whose name was Iris. He was telling her that he had talked to a team out of Chicago and that he had a tryout with the team. As the movie goes a long, it shows him getting on a train with his agent, or the guy that found him and got his tryout, but also on the train it has a guy named Whammer on the train that is supposed to be the best baseball player that was ever going to play the game of baseball. So they stop at a carnival to enjoy their time and during this time Roy’s man that found him and another guy that was with the Whammer on the train...
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...Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail cases@ivey.uwo.ca. Copyright © 2009, Ivey Management Services Version: 2009-01-29 INTRODUCTION Along with advancements in science and technology, the practice of law has made advancements in the types of evidence considered to be relevant. Since the 1970s, statistical analysis has become an important part of courtroom discussions.1 Often, statistical evidence alone can provide sufficient grounds for the sentencing of a suspect. An understanding of statistical science is thus crucial for an analysis of many courtroom decisions. In this note, the use of data in court, data collection biases, requirements for evidence, and fallacious arguments will be discussed. There will also be a brief discussion of some past court cases in which statistics played an important role. ANALYZING DATA Statisticians may be called to analyze data in a number of ways and to present such findings in the courtroom. To begin data analysis, it is important to have an understanding of conditional probability and statistical independence. This allows for the use of Bayes’ Theorem...
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...Assignment On Case Study Analysis (Hitting the Wall: Nike and International Labor Practices ) Business Ethics (MBA-513) Section: 02 Case Summary Nike is global footwear for athletes and non-athletes. It is still a highly successful athletic shoemaker today. Based in Beaverton, Oregon, Nike had been a corporate success story for more than three decades. It was a sneaker company, but one armed with an inimitable attitude, phenomenal growth, and the apparent ability to dictate fashion trends to some of the world’s most influential consumers. Selling a combination of basic footwear and street-smart athleticism, Nike pushed its revenues from a 1972 level of $62,000 to a startling $49 million in just ten years. Many researchers believe that Nike went in decline due to two reasons: Michael Jordan’s final retirement and the slowing economy. Another aspect of Nike that has brought a negative image upon them is the negative accusations of exploiting foreign child labor with lower wage. Poor labor conditions and low wages have been an issue for many years, and are still present in 2011.In the 1980s and 1990s, Nike had been plagued by a series of labor incidents and public relations nightmares: underage workers in Indonesian plants, allegations of coerced overtime in China, dangerous working conditions in Vietnam. For a while, the stories had been largely confined to labor circles and activist publications, until a young female worker had died in a...
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...Writing to Convince Argumentative and Persuasive Essays Sometimes we write to defend an opinion, to argue against somebody’s point of view, or to convince readers why and how we think a certain problem should be settled. The argument we develop should be a logical, properly thought-out presentation of ideas that makes a claim about an issue and supports that claim with evidence. Within this general frame, our argument consists of four basic components: (1) an issue, (2) a claim, (3) support, and (4) a recognition and refutation of the opposing view. A. The Issue. An argument is concerned with an issue – a case (like war, smoking, cloning, etc.) on which people hold opposite or different opinions. To build a convincing argument about an issue, it is essential that we be aware of the audience we are addressing: • Agreeing audience: When you write to people who already agree with your claim, the focus is usually to urge them to take a specific action and build emotional ties with them. • Neutral audience: In writing to a neutral audience, try to emphasize the importance of the issue and offer explanations that clear up your readers’ questions or misunderstandings about, or lack of interest in it. • Disagreeing audience: The most challenging audience combines people whose viewpoints contrast with yours; they may be hostile to your claim and have strong feelings about the issue. In writing to a disagreeing audience, your goal is to convince readers to consider...
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...Morgan Gadley 16 September 2014 English 1102 Zhang Marijuana, The Game Changer In Medicine and Society Is marijuana as corrupt as society makes it out to be? Growing up, everyone is told that, “Drugs are bad for you,” time and time again. Now as a kid you don’t really appreciate the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure heedlessly. I remember being told this my entire life and even to this very day. But as I got older I realized that people would still use the drugs even though it’s unlawful. I could never comprehend why someone would go against the law and endanger their life just to use drugs? But as I got older I began to realize that these people truly didn’t do any harm to the public or to themselves by smoking marijuana. Many doctors and health specialist are advocates for consumers to smoke marijuana just because of its health benefits. Marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug in America other than alcohol and tobacco, but marijuana is the only one that can benefit you the most out of the three. Alcohol and tobacco are drugs that many people have died from and harms the body as time goes by. Other medication that doctors prescribe to their patients is painkillers, and they can really kill you. According to McKnight et al. (2014), “There were 14,800 deaths from opiate overdose in 2008, according to the Center for Disease Control, and none from marijuana” (p. 4). Pain is the anxiety of disease, the symptom that reveals that...
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...I'm so happy that finally I got a copy of Mitch Albom's book, Tuesdays with Morrie. I have been wanting to have it. This is the best book I've ever read. I've shed a lot of tears, laughed out loud and pondered about the reality and wisdom shared by an intelligent, compassionate, loving and very kind old man. I love you Morrie Schwartz. Forever I will cherish your words. The movie as well as the book inspired me a lot. This was the 3rd time i read an inspirational book. Just like other people i had no interests reading books before but as i read the 3 books namely living, loving, learning; the secret and this tuesdays with morrie it change the way i live my life. The three books have their similarities but this one focus more about dying. It indeed reminded us to spend our lives meaningful and worthwhile. the greatest book i read. lots of...
Words: 19539 - Pages: 79
...thinking............................. 24 a.3. moral confusion........................... 25 b. Stoll, Lumpkin, Beller, and Hahm.............. 27 It has been recognized for centuries that sport can contribute to education values that make for the development of character and right social relations . . . . [Within this contribution] there are many intertwined and interwoven threads of influences, subtle and not always easy to analyze. But sportsmen who year by year have contact with the playing of amateur games do not need to be convinced by argument of the validity of . . . [sport’s contribution]. Kennedy, 19311 Sport studies scholars . . . [present sports as a] major source of . . . [social] problems . . . . [But most] athletes, coaches, parents, youth sports...
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