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Conscientization In Society Essay

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Blackburn (2000) discusses the concepts of Freirean thought with its objective to liberate oppression through human evolution. Where, unlike animals, humans are consciously aware, creating the ability for humans to think outside the box and evolve. Blackburn believes that according to Freire by being more aware, you have the tools to make decisions and take action (4-5). In this instance it is important to understand Freire’s definition of oppression. Blackburn (2000) observes that Freire’s definition of is aligned with Marx as it relates to humans in the class system confined by structure and the Marxist philosophy of the Bourgeois. The difference between Marx and Freire is that Marx foresees a society where people are free from the class system, where Freire’s theory is based on a continual cycle of evolution where people learn from real life …show more content…
To summarise, conscientization is the process of creating a deeper understanding of the world, Freire believes that through this process people become more aware of suppressive forces around them, and it is human nature to question and take action to create change. “The process by which oppressed humans strive towards greater humanization” (6). Secondly, the term ‘banking education’ is used to describe formal education in the sense that the system of education is the same as he banking system. Blackburn quotes Freire as writing “the teacher…”makes deposits” which the students patiently receive, memorise, and repeat” (6). Blackburn claims that Freire’s method is not of the ‘deposit’ of curriculum but the process of learning through authentic dialogue and interaction. The banking education system is oppressive because it is rigid and stagnant, impeding original thought. The key to breaking out of the banking system is creating dialogue through

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