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Conspiracy Theory In Jfk's Killing Kennedy

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Pages 9
In our book, Killing Kennedy, the author starts off by giving us a little insight on the book. He also explains how most Americans born before 1953 remember exactly where they were at when they were told the news that JFK had been assassinated. The author also explains how JFK's assassination was kind of personal for him because his family had ties to the young president Kennedy and his family. Near the end of his opener the author gives a list, the list contains the similarities and suspicious ties between Kennedy's assassination and Lincoln's assassination and by doing that it, in my opinion, opens the door to talk about the whole conspiracy theory involving JFK.
Prior to his presidential service he was a Lieutenant in the US Navy. On 66 August night in 1943, PT109 was on patrol in the South Pacific. Kennedy was on watch for any Japanese boats. Suddenly they are struck by the Amagiri. They are adrift for 5 hours before they reach an island. After days of trying to be rescued and failing, he meets some islanders who say that they want to help him. He carves a message into a coconut for the men to deliver. Soon Kennedy and his men are rescued by the US Navy and the legend of PT109 begins. Later in his presidency the coconut takes a prominent place upon his desk.
John …show more content…
John F. Kennedy is wanting a fund raising trip to Texas but Lyndon B. Johnson knows he will not be received very well in Texas as he has lost most of his clout in his home state. Johnson knows once Kennedy see his lack of help in Texas this will further erode any chance he has of being on the next campaign. Also Texas governor John Connally is not going to be much help as he is not a fan of the Kennedys. He knows that any appearance in public with the President will hurt him with Texas voters. Kennedy however needs Texas and the money it can bring to his campaign. He is determined for this trip to

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