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Submitted By kerdemli
Words 1408
Pages 6
Kubra Nur Erdemli,
SEMA KESKEKCI 21000321, ENG 102-116


Working Title: consumerısm and the mıllenıum generatıon
Topic: how does consumerısm affect the mıllennıum generatıon?

Definition/Explanation: consumerısm : the state of an advanced industrial society in which a lot of goods are bought and sold

disapproving when too much attention is given to buying and owning things
(taken from
Millenium generation : The millennials have different characteristics than any generation before them and in order to serve them better, K-12 education and colleges and universities are having to change the way they do business. The millennials have grown up in a society that is very different than any group before them. They have been plugged into technology since they were babies, are a safe generation, are the first generation for which Hispanics/Latinos will be the largest minority group instead of African Americans and have the most educated mothers of any generation before them. They are the most scheduled generation ever, are true multi-taskers, expect to have 6-8 careers in their lifetime and are attracted to diverse environments. Taken from

Disagreement about this issue:

Thesis: although some people may disagree, consumerism has affected the millenium generation negatively by damaging their physical health,damaging their psychology and damaging their relationships.
1. Argument supportıng your opinion: consumerısm affects youth negatıvely ın terms of psychologıcal dısorders such as becomıng anorexıa nervosa and bulımıa nervosa Example/Support: Deutsch, Nancy L. And Theodorou,Eleni.Aspiring,Consuming,Becoming:Youth Identity in a culture of consumption.Youth Society, 11 Nov. 2009
By page 231
“ The omnipresent physical displays of identity through clothing, hairstyles, and accessories are assurances of recognition of not only one’s individual identity but also one’s place in the larger peer group. Preppy, Goth or Geek each group is marked by specific consumer choices that identify their members not only as individuals but also as members of these social network”

By Hill, Jennifer Ann. "Endangered Childhoods: How Consumerism Is Impacting Child and Youth Identity." Media, Culture & Society. Web

Pg 350 In North America by 2004, almost 20 percent of youth are overweight or obese; since 1980, obesity rates for children have nearly tripled and those for teens have tripled (see Figure 1). By the time children are in the 8th grade, 3 percent of them are smokers and that number quadruples by the 12th grade (Wallman, 2008). As well, children are drinking alcohol and taking illegal drugs at significant rates; 10 percent of 12th graders drink alcohol and 7 percent report that they have used illegal drugs (Schor, 2004). Rates of emotional and behavior problems among children from ages 4 to 15 soared between 1979 and 1996 (Kelleher et al., 2000). Also, childhood and adolescent depression is prevalent, frequently recurrent and highly impairing; depressive disorders occur in approximately 2 percent of primary school-aged children and between 4 and 8 percent of adolescents (Olfson et al., 2003) By Miles, Steven. Consumerism Is a Way of Life. London: Sage Publications, 1998. Print.

Pg 102 Fashion statement appear to mark a moment but the fashioned body is never be secure and fixed. The body is constantly re clothed and re fashioned in accordance with changing arrangements of self’. The point here is that it is actively in the interest of consumer capitalism to ensure that such arrangements are never fixed. Fashion may shape social conduct but it is consumerism that shapes fashion and the ideology of consumerism that permeates everyday life. Consequences: consumerist culture abuses youth by usıng brand loyalty. Rebettual: Eventhough this argument is true however consumeristic culture and socities tend to eat fast food then this situation leads to two opposite pole around the world such as overweight and zero size Anorexia nervosa; is a serious eating dısorder that ıdentıfıed by refusal to eat, an ıntense desıre to be thın , repeated dıetıng attempts and excessıve weıght lose. (taken from; ) Bulımıa nervosa; ıs an eatıng dısorder characterızed by frequent epısodes of bınge eatıng, followed by frantıc efforts to avoıd gaınıng weıgth when you are strugglıng wıth bulımıa, lıfe ıs a constant battle between the desıre to lose weıght or stay thın and the overwhelmıng compulsıon to bınge eat (taken from )

2. Argument supporting your opinion (consumıng youth subconscıous) socıal webpages lıke facebook or twıtter and advertisements manipulate youth subconscıous to ımpulse buyıng. Example/Support: Calvert,Sandra L. Chıldren as Consumers:Advertısıng and Marketıng.The Future of Children; Spring, 2008, Vol. 18 Issue 1, Children and Electronic Media, p205-234, 30p.

By page 230
“Consumer culture and its dual activities of consumption and advertising become tools for individual identity building as well as social identification;we place ourselves within social groups, our social identities, through consumption and response to marketing(Belk, 1998 ;Elliot & Wattanasuvan, 1998; O’ Donohoe, 1994).”

By Hill, Jennifer Ann “Endahgered childhoods; how consumerism is impacting child and youth identity?”
Pg 348
Consumption plays a major role in day to day living and leisure through the endless availability of technology in the form of television, computers, digital accessories and a wide array of goods. Children especially in the past two decades, have experienced a barrage of media encouraging purchasing behavior and consumption in the same way that adults have. In particular, children from the ages of 4 to 12 are increasingly defined and viewed by their spending capacity.

By Calvert Sandra ‘chıldren as consumer;advertısıng and marketıng’
Pg 209
Successful marketing campaigns often use branded characters that is media characters that are associated with a company and hence promote its brand name that appeal to children and youth. Right to use popular television cartoon characters like Nickelodeon’s Sponge Bob square pants, who are licensed for a fee to various companies help sell products ranging from cereal to vacation , while animated characters such as tony the tiger are spokes men for a specific product.
Pg 214
One key area in research on the effect of advertising on children has been analysis of age based changes in children’s ability to understand commercial messages particularly their intent. Before they reach the age of 8. Children believe that the purpose of commercials is to help them in their purchasing decisions; they are unaware that commercials are designed to persuade them to buy specific products. The shifts that take place in children’s understanding of commercial intent are best explained using theories of cognitive development.

Consequences: youth poeple are unaware of the ads persuade them to impulse shoppıng

3. Argument supportıng your opinion (consumıng youth self image) brand loyalty damages their relationship among socıal cırcle. Example/Support: the article of Nancy Deutsch
By page 232
“ the discourse of money possession among youth in her study is tied to notions of power through purchase capacity. She points out that money ultimately equals freedom as ‘people who have money have the power to purchase goods, influence, status, freedom and even more power(p299). In many youth cultures, then the accumulation of goods and wealth is a means for obtaining respect; making and controlling money represents independence and power”

By Hill, Jennifer Ann “endangered childhood”
Pg 355
Materialism, epitomized by the unrealistic beliefs of money and material goods, can be labeled as the ‘risk’ factor in contemporary society because it makes individuals vulnerable to excessive, dysfunctional consumer behavior such as compulsive buying. As to how all of this applies to children, the detrimental motive of pursuing a better identity through material goods is already evident in childhood within consumer cultures. Despite all of the evidence on the importance of meaningful relationships in achieving happiness, children are led to believe cool supersedes pro-social behaviors.

Consequences: being more materialisic and then not having fun while doing leisure activities instead of doing shopping

Paraphrased thesis: consumerısm manıpulates youth to spend theır money and abuse theır ıdentıtıes for ıtself because capıtalısm creates consumerısm and consumerısm creates materialistic generation lıke millennium generation
Summary of main arguments: as a ınevıtable consequences of consumerism has huge impact on developing youth ıdentıtıes and consumerism doesnt care apart from ıtself. That’s why it uses some methods like advrtising and media to ınduce youth to see and buy
Author's opinion/suggestions to improve this situation: Although it is maintained that advertisement and brand loyalty are main of the most significant weapons of consumerism, they shouldn’t use the dreams of youth generation to gain money.
Concluding remark:

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