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Contemporary Blues History

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Contemporary Rhythm & Blues. In the late 1980s, after the end of the disco era contemporary rhythm and blues was born as a fusion of soul, the original rhythm and blues, hip-hop and some elements of jazz. Since the 1920s rhythm and blues has been in the radio waves performed by the Sepia performers but the term was not yet being used during that time. In 1949, Jerry Wexler, a billboard editor, came up with the term “rhythm and blues” and officially that was when the famous Charles Brown topped the newly formed chart category (Rohnisch, 2012, p 3). Music was employed as a form of communication and expression in the black community since the early years of slavery. The music still is seen as a form of communication and in the contemporary or the current rhythm and blues scene since most of the singers are the African-Americans and so is three-quarter of their audience. The slaves sang with deep emotions, rhythm and power which have passed down throughout the years till now. The style of music although modified has been passed down for …show more content…
The flattened note usually in the music is the character that became popular and the producers in the previous years used it as a template when they made songs (Weheliye, 2002, p, 32). The first artists in the contemporary rhythm and blues category used old recordings and made tracks where the artist sung over the beats. This still hooked the African community since it still maintained its originality. The late 1990s saw a revolution where black producers came up with new styles other than the old recordings and made new songs. These songs still maintained and or stressed on the rhythmic style with a blend of hip-hop and soul. This remained relevant to the African-American communities and captured a wider audience other than the African-Americans (Weheliye, 2002, p,

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