...that best answers the question. ____ 1. At the beginning of the story, what seems to be the most important thing in Tom Benecke's life? a. | opening the window that always sticks | b. | going to the movies with his wife | c. | getting paid at the end of the week | d. | getting a promotion at work | ____ 2. Which of the following events happened first in “Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket”? a. | Tom thought about what the police would find in his pockets. | b. | Tom dropped coins from his pockets to the street below. | c. | Tom watched his wife get ready to go out alone. | d. | Tom smashed his fist through the window. | ____ 3. Which of the following events causes Tom to go out on the ledge? a. | Tom does research on store displays. | b. | Clare goes to the movies alone. | c. | Tom's paper flies out the window. | d. | Tom puts on his coat. | ____ 4. Which event in “Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket” causes Tom to panic? a. | His wife goes to the movies. | b. | He sees the street below him. | c. | He thinks about the contents of his pockets. | d. | He sees a man reading a newspaper across the street. | ____ 5. Which of the following is a moment of high suspense in the story? a. | Clare leaves. | b. | Tom looks down and panics. | c. | Tom stares through the window into his living room. | d. | Tom sees the yellow paper fly out the window a second time. | ____ 6. Why doesn't Tom simply wait for...
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...Potentially Paralyzing Paper “The Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” is the story of Tom Benecke and is full of irony and suspense. This story incorporates examples of irony that add dimension to the story and situational irony and dramatic irony that plays into the feeling and mood. In the story of “The Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket”, there are many examples of irony. One example of situational irony is when Tom lies to his wife about working in order to do his own project. This is ironic because Tom loses his essential paper for his project and never gets to finish it. This is also ironic because if Tom did not lie to his wife, he would not have become restless or started sweating. Thus, Tom would not have opened the window to let...
Words: 696 - Pages: 3
...nothing edible for miles and the water will practically kill you. It is called the dead sea for a reason. Bordered by Israel, there is nothing but deserts surrounding it. Dead Sea is at 31.5510 degrees north and 35.4732 degrees east. This extreme environment affects the plants and animals, water quality, and the landscaping around the dead sea. Plants and animals cannot live in the dead sea or around the dead sea because The Dead Sea is so salty because when the Water in the Dead Sea evaporator at leaves behind all that dissolved minerals. When the dissolved minerals absorb into the fresh rainwater or into the water that is already there it gets saltier so every day it is getting saltier. You can swim in the sea, but do not get any in your mouth because it is saltier than the ocean. Yuck! "dead because its high salinity prevents macroscopic aquatic organisms, such as fish and...
Words: 758 - Pages: 4
...that frightened you “Class is over, please submit your homework to me as you leave.” ordered Mrs. Tetteh with a stern look like that of a prison warden. Her ram-rod demeanour was enough to scare the living daylights out of anyone but me. At that moment, I surreptitiously made my way towards the door .Suddenly I was drawn back, I turned my head and much to my dismay it was her. “I haven’t received your homework, so where are you going to?” she asked earnestly. I snapped back, “To get my bag, it has my homework.” “Well, if you haven’t noticed your bag is under your table so please hurry up and submit your homework, I haven’t got all day!” she gruffly replied. I shuffled to my chair thinking of an excuse to give to her, I then emptied the contents of my bag on to my desk. “Oh! Mrs. Tetteh I forgot my homework at home.” “Well it is sad to say that you will be detained today and you will do the homework you forgot” she sardonically replied. She then continued but in a much lower tone, “I would have given you a good beating to knock some sense into you and perhaps the rest of your rotten classmates; however the government has made capital punishment illegal”. She sighed “Ahh, back in my day, beating was the order of the day, any mistake you get one, but this modern generation and all their child rights nonsense, after all spare the rod spoil the child.” I vehemently protested, “I swear I did it!” “You will be detained from 2:30-3:30.” I sat down and watched everyone leave the class...
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...Probable Cause Article Summary Officer Ryan Humphrey was an officer for the West Valley City (Utah), police department. In June of 2013 Ryan Humphrey and Officer Halulic were both dispatched to a house that a cancer patient had died. The death of the cancer individual came to believe to be due to “natural causes”. At the scene of the decease house, both Officers (Ryan Humphrey and Halulic) counted the deceased person’s medication, to see if the death was due to overdose. Some of the medication included morphine tablets (SLTRIB,2014). In plain view, Officer Halulic saw Officer Ryan Humphrey took the pills and placed some morphine tablet in his pocket whie being very sneaky. Officer Halulic saw this crime happening and went straight to notify his supervisor (which who was also at the scene). After having a brief discussion with his supervisor the supervisor went to Ryan Humphrey and had a decision with him. Shortly during...
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...Impact of Black Death HIS 103 World Civilizations Donnie Burnette April 4th 2011 The Impact of Black Death Black Death was known by several names such as Black Death, the Bubonic Plague and the Black plague. Regardless of what you call it, it was one of the world’s worst pandemic in history. This plague tore through Europe destroying villages and communities. The immediate impact was fear, chaos, and complete devastation, the long term effect proved to improve economics and societies. Black Death spread through Europe beginning in 1346 and ending in 1353. Seven years of “unexplained” deaths, the plague chose no race, color, age or gender it attacked and killed 50 million people or 60% of the population (Benedictou 2005). Symptoms of the plague began with swollen glands in the neck, armpits, and groin areas. Internal bleeding gave the skin a blackened coloring earning the name “Black Death”. Other symptoms range from red blotching of the skin “rosies” Once bitten these would appear within a couple days and the victim would die within a week. Even a more powerful strain of this plague was the pneumonic plague; this version went directly to the lungs and respiratory systems. Now not only was this spread...
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...Sayees Yogendran Professor Frank Runcie Postcolonial Literature: Africa 09 March 2015 In Chinua Achebe’s Death Men’s Path, the main focus was to share a narrative, which emphasize the conflict between world-views and value systems. This story is about Michael Obi, a modern and ambitious young man who is appointed headmaster of the un-progressive Ndume Central School. Obi hopes to clean up the educational mission field and speed up its Christianizing mission. Chinua Achebe’s The Education of a British-Protected Child and Colonialist Criticism leads the readers to thoroughly understand Dead Men's Path. In Colonist Criticism, the author criticizes the enduring colonialism in the criticism of African literature by non-Africans. The writer states, "If the text is judged from European perspective a text doesn't get right evaluation and the essence of the text is killed" which shows Achebe’s disagreement on the European colonial injustice, a habit of ruling and discriminating other and comparing African people their literature, art and culture. He argues that African literature should not be judged with the official literature since it has its own particularity. The mask of European civilization does not know the history of African people. So Achebe's claim is that colonized people should write their own history disregarding what has been already universalized. According to Achebe, there are two problems with Universalism; first every literature must speak of their own place...
Words: 571 - Pages: 3
...tips make sure your palms are dry! use your right hand be firm & Confident smile & make eye contact beware a limp „dead fish” handshake suggests a weak character an iron grip imply arrogance 2. posture convey confidence with excellent posture be sure not to slouch or lounge avoid crossing your arms don’t put your hands in your pockets leave arms open at your sides 3. eye contact good eye contact conveys confidence & Sincerity 2/3 of the time, look anywhere in the eye-nose triangle 1/3 of the time, you can look away Good eye contact lets others know that you are interested in the conversation 4. gestures use open and expressive physical gestures to involve the interviewers in what you are saying avoid pointing or banging fists on the table to emphasise a point 5. enthusiasm Companies are looking for candidates who are excited about working at their organization, so show them how you feel Positive body language shows you are professional, engaging and an all-around enthusiastic person to be around Body language is an aspect of interviewing that’s easy to forget, but is important to remember. Using the right body language can help you seem more confident and give weight to your answers during the interview. FOLLOW US FOR MORE CONTENT www.craft-cv.com SOURCES: ................................................ free exclusive vectors frOm www.freepik.com...
Words: 319 - Pages: 2
...Section 2 The Outdoor User Content for Section 2 A. Objectives B. Avoiding Survival Situations C. Planning for the Outdoors - Control Plans 1. Climate Control 2. Time Control 3. Energy Control D. Trail Techniques and Conserving Energy in the Outdoors E. Physiological Needs of Humans – The Basic Information F. Principles of Clothing Design G. Clothing Materials H. Coatings and Films I. Insulation J. Summation and Final Reflection K. Resources Objectives 1. Participants should understand the importance of adequate and safe planning in conducting any outdoor recreation or learning experience, and that capability of having “good judgement” is a cornerstone to planning. 2. Gain an understanding and need for developing appropriate plans prior to conducting outdoor adventures. Have the ability to create a plan for an adventure. 3. As a outdoor user we can do things to minimize energy loss and therefore allow our experience to be safer. 4. Participants will have a better understanding of dressing and selecting clothing systems for the outdoors. A. Avoiding Survival Situations and Conserving Energy 1. Stay out of potential survival situations • measures of "preventative medicine"; prevent loss of energy or being placed in situations which drain energy from the body; • understand basic skills or as Petzoldt refers to the "must knows" -- fire building, cooking, planning...
Words: 3066 - Pages: 13
...In many works of literature, a character is changed due to certain events and realizations in their life. A dynamic character is one who, in literature or drama, undergoes a permanent change in the course of the plot. Tom Benecke a character in Jack Finney’s “Contents of a Dead Man’s Pockets”, is an example of a dynamic character. His personality in the beginning of the story differs his personality in the end; in fact it’s the complete opposite. Tom Benecke realizes that work isn’t everything in life, and that happiness is the root to success. Tom Bececke, a work-a-holic, chooses to stay home and finish his project for work rather than going out with his wife to watch a movie that both Tom and his wife want to watch. “I got to get this done” says Tom to his wife. “You work too much, though, Tom-and too hard” says Clare, to Tom who’s paying no attention. Tom is determined to get his project done fast so his boss can look over it over the weekend, and hopefully get a “promotion” very soon. “You won’t mind though, will you, when the money comes rolling in and I’m known as the boy wizard of wholesale”. This shows his greediness for money and how he wants to be popular at work. He abandons his wife for work even though Tom really wants to go. “It was not actually true that he had to work tonight though he really wanted to”. After Clare left to the movies, Tom, thinking that he’s going to get his project done tonight, looks over to the window to find out that his valuable project...
Words: 620 - Pages: 3
...In this text the author includes data to support the fact about how the child parents work and how it may affect the values of the family. Most children said that they wished that their parents would get more money for how much they work. Also that it is not easy to juggle work on top of being with family. To support this claim they say people who work more tend to feel more stressed and parents tend to look for child care rather leave their children alone. Which is better than mom staying home. In “Contents of a Dead Man’s Pocket” Tom decides to stay home and work rather than taking a break from hi work. In the beginning he is speaking to his wife as he is hard at work hoping to make his big break in work. Then his wife asks if he wanted to take a break but he gladly...
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...photosynthesis. A third adaptation is reproductive – the gametangium. The gametangium is a structure where plants produce their gametes. It has a jacket of protective cells surrounding a moist chamber where the gametes can develop without dehydrating. Animals are multicellular eukaryotes that obtain nutrients by eating. They have the ability to respond to changes in their environment, allowing them to survive and thrive. One type of response is physiological. Acclimation is a gradual, but reversible, adjustment occurring in response to an environmental change. It is generally related to conditions a species naturally experiences. For example, on a cold day, a bird has small muscles in the skin which raise the bird’s feathers; this traps pockets of air for insulation. A second type is anatomical, a change in body shape or structure in response to an environmental challenge. A reversible example is a bird growing a heavier set of feathers for seasonal cold. A third response type is behavioral, the responding to an unfavorable change in the environment by moving to a new location. The migration of birds is one example. The expansion of a population in a particular area is known as population growth. The amount of population growth can be used to determine that population’s carrying capacity, the maximum population size an environment can sustain. Population growth is regulated in nature in several ways. Intraspecies competition is a density-dependent restriction factor. Individuals...
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...a professor at the University of South Carolina in the United States. Dawes in currently the Glenna Luschei Editor of Prairie Schooner and Chancellor’s Professor of English at the University of Nebraska. His contributions and talents in poetry have been recognized by the public. His famous poems include Impossible Flying, Rituals Before the Poem and so on. In 1994,He won the Forward Poetry Prize, Best First Collection for Progeny of Air. Besides, Kwame Dawes also acts as an actor, editor, critic, musician, playwright and even a social activist. In 2009, Dawes won an Emmy Award in the category of New Approaches to News & Documentary Programming: Arts, Lifestyle & Culture. I. Chosen Language with Precision As different content of poems calls for different words and expressions, the skill of choosing the right words to express one’s feeling is important and necessary for poets. “Poets choose a particular word because it suggests what they want to suggest. Its appropriateness is a function of both its denotation and its connotation.” (Robert, 26) Kwame Dawes does a good job in choosing words to achieve powerful influence. As he says in his blog that “It is true that language alone...But language can be deciphered, unfolded, to reveal something close to meaning. It is the language that keeps me going, but mostly, it is the “true” of the emotion-that is clear,even when other things are not.” From his words, we can find that Dawes values the true emotion and the...
Words: 1673 - Pages: 7
...Showdown “On the afternoon of October 12, 2012, Jeff Brooks entered the Three Rivers, Connecticut Public Library, retreated to one of the rear study carrels, and prayed to God that his sins will be forgiven” (Lamb). Once inside of the carrel, Jeff set down his Under Armour backpack and proceeded to pull out its contents, setting them down on the desk. On the desk was a FN P90 personal defense weapon, a silencer and a Smith and Wesson Model 2214 pistol. He put a magazine in the P90 and twisted on the silencer. He then put two more magazines in his pockets and loaded the pistol. When all that was done, Jeff walked out of the study carrel and towards the main study area. He looked around and saw that there were roughly 40 people there, mostly college students from the nearby Three Rivers Community College. He pointed his P90 at the nearest person and opened fire. Before the first person hit the ground another 6 people were already dead. Jeff kept on...
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...Breaking Bad Was Realistic Allison Heyser Baker College Breaking Bad Was Realistic Perhaps some of what was written in Breaking Bad was over kill. A story of an average now middle class family, with a full time mother, and a father that works two jobs, goes haywire. Walter discovers that he can cook meth and make more money in a short time than he could in a full career as a chemistry teacher. Setting a dollar amount on his new career choice, telling himself he will quit when he reaches that amount. Yet every time he has a new reason to continue. All the while keeping his new life hidden from his family, essentially living a double life. It can be said that Breaking bad accurately portrayed today’s society in regards to families suffering from the economic decline, health care system, money laundering, greed and self-destruction from power. Success is sometimes measured in different ways and Mr. White’s story is an example of this fact. He started out as a successful scientist and business man with a promising future. He was persuaded to believe that the company he owned with is partner was failing and he decided to sell his portion to get out only to find that he would struggle to replace his former income. Working two jobs to support his family, neither of them what he imagined he would be doing with his master degree in Chemistry. He was over qualified by his standards to be a Chemistry teacher in a local high school by day and a...
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