Continuing Academic Success
To achieve anything meaningful in life requires knowing where you want to go and how you are going to get there. Achieving academic success is a difficult but rewarding process. It is achieved by setting goals, using the writing process, applying critical thinking skills, knowing your learning style and utilizing all your available resources. If we put our minds to it and work hard then we can succeed. Not only in academics will we succeed but in life as well.
Setting Goals
Academic success is achieved by setting goals. Goals give your life focus and a clear direction. Goals also give a new meaning to everything you do. Students that do not regularly set goals find themselves just drifting through their college education with no real plans for academic success. They base their decisions and actions on what ever comes their way instead of what they hope to accomplish in the future. Setting goals can lead to academic success by staying focused, having a clear direction, knowing where you need to go and how you are going to get there. I plan to take a quiet minute to think about more goals I want to set and to determine what my values and priorities are in education and in my career. I will write my goals down and say them out loud every day. An educational goal of mine is to complete my degree without any inturruptions. A career goal of mine is to apply what I have learned durring my educational journey along with the help from all the resources available to me, like the Career Guidence System under the Careers Tab to land my dream job in Education.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the application of good reasoning to solve problems. A large part of living a successful life and having a successful education is the ability to