... Classical School of Management Beth J. Beal Mary Baldwin College BUAD200L WA SP2014 Principles of Management A Summary of the Key Thought Leaders of the Classical School of Management Introduction According to Daft (2009) "Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources." The classical school of management often referred to as the "Classical School of Thought" was born in the early 1900s out of a need to run organizations efficiently, and it is so named because it comprises the first works and contributions that make up the core of modern management theory. Classical theorists viewed workers as a production instrument and were interested in finding ways to use people efficiently or in "one best way" through the application of science (Lindsey, 1998). It was also during this period of development that the five basic functions of management were identified: planning, organizing, command, coordination, and controlling (Wren, 1994). These five functions are often referred to as "the management process" (Wren, 1994). The classical viewpoint sought to find ways to manage work and run the organization in the most efficient manner, and is made up of the following three major approaches. The scientific management approach represented by the work of Frederick W. Taylor and supporting efforts of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth and Henry Gantt was the first of...
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...existence of business Organization’s with management. The way business is started till the very business ceases to exist, management tasks are performed throughout the process. It is not an easy task to direct a group of individual towards achieving a single goal desired by the organization. To drive the group into single goal motivation is required, and a managers role is to act as a leader and prepare and guide them toward succession of goal however managing an organization is a complicated task as managers has to choose a right way to reach the organizational goal in an effective and efficient manner. And there is no such specific or a single prescribed method that will lead to achievement of goal; managers must be able to determine which procedure works as the best way at certain situation, within a certain group or levels. Managers must therefore have a proper understanding of different management theories which will serve them as a guideline in decision making. Introduction The evidence of management system can be seen even at the start of 3000BC (Robbins and Barnwell 2007) where written rules and regulations for governance and various management practices were introduced till 1500AD. Number of different theories started evolving to control the organization and direct towards goal by creating extensive laws and policies which included scientific management and Bureaucracy theory. Scientific management theory was the first theory in management history to be looked on as a science...
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...better ways to perform the action • Re-organizing each job action to be more efficient Contribution of Henri Fayol: The administrative management was initiated by Henri Fayol, a French Engineer-cum-manager in Europe, mostly known as father of modern management. It is also called process school of management. Fayol stressed the general applicability of management principles. He pointed out that technical ability is more dominating the lower level of management. Managerial ability is more important in the higher level of management. He also stressed that the value of staff to assist line managers in complex organization. Fayol proposed that all operation in business organization can be classified under six headings— 1. Technical (Production) 2. Commercial (Purchasing and sales) 3. Financial (Funding and controlling capital) 4. Security (Protection of property and persons) 5. Accounting ( Stock taking and balance sheet, costing etc) 6. Administrative activities. • Classical management theory The classical management emerged during the early years of 19th century (1900-1930) land these ideas represent the first well developed framework of management. This classical management consists of tow distinct scientific management and administrative management. • Features of classical management. 1. It was closely associated with the industrial revolution and development of large...
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... THEORETICAL MANAGEMENT AND ITS MODERN DAY APPLICABILITY Question: Newton is quoted as saying in 1676; “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”. Discuss the ways how a modern day manager benefit from a study of the historical development of management thought. In doing this you need to specifically show how aspects of management theories from the past can be applied to contemporary management practice. The ability and means by which an organisation is run, requires for strong managerial expertise and leadership. The ability to realistically plan, organise resources effectively and efficiently, co-ordinate and control resources in this every changing, complex, dynamic environment is at the forefront of quality managerial practices. Good management has demonstrated itself more important than ever, with the peak Global Financial crisis in 2008/2009 proving that the historical theory’s and innovations in managerial practices are absolutely paramount to thriving economic prosperity. It is through the functions, approaches included in the literature of Henri Fayol’s 1949 English translated General and Industrial Management, Henry Mintzberg’s studies into managerial roles and German sociologist and economist Max Weber’s concept of bureaucracy that acknowledge and promote guidelines, expectations...
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...History of Management Thought An outline Classical Management Scientific Management Frederick Taylor Frank and Lillian Gilbreth Henry Gantt (Gantt chart) Henry Ford Bureaucratic/Administrative Management Max Weber Henri Fayol Transition to Behavioral Management Hugo Munsterberg Behavioral Management Human Relations Movement Chester Barnard (Acceptance Theory of Authority) Douglas McGregor Dale Carnegie Behavioral Science Mary Parker Follet Hawthorne Studies (Elton Mayo) Operations Management Information Management Systems Management Contingency Management What are the four functions of management? What two branches constitute Classical Management? How are they similar? How are they different? What are the basic ideas of Scientific Management? (Think Frederick Taylor’s principles.) What contributions did Frederick Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, and Henry Gantt make to the field? What is Bureaucratic/Administrative Management? Who are the major contributors to this school of thought and what are their contributions? Please be familiar with Fayol’s Universal Principles of Management. What is a bureaucracy and what are its main principles? What are the major contributions of Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follet, and Chester Barnard? What are the basic ideas of Behavioral Management? What is Theory X/Theory Y? What are the Hawthorne Studies and what conclusions did scholars draw from them? What is Operations Management? What...
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...journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0025-1747.htm GUEST EDITORIAL Guest editorial On the value of management history Absorbing the past to understand the present and inform the future David Lamond Sydney Graduate School of Management, University of Western Sydney, Parramatta, Australia Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider the value of management history as a contributor to the development of the theory and practice of management and, to the extent that it is necessary to absorb the past in order to understand the present and inform the future, consider what happens to the knowledge base when the surviving “contributions” to the knowledge base are partial and, indeed, erroneous. Design/methodology/approach – The articles that constitute this special issue form the launching-pad for this discussion, with the ideas presented here combined with previous research and commentaries on the issues raised. Research limitations/implications – In The Life of Reason, Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. Managers looking for the “next big thing”, without being able to incorporate it effectively into their experience, and the experience of those who are long gone, are condemned to repeat not just the past, but also the mistakes of the past. Accordingly, it is also critical for management scholars to both recognise and take advantage of earlier thinking and empirical work to inform their contemporary musings...
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...Historical Approaches to Management Management, as it is known today, exists in all organizations. With the continuous growth of size and complexity of these organizations, it has become necessary to follow a defined and professional approach to the practices of management. Samson & Daft (2012) defines management as “the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources”. The foundation to modern day management theory lies in the study of one of the oldest schools of management knows as classical management which emerged during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Its developers focused on efficiency and contained three subfields: scientific, bureaucratic and administrative management. Scientific Management was a theory created by Frederick Winslow Taylor, an American engineer. He believed that the limited success in organizations during the nineteenth century was was due to poor management practices rather than poor labour. Taylor believed that by increasing specialization and the division of labour, the production process would become more efficient. He introduced the development of a science for each unit of a task of a person’s work, replacing the old ‘rule-of-thumb’ methods previously used in industry. He achieved this by studying each task and then developing a standard method to perform that job. He would then select workers with specific skills and train...
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...understand each other a. Social perception b. Self perception c. Perceptual distortion d. perceptual selectivity e. Halo effect 3. Blake and Mouton’s contribution to leadership studies is a. Trait approach b. Path-goal model c. Managerial grid d. group approach e. individual approach 4. “Leaders and followers raise one another to higher level of morality and motivation” describes a. Situational leadership b. Transactional leadership c. Transformational leadership d. charismatic leadership e. referent leader 5. The potential ability to influence behaviour to change the course of events, to overcome resistance and to get people do things that they would not otherwise do is a. Power b. Control c. Motivation d. authority e. delegation 6. The power that comes by virtue of fact that the person holds a position is a. Reward power b. Referent power c. legitimate power d. legal power e. political power 7. -------------- refers to the use of deceit in relationship and manipulating others. a. Cheating b. Disenchantment c. Machiavellianism d. deliberation e. Huddling 8. Systematic process of planned change is known as a. Change management b. Organizational development c. Resistance to change d. change by demand e. organizational design 9. The process of systematically collecting data on relevant problems...
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...develop one all encompassing theory that would improve management’s effectiveness within an organization and methods for dealing with the challenges they faced (Hartman, n.d.). There are three primary “classical” theories: Scientific Management, Bureaucratic Management / Autocratic management, and Administrative Management. This paper will discuss the three primary management theories as well as discuss several other theories relating to some of the primaries, and some that were slight precursors to the classical movement such as Change Management and Autocratic Management (Sridhar, n.d.). Classical Perspective The oldest of the "formal" viewpoints of management emerged during the late nineteenth and came to be known as the classical perspective. The classical perspective roots in management occurred rapidly through expanding manufacturing organizations that typified U.S and European industrialization. Early contributions were made by management practitioners and theorist from several corners of the world (Eastern, n.d.). The classical perspective consists of three main subfields: 1. Scientific Management (by Frederick Taylor) 2. Bureaucracy Management (by Max Weber) 3. Administrative Management (by Henry Fayol) Scientific Management Theory In the 19th century machinery was changing the means of production, and managers needed to find more efficient ways of production. Traditional methods of production, where a worker did all the steps to manufacture a good, were...
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...CONTENTS THEORISTS PAGE 1. Henri Fayol 1 – 2 2. F. W. Taylor 3 3. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth 4 4. Henry L. Gantt 5 5. Lyndell Urwick 6 -7 6. Max Weber 8 7. Abraham Maslow 9 8. Frederick Herzberg 10 9. Kenneth Boulding 11 10. Douglas Mc Gregor 12 COMPARISON BETWEEN PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANISATIONS 13 ORGANISATIONAL CHART FOR PUBLIC ORGANISATION 14 ORGANISATIONAL CHART FOR PRIVATE ORGANISATION 15 11. Theorists and Theories in Management. Henri Fayol (1841-1925): was French and began working at the age of nineteen as a French engineer and director of mines. In 1888 he joined a company b the name of Comambault Director. This company was in difficulty and under the leadership of Fayol, he was able to help the company grow and prosper under his leadership. He worked at this one company for the entire work life and returned after his seventy-seventh birthday. Upon retirement Henri Fayol published his work , a comprehension theory of administration. He described and classified management roles and pre was processes. Others recognized his work and he was used as reference in discourse about management. Fayol’s five functions about management roles and actions are: 1. To forecast ad plan - prevoyance: this is to examine the future and draw up plans of actions. 2. To organize:...
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...M A N AG E M E N T D EV E LO P M E N T Part 1: Machiavelli, Fayol and Taylor The 20th century was remarkable for the rise of the professional manager – often basing his or her approach to management on a particular theory or favoured guru. MBA students all over the world have investigated these theories and written countless assignments discussing their value. As we progress through the 21st century, are these theories still relevant or have they had their day? This article is the first in a three-part series that looks at ten influential theorists and the influence they still have. The series does not attempt to create a ‘top ten’ or rank contributions in any way (they are presented in chronological order), but aims to provide food for thought and debate. Part 1 looks at Machiavelli, Fayol and Taylor – three famous theorists who have all passed into management mythology, but whose views are sometimes misunderstood. MANAGEMENT THEORISTS In a three-part series, Dilys Robinson looks at ten influential theorists and assesses their influence in business today Thinkers for the 21st century? NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI, 1469–1527 The end justifies the means achiavelli lived in Florence, where he worked for the Florentine state as a secretary, then a diplomat. His best known work, The Prince,1 is based on his observation of Cesare Borgia – a cunning, cruel and self-seeking man. Machiavelli did not regard Cesare Borgia as an ideal person, but thought that, under him, the Florentines...
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...develop one all encompassing theory that would improve management’s effectiveness within an organization and methods for dealing with the challenges they faced (Hartman, n.d.). There are three primary “classical” theories: Scientific Management, Bureaucratic Management / Autocratic management, and Administrative Management. This paper will discuss the three primary management theories as well as discuss several other theories relating to some of the primaries, and some that were slight precursors to the classical movement such as Change Management and Autocratic Management (Sridhar, n.d.). Classical Perspective The oldest of the "formal" viewpoints of management emerged during the late nineteenth and came to be known as the classical perspective. The classical perspective roots in management occurred rapidly through expanding manufacturing organizations that typified U.S and European industrialization. Early contributions were made by management practitioners and theorist from several corners of the world (Eastern, n.d.). The classical perspective consists of three main subfields: 1. Scientific Management (by Frederick Taylor) 2. Bureaucracy Management (by Max Weber) 3. Administrative Management (by Henry Fayol) Scientific Management Theory In the 19th century machinery was changing the means of production, and managers needed to find more efficient ways of production. Traditional methods of production, where a worker did all the steps to manufacture a good, were...
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...Management Ideas | | | | The purpose of this lecture is to demonstrate that knowledge of management past history can help you better understand current management theory and practice. Thus, in order to understand the theories and practices used today, it’s important for management students to look at the evolution of management thought and practices. The practice of management has always reflected historical times and societal conditions.1. INTRODUCTIONMany current management concepts and practices can be traced to early management theories. The practice of management has always reflected the times and social conditions, so many organizations are responding to technology breakthroughs and developing Web-based operations. These new business models reflect today’s reality: information can be shared and exchanged instantaneously anywhere on the planet. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate that knowledge of management history can help understand today’s management theory and practice.2. MANAGEMENT’S CONNECTION TO OTHER FIELDS OF STUDYManagement courses have a rich heritage from humanities and social science courses.A. Anthropology —the study of societies, which helps us learn about humans, their activities, and differences in fundamental values, attitudes, and behavior between people in different countries and within different organizations.B. Economics —concerned with the allocation, distribution of scare resources, and understanding the changing economy, as well...
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...1. Audit, bersama dengan kontrol internal dan evaluasi, terdiri dari proses dan mekanisme yang dirancang untuk memastikan bahwa perencanaan, penganggaran dan penggunaan sumber daya publik sudah sesuai dengan hukum suatu negara, sesuai dengan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh parlemen dan pemerintah dan berhubungan dengan prakteknya di dunia nyata. Tanpa mekanisme ini, ada resiko besar bahwa keputusan kebijakan akan didasarkan pada informasi yang cacat, sumber daya akan menjadi salah kelola, dan bahwa keputusan kebijakan akan diabaikan oleh organisasi operasi yang berkaitan Sehingga proses melakukan audit eksternal harus melibatkan sebanyak mungkin manajer dan karyawan. Keterlibatan di dalam proses manajemen strategis dapat mengarah ke pemahaman dan komitmen dari para anggota organisasi. Untuk melakukan audit eksternal sebuah perusahaan harus terlebih dahulu mengumpulkan / menyiapkan data intelijen kopetitif, dan informasi mengenai berbagai tren ekonomi, sosial, budaya, demografis, lingkungan, politik, pemerintahan, hukum dan teknologi. 2. 1. Memilih variabel kunci yang tepat. 2. Mencari informasi dan memilih informasi yang tepat. 3. Menggunakan alat peramalan dan teknik yang tepat sehingga dapat mengetahui perubahan yang terjadi di di masa depan. 4. Membuat EFE Matrix dari semua data yang telah di pilih dan di ramal. Kemudian lakukan Evaluasi dan jika ada yang salah dapat dilakukannya perbaikan. 3. Adanya peringatan dini tentang peluang dan ancaman, seperti diperlukannya...
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...Evolution of management thought and patterns of management analysis. Scientific management school •A theory is simply a blueprint or roadmap that guides towards achieving the goal. In other wards, it provides a systemic framework for actions. •Study of management only dates for the last century, although there has been concerns about effective management practice for over centuries Scientific management school The two earliest pioneers of management theory are: -Robert Own and -Charles Babbage Scientific management school Robert Own (1771 -1858) A British industrialist who valued the organization’s human resources. Scientific management school He advocated ideas such as, - better working condition - meals for employees - reduced working hours He claimed that people deserve more respect and dignity. Scientific management school *Charles Babbage (1792 -1871) An English Mathematician who encouraged the application of mathematics to solve efficiency problems Scientific management school His work put the basic lines of both classical and quantitative management theories. He was also the originator of modern management theory and practice The classical management theory Includes two approaches: Scientific management Classical management Scientific management Concerned with the management of work and workers. it grew from researches of five people: Scientific management *Fredrick W.Taylor(1856 -1915) He was interested in...
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