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Controversial Verses Love Marriage


Submitted By nikki1289
Words 1300
Pages 6
Does a long term relationship kill romantic love?
In contemporary western culture, romantic love is deemed an important part of marriage. Many individuals view romantic love as a basis to marry and its disappearance as grounds to terminate marriage. Increasingly, romantic love and marriage have come to be viewed as a source of self-fulfillment and expression.
Psychologists, therapists, and laypeople have puzzled over the possibility of romantic love in long-term marriages. Some have assumed that very high levels of romantic love in long-term relationships might be inefficient, being metabolically costly and perhaps even deterring the lovers from familial, work, and community obligations. Maintain the assumption that romantic love cannot last allows those w/good, but not stellar relationships to maintain the status quo and avoid being threatened by the possibility of high levels of love in long-term relationships. Romantic love is described as a loving experience characterized by the combination of passion and intimacy, but lacking commitment. Companionate love is a kind of love that derives from the combination of intimacy and commitment. This kind of love often occurs in marriages in which passionate attraction bw the partners has died down and has been replaced by a kind of committed friendship. Consummate love is the full/complete measure of love involving the combination of passion, intimacy, and commitment. Many of us strive to attain this type of complete love in our romantic relationships. Maintaining it is often harder than achieving it.
Companionate love requires trust, loyalty, sharing of feelings, mutual respect and appreciation, acceptance of imperfections, and willingness to sacrifice. Companionate love is based on genuine knowledge of the other person, not idealization.
Results 25 independent studies that met inclusion criteria, yielding a total

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