...Conversion therapy is an anachronistic form of psychotherapy. After numerous amounts of protesting from equal rights activists homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1974 (Hickey, P). Until this point in time homosexuality was deemed as a mental illness, and ameliorated with degrading and cruel treatments such as lobotomies, electroconvulsive therapy, nausea drugs, and castration (Scot, J.). Although it has been over 40 years since it was removed from the DSM, aversion therapy still remains. Even though conversion therapy supporters argue that it is legal, and protected by the first amendment, it should be banned because it has no scientific backing, and has negative psychological effects...
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...Conversion Therapy and It’s Effects Parents should learn to accept their child for who they are and for the person they are going to become, not by their sexual identity. Oklahoma has recently released a bill called HB1598. HB1598 is a bill that states that that mental health counselors may engage in “sexual orientation change efforts” with any patient—including those under 18 who are forced into the “therapy” by their parents. The bill also consciously refrains from outlawing the use of aversion therapy to change patients’ orientation, then helpfully outlines what such treatments might involve: Aversion therapy means any counseling by a mental health provider that exposes or asks a client or patient to undergo physical pain, such as electroshock or electroconvulsive therapy, touch therapy, pornography exposure or vomit-induction therapy, in order to change sexual behaviors or gender-identity expressions and/or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex. Often homosexual kids’ look for their parents’ approval and guidance. They want to be accepted by their parents. Some parents support their kids and others do not and go to the extremes of conversion therapy. Conversion therapy is a range of dangerous and discredited practices that falsely claim to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. Such practices have been rejected by every mainstream medical and mental health organization of decades...
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...ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY 2005 HOMOSEXUALITY Joanna Barnecka Kinga Karp Mie Lollike Psychology, Modul Autumn Semester 2005 Group Number 107 Supervisor: Bettina Hjortholt Characters: 106.189 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 2 ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. 2 MOTIVATION.............................................................................................................. 3 PROBLEM DEFINITION ............................................................................................... 4 CARDINAL QUESTION ................................................................................................ 4 SUB-QUESTIONS ......................................................................................................... 4 METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 5 INTRODUCTION TO THE TERM HOMOSEXUALITY .................................... 6 THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDS FOR UNDERSTANDING HOMOSEXUALITY................................................................................................... 9 HOMOSEXUALITY FROM A BEHAVIOURISTIC POINT OF VIEW ................................ 10 HOMOSEXUALITY FROM A BIOLOGICAL POINT OF VIEW ....................................... 16 HOMOSEXUALITY FROM A PSYCHODYNAMIC POINT OF VIEW....
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...------------------------------------------------- Sexual Orientation Development Sexual orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction that one feels toward men, toward women or toward both. Although sexual orientation ranges along a continuum, it is generally discussed in terms of heterosexual — attraction to the other sex — homosexual —attraction to the same sex — and bisexual —attraction to both sexes. Sexual orientation has not been conclusively found to be determined by any particular factor or factors, and the timing of the emergence, recognition and expression of one’s sexual orientation varies among individuals. Sexual orientation is not synonymous with sexual activity. Many adolescents as well as adults may identify themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual without having had any sexual experience with persons of the same sex. Other young people have had sexual experiences with a person of the same sex but do not consider themselves lesbian, gay or bisexual. This is particularly relevant during adolescence because experimentation and discovery are normal and common during this developmental period. Lesbian, gay and bisexual adolescents follow developmental pathways that are both similar to and different from those of heterosexual adolescents. All teenagers face certain developmental challenges, such as developing social skills, thinking about career choices and fitting into a peer group. Like most heterosexual youths, most lesbian, gay and bisexual...
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...* Terminology Unit 1 * Mental Health- A state of well-being in which each individual is able to recognize his or her own potential, cope with normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and make a contribution to the community. * Mental Illness- maladaptive responses to stressors from the internal or external environment, evidenced by thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are incongruent with the local and cultural norms, and interfere with the individuals social, occupational and or physical functioning. * Anticipatory grief-when a loss is anticipated, individuals often begin the work of grieving before the actual loss occurs. * Bereavement overload- this is particularly true for elderly individuals who may be experiencing numerous losses- such as spouse, friends, other relatives, independent functioning, home, personal possessions, and pets in a relatively short time as grief accumulates a type of bereavement overload occurs which for some individuals presents an impossible task of grief work. * Ego defense mechanisms-defense mechanisms employed by the ego in the face of threat to biological or psychological integrity identified by Anna Freud 1953. Some of these are more adaptive than others, but all are used either consciously or unconsciously as protective devices for the ego in an effort to relieve mild to moderate anxiety. * Projection: Attributing feelings or impulses unacceptable to one’s self to another person. * Undoing:...
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...10 December, 2013 The concept of medicalization emerged from the intellectual and social turmoil of the 1950s and 1960s as a critique of medicine as authoritarian and the expansion of its conceptual model to the analysis of social ills and attendant policy. “Medicalization” refers the process by which non-medical problems become defined and treated as medical problems, usually in terms of illness and disorders”. This review is based mainly on three objectives; (a) first is to explain the nature of medicalization- i.e. what medicalization actually is and why there is need of de-medicalization, (b) second is to explain the how the medicalization has negative effects on the health of people- i.e. ‘the medical establishment has become a major threat to health’ and providing a dossier of medicine’s adverse effects – the wrongs and harms it has done – through processes of clinical, social and cultural ‘iatrogenesis’ or doctor-induced conditions, and finally (c) third is to explain the impact of the dominance of professional medical power on the people’s lives especially including women. This paper is mostly based on the secondary sources such as books, articles, journals, papers, reports etc. Besides this some data has been collected from online sources. Key words: Medicalization, De-medicalization, Re-medicalization, Power, Caesarean section delivery. INTRODUCTION The concept of...
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...innovations and their early acceptance, e.g. the telephone. 1. Introduction Technology is now becoming available which is opening up the realistic possibility of thought communication between individuals being achieved in the forthcoming decade, through the use of brain-computer implants. Indeed the first trials along these lines are even now occurring in several research labs [Kennedy et. al., 2000; Warwick et. al., 2004]. New technical methods presently being looked into (e.g. nanotechnology) are only likely to further enhance the results obtained thus far and speed up the rate of progress in this area. Witnessing the dawning of a completely new and revolutionary technical capability for humans raises a multitude of questions in terms of the effects on all aspects of society. It is interesting to consider what we can learn by looking back to relevant new directions when they have occurred in the past. In this paper we make an attempt to indicate the chief areas of interest and have a stab at pointing to pertinent events that, we feel, relate to the situation as of now, and from which we may take heed. It is always extremely difficult, given any new technological discovery or invention, to realistically assess its potential future impact on and in society. Hindsight is a...
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...Study Guide Essentials of Psychology By Robert G. Turner Jr., Ph.D. About the Author Robert G. Turner Jr., Ph.D. has more than 20 years of teaching and education-related experience. He has taught seventh-grade science, worked as a curriculum developer for the Upward Bound Program, and taught sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and honors seminars at the university level. As a professional writer, he has written nonfiction books, journal and magazine articles, novels, and stage plays. Contents Contents INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS LESSON ASSIGNMENTS LESSON 1: PSYCHOLOGY: THE SCIENCE OF THE MIND LESSON 2: THE MIND AT WORK LESSON 3: MOTIVATION, EMOTION, DEVELOPMENT, AND PERSONALITY RESEARCH PROJECT LESSON 4: PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS LESSON 5: PSYCHOLOGY FOR TWO OR MORE CASE STUDIES SELF-CHECK ANSWERS 1 7 9 43 75 117 127 147 167 171 iii YOUR COURSE Instructions Instructions Welcome to your course, Essentials of Psychology. You’re entering a course of study designed to help you better understand yourself and others. For that reason, you can think of this course as practical. It should be of use to you in living your life and reaching the goals you set for yourself. You’ll use two main resources for your course work: this study guide and your textbook, Psychology and Your Life, by Robert S. Feldman. OBJECTIVES When you complete this course, you’ll be able to ■ Describe the science and methodologies of psychology in the context of its...
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...What is Love? A Conceptual Analysis of "Love", focusing on the Love Theories of Plato, St. Augustine and Freud Nico Nuyens GRIPh Working Papers No. 0901 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the GRIPh Working Paper Series website: http//www.rug.nl/filosofie/GRIPh/workingpapers What is love? A Conceptual Analysis of “Love”, focusing on the Love Theories of Plato, St. Augustine and Freud CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1 1. FORMAL ANALYSIS OF LOVE............................................................................... 3 2. SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF LOVE........................................................................... 6 3. HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF LOVE....................................................................... 9 3.1 ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHY: PLATO ..................................................................... 11 3.2 CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY: SAINT AUGUSTINE............................................................ 18 3.3 MODERN PHILOSOPHY: FREUD ................................................................................. 27 4. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION............................................................................ 37 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................. 40 REFERENCES....................................................................
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...Chapter 1 SIGMUND FREUD AN INTRODUCTION Sigmund Freud, pioneer of Psychoanalysis, was born on 6th May 1856 in Freiberg to a middle class family. He was born as the eldest child to his father’s second wife. When Freud was four years old, his family shifted and settled in Vienna. Although Freud’s ambition from childhood was a career in law, he decided to enter the field of medicine. In 1873, at the age of seventeen, Freud enrolled in the university as a medical student. During his days in the university, he did his research on the Central Nervous System under the guidance of German physician `Ernst Wilhelm Von Brucke’. Freud received his medical degree in 1881and later in 1883 he began to work in Vienna General Hospital. Freud spent three years working in various departments of the hospital and in 1885 he left his post at the hospital to join the University of Vienna as a lecturer in Neuropathology. Following his appointment as a lecturer, he got the opportunity to work under French neurologist Jean Charcot at Salpetriere, the famous Paris hospital for nervous diseases. So far Freud’s work had been entirely concentrated on physical sciences but Charcot’s work, at that time, concentrated more on hysteria and hypnotism. Freud’s studies under Charcot, which centered largely on hysteria, influenced him greatly in channelising his interests to psychopathology. In 1886, Freud established his private practice in Vienna specializing in nervous diseases...
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...FEMINISM IS FOR EVERYBODY Passionate Politics bell hooks South End Press Cambridge, MA CONTENTS Copyright © 2000 by Gloria Watkins Cover design by Ellen P. Shapiro Cover illustration by Laura DeSantis, © Artville Any properly footnoted quotation of up to 500 sequential words may be used without permission, as long as the total number of words quoted does not exceed 2,000. For longer quotations or for a greater number of total words, please write to South End Press for permission. INTRODUCTION Come Closer to Feminism 1. 2. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hooks, Bell. Feminism is for everybody: passionate politics / Bell Hooks. p.cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-89608-629-1 - ISBN 0-89608-628-3 (pbk.) 1. Feminist theory. 2. Feminism - Philosophy. 3. Feminism Political aspects. 4. Sex discrimination against women. 1. Title. FEMINIST POLITICS Where We Stand 1 CONSCIOUSNESS-RAISING A Constant Change of Heart 7 3. SISI:ERHOOD IS STILL POWERFUL 4. Vll 13 00-036589 South End Press, 7 Brookline Street, #1, Cambridge, MA 02139 06 05 04 7 8 9 Printed in Canada 19 OUR BODIES, OURSELVES Reproductive Rights 25 6. HQl190 .H67 2000 305.42'01 - dc21 FEMINIST EDUCATION FOR CRITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS BEAUTY WITHIN AND WITHOUT 31 7. FEMINIST CLASS STRUGGLE 37 8. GLOBAL FEMINISM 44 5. 9. WOMEN AT WORI( 48 10. RACE AND GENDER 55 ...
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...A PASTORAL APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM OF AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX FOR WORKERS IN THE KOREAN CONTEXT BY EUN-MI, HAN THE DEGREE OF MASTER IN THEOLOGY (PRACTICAL THEOLOGY) STUDY-LEADER: PROF. JOHAN J VAN RENSBURG UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE FACULTY OF THEOLOGY DECEMBER 2011 1 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 4 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4 2. Research Problem...................................................................................................................... 5 3. Research Hypothesis ................................................................................................................ 8 4. Research Objectives................................................................................................................11 5. Research Methodology .........................................................................................................13 5.1 The General Psychological Approach ...................................................................13 5.2 The Biblical Principle Approach...............................................................................14 5.3 The Systematic Theology Approach ......................................................................14 5.4 The Pastoral Approach ........................................................................
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...critical theory today critical theory today A Us e r - F r i e n d l y G u i d e S E C O N D E D I T I O N L O I S T Y S O N New York London Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 270 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2 Park Square Milton Park, Abingdon Oxon OX14 4RN © 2006 by Lois Tyson Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business Printed in the United States of America on acid‑free paper 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 International Standard Book Number‑10: 0‑415‑97410‑0 (Softcover) 0‑415‑97409‑7 (Hardcover) International Standard Book Number‑13: 978‑0‑415‑97410‑3 (Softcover) 978‑0‑415‑97409‑7 (Hardcover) No part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data Tyson, Lois, 1950‑ Critical theory today : a user‑friendly guide / Lois Tyson.‑‑ 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0‑415‑97409‑7 (hb) ‑‑ ISBN 0‑415‑97410‑0 (pb) 1. Criticism...
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...Beyond Feelings A Guide to Critical Thinking NINTH EDITION Vincent Ryan Ruggiero Professor Emeritus of Humanities State University of New York, Delhi BEYOND FEELINGS: A GUIDE TO CRITICAL THINKING, NINTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions © 2009, 2007 and 2004. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOC/DOC 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: MHID: 978-0-07-803818-1 0-07-803818-9 Vice President & Editor-in-Chief: Michael Ryan Vice President EDP/Central Publishing Services: Kimberly Meriwether David Editorial Director: Beth Mejia Senior Managing Editor: Meghan Campbell Executive Marketing Manager: Pamela S. Cooper Senior Project Manager: Joyce Watters Buyer: Nicole Baumgartner Design Coordinator: Margarite Reynolds Media Project Manager: Sridevi Palani Compositor: Glyph International Typeface: 10/13 Palatino Printer: R...
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...ISI, IBSS & SA DHET - FOR 2012 SUBMISSION TITLE LIST COUNTRY ISSN E-ISSN PUBLISHER'S DETAILS Subject classifaction International Accreditation - SA JOURNALS 4Or-A Quarterly Journal Of Operations Research ISI SCIENCE A + U-Architecture And Urbanism ISI ARTS & HUMANITIES A Contrario IBSS Aaa-Arbeiten Aus Anglistik Und Amerikanistik ISI ARTS & HUMANITIES Aaohn Journal ISI SCIENCE Aaohn Journal ISI SOC SCIENCE Aapg Bulletin ISI SCIENCE Aaps Journal ISI SCIENCE Aaps Pharmscitech ISI SCIENCE Aatcc Review ISI SCIENCE Abacus: Journal Of Accounting, Finance And Business Studies IBSS Abacus-A Journal Of Accounting Finance And Business StudiesISI SOC SCIENCE Abdominal Imaging ISI SCIENCE Abhandlungen Aus Dem Mathematischen Seminar Der UniversISI SCIENCE Abstract And Applied Analysis ISI SCIENCE Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society ISI SCIENCE Academia-Revista Latinoamericana De Administracion ISI SOC SCIENCE Academic Emergency Medicine ISI SCIENCE Academic Medicine ISI SCIENCE Academic Pediatrics ISI SCIENCE Academic Psychiatry ISI SOC SCIENCE Academic Radiology ISI SCIENCE Academy Of Management Annals ISI SOC SCIENCE Academy Of Management Journal ISI SOC SCIENCE Academy Of Management Journal IBSS Academy Of Management Learning & Education ISI SOC SCIENCE Academy Of Management Perspectives ISI SOC SCIENCE Academy Of Management Perspectives IBSS Academy Of Management Review ISI SOC SCIENCE Academy Of Management Review IBSS Academy Of Marketing Science Review IBSS Acadiensis...
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