...FIN 324 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Investor Profile Paper Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/fin-324-week-5-learning-team-assignment-investor-profile-paper/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) Two lenders Sears and Roebuck use are HSBC Bank USA, National Association, and CitiCard. HSBC Bank USA, National Association is a bank that operates out of New York City with it s head office in Mclean Virginia (“RENAISSANCERE HOLDINGS LTD 2007). The bank is chartered in the National Bank Act and the Office of the controller of the currency, which is a part of the US Department of the treasury, regulates this bank (“8-K: HSBC USA INC /MD 2007). Sears credit card business is operated by CitiCard the world’s largest provider of credit cards. The investment back that Sears and Roebuck use to issue stock is Citi Bank. An investment back its job is to raise capital for Sears. Citi Bank sells securities to public investors in order to do this. The securities can come in the form of bonds or stocks. An investment bank performs two functions; mergers and acquisitions advisory and underwriting. The mergers and acquisitions side of the corporate finance, bankers perform the negotiating and mergers between two companies. Underwriting involves the process...
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...Project Finance By Godfred Kwame Abledu Abstract Project financing is largely an exercise in the equitable allocation of a project’s risks between the various stakeholders of the project. Indeed, the genesis of the financing technique can be traced back to this principle. Roman and Greek merchants used project financing techniques in order to share the risks inherent to maritime trading. A loan would be advanced to a shipping merchant on the agreement that such loan would be repaid only through the sale of cargo brought back by the voyage (i.e. the financing would be repaid by the ‘internally generated cash flows of the project’, to use modern project financing terminology). The purpose of this paper therefore is to provide an overview of Project Finance. The paper touched on the Motivation for the increased reliance on project financing to fund investments, advantages that project finance has over traditional corporate finance, the major short-comings of project finance and a typical project finance transaction. Table of Contents Assignment 1 1 Abstract 2 A. Introduction 4 B. Why is project financing being increasingly relied on to fund investments? 4 C. What advantages does it have over traditional corporate finance? 6 D. What are the major short-comings of project finance? 7 E. Typical Project finance Transaction 8 References 10 A. Introduction Unlike the traditional loan arrangements, project finance is a financial structure which facilitate the arrangements...
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...Changing ownership and its impact on Firm performance: A detailed pre and post crisis study on Indian firms Several studies are available establishing relationship between firm performance and ownership structure and the results are mixed. Several authors have found significant relationship while others have not found any significant relationships. In Indian context also, there are several studies which propagates to have both kind of results. The way literature is linking the owner ship with performance has always been via addressing the agency (outsiders and insiders) problem, board structure, size, leverage etc. but, literature is sparse to identify these variables as moderating the relationship between ownership and firm performance. The purpose of this study is to establish and study the relationship between ownership and performance in Indian context. Considering following points, I recommend a framework to study the changing ownership and firm performance under the premise that agency costs and information asymmetry acts as moderating variable, which increases/decreases performance when ownership changes. * In India, it is confirmed by several authors that concentrated and complex ownership structure is found which creates problem of heterogeneity and opacity. * India has agency type 2 problems; few studies are available addressing type 2 problem and variables to measure this. * Opacity and complexity creates Information asymmetry and tunneling respectively...
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...Stakeholders, Shareholders and Wealth Maximization V. Sivarama Krishnan, University of Central Oklahoma ABSTRACT This paper attempts reconciliation between the two somewhat extreme views espoused by the shareholder wealth maximization paradigm and the stakeholder theory. The stakeholder theory challenges the basic premise built into corporate finance theory, teaching and practice. Corporate finance theory, teaching and the typically recommended practice are all built on the premise that the primary goal of a corporation should be shareholder wealth value maximization. Extant theoretical and empirical research in financial economics also generally accept shareholder wealth maximization as the normative and ideal goal on which all business decisions should be based. This paradigm assumes that there are no externalities and all the participants engaged in transactions with the firm are voluntary players competing in free, fair and competitive markets. A very different view is offered by what is loosely called stakeholder theory. The stakeholder theory posits that the focus on shareholders and firm value is misplaced and managers should be concerned with all stakeholders of the firm. The paper attempts to address what is felt as a lack of dialogue between the two camps. INTRODUCTION Corporate finance theory, teaching and the typically recommended practice at least in the US are all built on the premise that the primary goal of a corporation should be the maximization...
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...Advanced Corporate Finance: Guidelines for In-class Presentations and Term Papers 1. Grading The information in the handouts is not very clear and does not include the case, so here some more precision about the grading rules: Everybody should do a writeup for the Wrigley Capital Structure Case. If you only do the case the final exam will count for 70% and the case writeup for 30% of the final grade. In case you want to improve your grade you should think about handing in a term paper or making an in-class presentation. If you do this the case writeup as well as the term paper or presentation will count for 25% of the final grade and the final exam will be reduced to 50%. 2. In-class Presentations The fundamentals: Approximate size: 10-15 powerpoint slides Approximate duration: 15 min Presentation date: will be assigned by me depending on the content Maximum group size: 4 class participants Presentations are optional Not everybody will be able to participate in a presentation, Purpose of the in class presentation: The presentations are intended to summarize academic research on a given issue. The presentation should not only be factually correct and complete but the topic should be well presented. The class should be able to easily understand and follow the argumentation. Grades will not only depend on the content but also on the quality of the presentation. Format: There is no predefined format, as the optimal way to present an issue depends...
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...extention of the credit facility. It is generally carried by the financial institutions which are involved in providing financial funding to its customers. Credit risk is a risk related to non repayment of the credit obtained by the customer of a bank. Thus it is necessary to appraise the credibility of the customer in order to mitigate the credit risk. Corporate and small & Medium Enterprise (SME) plays a pivotal role in the economic growth and development of a country. Actually, they work as the platform for job creation, income generation, and development of forward and backward industrial linkages and fulfillment of local social needs. The credit appraisal process for Corporate and SME Division evaluate the creditworthiness of the respectivee client and helps in identification, measurement, matching mitigations, monitoring and control of the credit risks. 2.1 Origin of the Report Masters of Business Administration (MBA) Course requires a three months attachment with an organization followed by a report assigned by the supervisor in the organization and endorsed by the faculty advisor. As I am already working for IDLC Finance Ltd., I took the opportunity to do my...
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...01 Technical risk management relevanT To acca QUalificaTion PaPer P4 The management of risk is a key area within a number of ACCA papers, and exam questions related to this area are common. It is vital that students are able to apply risk management techniques, such as using derivative instruments to hedge against risk, and offer advice and recommendations as required by the scenario in the question. It is also equally important that students understand why corporations manage risk in theory and in practice, because risk management costs money but does it actually add more value to a corporation? This article explores the circumstances where the management of risk may lead to an increase in the value of a corporation. Risk, in this context, refers to the volatility of returns (both positive and negative) that can be quantified through statistical measures such as probabilities, standard deviations and correlations between different returns. Its management is about decisions made to change the volatility of returns a corporation is exposed to, for example changing a company’s exposure to floating interest rates by swapping them to fixed rates for a fee. Since business is about generating higher returns by undertaking risky projects, important management decisions revolve around which projects to undertake, how they should be financed and whether the volatility of a project’s returns (its risk) should be managed. The volatility of returns of a project should be managed if...
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...engaged managers since the birth of the modern commercial corporation. Surprisingly then dividend policy remains one of the most contested issues in finance. Dividend policy is concerned with financial policies regarding paying cash dividend in the present or paying an increased dividend at a later stage. Whether to issue dividends and what amount, is determined mainly on the basis of the company's unappropriated profit (excess cash) and influenced by the company's long-term earning power. When cash surplus exists and is not needed by the firm, then management is expected to Payout some or all of those surplus earnings in the form of cash dividends or to repurchase the company's stock through a share buyback program. Management must also choose the form of the dividend distribution, generally as cash dividends or via a share buyback. Various factors may be taken into consideration: where shareholders must pay tax on dividends, firms may elect to retain earnings or to perform a stock buyback, in both cases increasing the value of shares outstanding. Alternatively, some companies will pay "dividends" from stock rather than in cash. Our group have selected 3 journals related to the dividend policy in our quest to understand the factors/determinant of the latter and its relationship with investment opportunities and corporate finance. Further the chosen journals concentrated on the research dividend policy affecting firm’s in the emerging market. The following are the reviews...
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...TOPIC: ANALYSIS OF EQUITY SHARE CAPITAL AS A SOURCE OF FINANCE IN AN ORGANISATION RESEARCH PAPERS The 2 research papers under study are 1. The effect of CEO ownership and shareholder rights on cost of equity share capital. 2. What motivates seasoned equity offerings? Evidence from the use of issue proceeds. COST OF EQUITY CAPITAL AND ITS EFFECTS TO THE MANAGEMENT Introduction This paper investigates the cost of equity capital and its effects to the management which intends to hinder shareholders right. The purpose of which is to investigate whether managerial ownership affects the associations between the shareholders rights and the cost of equity capital. There are two variables in the article which can be clearly identified. The variables are; 1) The shareholders rights and 2) The cost of the equity capital. 1) THE SHAREHOLDERS Shareholders should have the right to discipline the managers, who are the employees of the organization, in the case of the mismanagement or the improper use of the funds. The shareholders have right to demand for the success of the organization through competing aggressively in order to gain profitability. The shareholders have right to elect and remove the management from the office and also to access or evaluate the books of accounts of the organization. 2) COST OF EQUITY CAPITAL Rate of return of equity Current market price and the nominal value of equity capital CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK THE AGENCY PROBLEMS: THE MANAGEMENT...
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...MP A R Munich Personal RePEc Archive The Pecking Order, Trade-off, Signaling, and Market-Timing Theories of Capital Structure: a Review Anton Miglo University of Bridgeport 2010 Online at http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/46691/ MPRA Paper No. 46691, posted 6. May 2013 19:07 UTC The Pecking Order, Trade-off, Signaling, and Market-Timing Theories of Capital Structure: a Review Anton Miglo Associate professor, University of Bridgeport, School of Business, Bridgeport, CT 06604, phone (203) 576-4366, email: amiglo@bridgeport.edu. This version: 2013 Initial version: 2010 Abstract. This paper surveys 4 major capital structure theories: trade-off, pecking order, signaling and market timing. For each theory, a basic model and its major implications are presented. These implications are compared to the available evidence. This is followed by an overview of pros and cons for each theory. A discussion of major recent papers and suggestions for future research are provided. Introduction The modern theory of capital structure began with and the famous proposition of Modigliani Miller (1958) that described the conditions of capital structure irrelevance. Since then, been changing these conditions to explain factors driving capital many economists have structure decisions. Harris and Raviv (1991) synthesized major theoretical literature in the field, related these to the known empirical evidence, and suggested promising avenues for future research. They argued...
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...Corporate Finance The role of the corporate finance team is to manage a companies money, and maximizing the companies value while minimizing the risk states Wetfeet website (n.a., 2012). A corporate finance department may have a treasurer, a controller or comptroller, risk manager, and internal auditors with assistants and analysts all working under the chief financial manager (Ring, 2004). Corporate finance positions can be found in all companies from small to large (Kochanek, 2008). Entry-level positions are usually in investing, cash management, payroll, accounts receivables, accounts payables, bookkeeping clerks and other paper processing (Ring, 2004; Wiley, 2015). One job commonly found in corporate finance is that of a financial analyst. According to monster.com, common duties of an entry level financial analyst may include; analyzing financial data, recommending specific investments, evaluating and assessing both current data and historical information, studying financial trends on a consistent basis, ducting regular evaluations of financial statements, preparing complex financial reports, meeting privately with investors, and explaining recommendations in details to companies and individuals. The website Wetfeet (n.a.,2012) says, financial analysts pore over spreadsheets that detail cash flow, profitability, and expenses. They look for ways to free up capital, increase profitability, and decrease expenses. If any department...
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...This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: Asymmetric Information, Corporate Finance, and Investment Volume Author/Editor: R. Glenn Hubbard, editor Volume Publisher: University of Chicago Press, 1990 Volume ISBN: 0-226-35585-3 Volume URL: http://www.nber.org/books/glen90-1 Conference Date: May 5, 1989 Publication Date: January 1990 Chapter Title: Investment, Financial Factors, and Cash Flow: Evidence from U.K. Panel Data Chapter Author: Michael Devereux, Fabio Schiantarelli Chapter URL: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c11476 Chapter pages in book: (p. 279 - 306) 11 Investment, Financial Factors, and Cash Row: Evidence from U.K. Panel Data Michael Devereux and Fabio Schiantarelli 11.1 Introduction Most empirical models of company investment rely on the assumption of perfect capital markets. One implication of this assumption is that, in a world without taxes, firms are indifferent to funding their investment programs from internal or external funds. However, there is a rapidly growing body of literature examining the possible existence of imperfections in capital markets and their effects on firms' financial and real decisions. In this paper we provide some econometric evidence on the impact of financial factors like cash flow, debt, and stock measures of liquidity on the investment decisions of U.K. firms. These variables are introduced via an extension of the Q model of investment, which...
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...University Islamabad Campus, Pakistan 2010 Online at http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/32685/ MPRA Paper No. 32685, posted 15. August 2012 01:05 UTC World Applied Sciences Journal 9 (9): 997-1002, 2010 ISSN 1818-4952 Financial Management Practices and Their Impact on Organizational Performance 1 Babar Zaheer Butt, 2Ahmed Imran Hunjra and 2Kashif-Ur-Rehman 1 2 Foundation University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Iqra University Islamabad Campus, Pakistan Abstract: This study measures the relationship between organizational performance and financial management practices like capital structure decision, dividend policy, investment appraisal techniques, working capital management and financial performance assessment in Pakistani corporate sector. Sample of the study consisted of forty companies operating in Pakistan, related to different sectors and listed at Karachi Stock Exchange. The finance executives and financial analysts of the companies responded to questionnaire that identified through company profiles and references. The questionnaires were self administered to collect the data from respondents. The results show a positive and significant relationship between financial management practices and organizational performance in Pakistani corporate sector. Key words: Corporate sector % Financial management practices % Karachi stock exchange % Organizational performance INTRODUCTION The corporate sector plays a vital role in the economic outlook of any country. Financial literature suggests...
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...financial decision in the modern corporation. The course goal is to apply relevant knowledge, skills and exercise professional judgment as expected of a senior financial executive or advisor, in taking or recommending decisions relating to the financial management of an organization. The approach will be a combination of lecture and discussion, always with a focus on good managerial financial decision-making. Prerequisites: Financial management or equivalent. Topics Covered: 1. The role and responsibility of the senior financial executive 2. Evaluate potential investment decisions and strategic consequences 3. Acquisitions and mergers 4.Corporate re-organization strategies. 5.Advanced treasury and risk management techniques. 6.Financial management of multinationals. 7. Emerging issues in finance and financial management Lecture Format: Lecture/Discussion. Technical Requirements In addition to a confident level of computer and Internet literacy, certain minimum technical requirement must be met to enable a successful learning experience. Technical requirements include but are not limited to: Hardware • A Pentium processor or equivalent Mac system; Windows2000/XP • Internet access with 56.6 modem (minimum). A high-bandwidth connection...
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...A Study on Leverage and Firm Investment: Chinese Evidence Master of Science Thesis Huijie Bao Program Economics of Innovation and Growth Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) June 2010 Supervisor: Börje Johansson ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on the relationship between financial leverage and investment in Chinese listed firms. There are two novel aspects embraced here. One is choosing a marginal version of Tobin’s q instead of average q with Chinese data. Another one is taking the financial sector in to consideration. The research covers all sectors in the Chinese stock market. Main outcomes are listed below. Leverage imposes negative effects on investment, especially on non-state owned firms. Like Financials, Manufacturing and other highly regulated sectors, the inverse impacts of debt are week as well. However, marginal q fails in proof under the specific environment of the Chinese capital market which is still immature. High-leveraged firms experienced reverse influences of marginal q on investment. To sum up, over-debt financing indeed blocks the sustained investment. Relatively speaking, state owned firms in China suffer less since they are supported by the government and have fewer restrictions. Key words: financial leverage, marginal q, gross investment and state owned firms 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Firstly, I would like to express my strong gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Börje Johansson, whose profound knowledge, guidance and patience, greatly enhanced...
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