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Corporate Manslaughter

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This report will consider the offence of corporate manslaughter in relation to the prosecution of Junkshift Ltd. It will assess the two elements of the Crown Prosecution Service Full Code Test contained in the Code for Crown Prosecutors. Firstly, it will assess the individual elements of the offence and establish whether there is a realistic prospect of conviction according to the evidential test. Secondly, it will evaluate whether the prosecution would be in the public interest. If both these elements are satisfied then the case will proceed to court.

The offence of Corporate Manslaughter is governed by Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007. This was introduced due to various problems with the previous law on corporate liability. …show more content…
This is a decision for the jury to make and so they have to decide whether the conduct is severe enough to amount to a gross breach. Under section 8 several guidelines are given to assist the jury and these are useful to consider in relation to deciding whether the prosecution should go ahead. Within this it asks the jury to consider the provisions of the Health and Safety legislation. In reference Junkshift have committed two main breaches; the overloading of the van and the failure to ensure the driver is qualified. In relation to the overloading of the van this is a clear breach of the duty of care owed to employees under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1999 and the government also issue simple guidelines on this which clearly have been ignored and it states ‘the operator has a legal and moral obligation which is shared with the driver of the vehicle’ to ensure the vehicle only carries as much as it is allowed. This implies that both the operator and the driver contributed to this breach of duty, and its relatively simple nature means the failure was even more compelling. This is similar to the failure to check Erik had a valid licence. Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 chapter 37(3) it is claimed that employers should take precautions to ensure people not in their employment are not exposed to health and safety risks. It seems, taking a common-sense view, the failure to have adequate procedures in place to check driving licences in a delivery business is a gross breach and does present a significant risk to the public. Therefore, it is likely that the jury will find there has been a gross breach of the duty established

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