...Anthem Press, 2002), “Rich countries and their agencies … commonly have been and are accomplices in corruption abroad, encouraging it by their actions rather than impeding it… · The impact of Cold War corruption (supporting dictatorships, destabilizing democracies, funding opposition, etc); · Firms from rich countries bribing rulers and officials from developing countries to gain export contracts, particularly in the arms trade and in construction (even justifying it by suggesting bribery is “customary” in those countries, so they need to do it to, in order to compete); · The “corruption-inducing effects of the purchase, by the rich countries and their international corporations, of concessions in Third World countries to exploit natural deposits of oil, copper, gold, diamonds and the like.” Payments made to rulers often violate local (and Western) rules, keeping corrupt rulers in power, who also embezzle a lot of money away. · The drug trade. Neild suggests that international law and national laws in rich countries that prohibit drugs may serve to “produce a scarcity value irresistible to producers, smugglers and dealers.” Governments and civil society in the third world are often “undermined, sometimes destroyed” by the violence and corruption that goes with the drug trade. “This is probably the most important way in which the policies of rich countries foster corruption and violence. · Legalizing drugs, a system of taxation and regulation, comparable...
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...Contents Definition of Corruption 1 Advantages and disadvantages of corruption 2 Poverty 2 The worst access to education and health services 2 An additional burden for investors 2 At the same time, there are positive consequences of corruption. 3 Reference 4 Definition of Corruption Corruption is difficult to determine. The most common definition of corruption is the abuse of official position with an ax to grind. Also on the basis of anti-corruption law in Estonia corrupt practices is the use of official position for personal gain, by making unreasonable or unlawful decision or action, or not making legitimate decisions or actions. “Corruption has many faces. It may be in the form of money or of providing services in order to gain advantages such as favourable treatment, special protection, extra services, or reduced delays”. (NHO) Problem with this definition is that it is not appropriate for all cultures and societies, for example, those where there is no difference between private and public sector. Also, what is considered as corruption in one society may not be so in another society. Nevertheless, in every society it can be actions that are condemned for cultural reasons, and expectations that are imposed on perpetrators of public functions. Ambiguity is the fact that the phenomenon of corruption has been seen mainly in public sector. Such an understanding of corruption is limited for two reasons. First, the "offer" of corruption, as usually occurs in...
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...Task 1 Creating a Family Business My family and I have decided to open a tea shop in Yangon. However, saying it is easy but making it happens is hard. Creating a business in the real business world is not as simple as people have thought. There are a lot of factors that need to be put into consideration. Financial standpoint, location, same business competitors, consumers, market demand and also, organizational structure of the organization that wanted to be set up should be carefully considered, researched and set goals to realize it as an organization. An organization should be looking the same goal and mission. Only then, a business would stand out among the competitors and be at the top of the market. Thus, in this paper, the plans and the factors that should be considered to open a family business will be presented in terms of organizational structure, stake holding personnel and policies of the country to operate the business. Organizational Goal, Values, Vision and Mission For the family business to be able to survive and sustain itself in the market, we need to set goals and missions for the organization to realize and carry it out. It is important that every person in the organization is working towards the same goal to be able to succeed as an organization. Without a goal, the organization will not be able to thrive forward. The employee within the organization will not be sure what to do. They might be heading in different directions and goals. Then, the organization...
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...Common Sense Approach to Reforming the Federal Tax System On February 3, 2013 marked the 100th birthday of the 16th Amendment. The 16th Amendment paved the way for the creation of the federal income tax that continues to this day to have far reaching repercussions on the American tax payer. Before the ratification of the 16th Amendment, the birth of the federal income tax dates back to the Civil War. In order to finance the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln signed into law Revenue Act of 1861 on August 5, 1861. The Revenue Act consisted of a flat tax rate of 3% on income above $800 and 5% on individuals living outside of the United States. On July 1, 1861 United States Congress repealed the Revenue Act of 1861 and replaced it with the Revenue Act of 1862. The Revenue Act of 1862 introduced a progressive tax and established the Bureau of Internal Revenue. In 1872 Congress repealed the Revenue Act of 1862. One again elected officials tried to revive the federal income tax in 1894. However, in 1895 the federal income tax was declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court because the tax was not apportioned according to the population of each state. In an address to Congress on June 16, 1909 President Howard Taft proposed that Congress consider a new amendment to the Constitution. “I recommend, then, first, the adoption of a joint resolution by two-thirds of both Houses, proposing to the States an amendment to the Constitution granting to the Federal Government...
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...the currency value to the economic growth. The paper claims that Canada Medicare is economically unsuitable. He addresses the need of evolved political economy, reduced spending on medicine, physician services, and sustainability in the government fiscal reforms (Robert 23). The Impact of Corruption in Provision of Healthcare Services The data provided by the provincial and the federal finance department shows a higher tax charges and deteriorating public environment since 1981, questioning the genuineness in equally redistributing the burden and the benefits to all stakeholders. This thwarts the efforts to improved fiscal management policies since it is more expensive and less efficient. The political, medical, and other associated body’s pretence on medical guidelines, technological assessment with an intention to accelerate the cost. The continue variation in the national system on the expenditure since mid-1990s, also regressive impact to the society corporation (Robert 123). The efforts by the federal government to transfer funds to improve the healthcare services in various provinces is challenge since 1996 to 1997 when it was restructured ideologically to reducing their income tax, a major blow to the provincial budgets for sustainability but a move to the government side. The position of the government should provide appropriate fiscal policies for national accounts a contrary situation in the context. The documentary evidence...
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...enjoyed the study of tax system of Bangladesh in various aspect of tax. First of all, we are indebted to our guide teacher Ms.Rehana Frowzier Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Stamford University Bangladesh. His views, suggestions save us from more difficulties. We are also grateful to our group members’ most valuable cooperation, inspiration and suggestions. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This dissertation report highlights on our practical experience in different types and categories ‘Tax System’ especially Tax System Of Bangladesh. During our short working period, we tried to gather information from News Paper, web sites. But the NBR does not provide information in the web site directly and even it does not publish tax structure implement in Bangladesh. So, we take much information about tax in our personal concept and view of Tax System of Bangladesh. To complete this report, we have gained practical knowledge about various type of Tax System. For example, Tax System Of Bangladesh, canon of taxation and implementation the canon of Bangladesh in Tax System Of Bangladesh. In this way, we are getting knowledge not only the tax system but also the implementation of canon on tax system of Bangladesh. As, tax is an important part of our country development. so, day by day, people are getting more conscious and informed about tax. Object of this study We can gain knowledge about the tax system of Bangladesh by studying this topic. As following aspects of tax we can learn from...
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...taxation in tax system of Bangladesh’. Dear Ms.Rehana Fowzia madam We are pleased to submit this report on “‘Ascertain the position of cannons of taxation in tax system of Bangladesh’ for particular fulfillment of BBA Degree. This research program was taken by the help of ‘Three tax system of Bangladesh’, written by M.A. Akkas & ‘Income Tax’ written by Mahmud, Purohit, Bhattacharjee. Here is the report on the observational study of ‘Tax System Of Bangladesh’ you asked us to conduct last month. We honestly believe that this report will fulfill the requirements of the project report for BBA, which will help us a lot to gain sufficient knowledge about the ‘Tax System Of Bangladesh’. We appreciate having this assignment. If you should need any assistance in interpreting this report or in implementing our recommendations, atuddin_mezbah@yahoo.com, Contact No. 01718330355 Sincerely, 01. Mezbah Uddin Ahamed BBA02707126 02. Subbir Ahmed BBA02707121 03. Md. Mahmud Hossain BBA02707154 04. Subroto Biswas BBA02707125 05. Shamol Kanti Sarkar BBA02707112 06. Md. Mahfujul Alam BBA02707153 Program: BBA, Batch: 27 (J), Stamford University Bangladesh. please contact us ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Education involves not only reading books and doing exercises but also acquiring knowledge through doing something practically. This report has designed only for considering that objective. In this period of time, we enjoyed the study of tax system of Bangladesh...
Words: 4434 - Pages: 18
...Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 2 I. LITERATURE REVIEW 3 I.1 Externalities 3 I.2. Environmental tax 5 II. THE LEVY ON PLASTIC BAGS IN IRELAND 8 II.1. Summary 8 II.2.The nature of the levy 10 II.3. Implementation and enforcement 12 II.4. Results and impacts 12 III. LESSON FROM PLASTIC BAGS LEVY IN IRELAND 17 III.1. Ireland’s lessons 17 III.2. Plastic bags levy in Vietnam: 19 CONCLUSION 23 REFERENCES 24 INTRODUCTION Now that people increasingly pay more attention to environmental issues, they are manifested in all areas of life. Air pollution? Do not worry. Already a car powered by electricity or eco-gasoline or even grass. Water pollution? Do not worry. Already advanced wastewater treatment technologies. So what if the pollution is caused by the consumption of plastic bags? Not easy to answer. Let’s stand in the shoes of a public economist. The consumption of plastic bags brings a lot of benefits for everyone. If you are a manufacturer of plastic bags, you will get a lot of money as your profit. If you are a consumer of plastic bags, you will be satisfied with the benefits that they bring you. They are cheap, very light and of course, very easy to throw away after used. Now the problem has arisen. Have you ever wondered where plastic bags will be after discarded? We can say for sure that they do not disappear. They stay and pollute the environment. Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik used to say: "The impact of this plastic waste can be seen...
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...the 1990s: assuring upward mobility for working Americans in the new world economy; resolving the great American dilemma of race; restoring a civil society and strengthening the social ties that foster a sense of community; finding America’s proper role in the post-Cold War world; and rethinking the size, shape, and mission of government in an Information Age. The Foundation explores public controversies over cultural questions—race, ethnicity, gender, religion, morality, and civic education—that are often ignored in conventional political discourse. The Foundation’s Project on Tax Reform and Economic Growth works to develop a tax reform program that is consistent with a progressive distribution of the tax burden, and can help promote stronger job and business formation, greater productivity, and higher family incomes. This report is the first of two new reports outlining the essential features of such a tax reform program. The preface contains more information about the four previous reports produced by this project. To order previous reports or additional copies of this report, please call the Foundation at (202) 546-4482. They are also available on the World Wide Web at http:/ /www.dlcppi.org/economic.htm. The Foundation is a nonpartisan research and educational foundation associated with the Democratic Leadership Council and the...
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...[pic] Published on GreenBiz.com (http://www.greenbiz.com) [pic] Why CSR is Essential in the Real World of Business By Thomas Lyon Created 2010-09-20 03:30 In a recent op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, my colleague Professor Aneel Karnani explained why he thinks corporate social responsibility (CSR) is at best irrelevant and probably socially damaging. The heart of his argument lies in the assumption of a neat separation between markets and politics. In this idealized world, politics can be counted on to deliver the regulations needed to rein in corporate greed and malfeasance. Then corporations can safely be left in the hands of managers whose sole interest is maximizing profits. I have a lot of sympathy for this perspective. If politics really worked as advertised, it would make perfect sense to leave social issues to the deliberation of our elected officials. The problem with this perspective is that government failure is just as common as market failure. Certainly markets can fail because there are too few firms, consumers have inadequate information, or because pollution affects innocent bystanders who do not even buy the product that is polluting their air or water. But government can fail, too, sometimes because it is just too big and bloated to deliver what it promises. Often, government fails because of the vigorous lobbying efforts of special interest groups. Sometimes these groups extract special favors that protect them from foreign competition...
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...country. Overall development of a country largely depends on economic policy design & its proper implementation. Every country has its own economic policies & specific way of their implementation. But some policies are same for all countries such as Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, etc. Philippines, as a developing country has set various economic policies & strategies over time with a view to seeking development. In course of time it has adopted a wide variety of economic policies, many of which had long term effects (both positive and negative impacts) on the lives of its people. The crucial policies that the government of the country adopted over time are – Fiscal policy, Monetary policy, Income distribution strategy, Government policy, Tax policy, Trade policy, etc. The impacts of these policies have had widespread effects on various macroeconomic variables of the country. Various surveys and reports show that the economic growth has not been as expected. Growth of the variables has gone at a slow pace. GDP increases over time but with a high fluctuating rate. Rate of educated people, standard of health care, standard of living have improved but it is still poor in comparison with other countries of the region. It is one of the countries whose economy is based on agriculture. A huge portion of the country’s GDP comes from agriculture. But yet it has some major constraints due to what it is still facing some problems and fails to have that much development. Natural calamities...
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...or service, in general, goes through several stages before the final product or service reaches the consumer. To illustrate, if the production and distribution process is divided into three basic stages of manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing, value is added at each stage through further processing, packing or other improvements before it reaches the consumer via the retailer. The GST is a tax on the value added to the output or service at each stage of the process. In its generic form, the GST is a value-added tax (VAT). These terms are used interchangeably in this note. A multi-stage tax like the GST protects tax collections through two built-in features. First, the multi-point collection and invoice trail minimizes tax avoidance and tax evasion. This is because the need to issue and obtain invoices to claim tax deductions for taxes imbedded in inputs from a previous stage of the production chain fosters greater compliance. Second, the GST is better able to protect revenue from tax evasion by retailers as compared to a single-stage sales tax imposed solely at the retail sales tax (RST). This feature, however, comes with greater administrative and compliance costs. 1.2 Problem Statement The introduction of GST in Malaysia has called for many arguments from various parties including academics, professionals and the citizens (the potential GST payers) on how GST affects the operating cost of business. The government tried to convince Malaysians that the GST will not...
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...original policies advocated by Williamson, and emphasized institutional reforms. The third meaning was espoused by critics of the IMF and Bank who suggested these were policies imposed on client countries, and were an attempt to minimize the role of the state. Williamson criticized the third view as one not grounded in fact. In retrospect, he added that he was wishful in his thinking about a consensus on the issue exchange rate policies. He was also strongly critical of the IMF’s move to rapidly dismember capital controls in Asia during the financial crisis of the late 1990’s. Williamson then discussed the ten policy reforms of the Consensus. First, was that budget deficits should be small enough be financed without recourse to the inflation tax. He said the view that widely held was that macroeconomic stability was an indispensable precondition for growth, the reasonable price stability was an essential aspect of macroeconomic stability and in most of Latin America price stability had been undermined by excessive budget deficits. Therefore, restoration of fiscal discipline was essential and there should be...
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...Defining “Modern History”: The Impact of the French Revolution The French Revolution of 1789 was major turning point in European history because it redefined the image of nation in a way never seen before as the people gained political control over their own nation. Therefore the aspects of this revolution have been debated as the beginning concept of “modern history.” This concept is derived from how the French Revolution demonstrated the will of the citizens as a political entity that could dictate governmental change by showing how the people, not the monarchy, could reform a nation. Through the establishment of a new government by the people, new institutions and policies were developed that the world we live as modern; such innovations included a system of power based on wealth and status instead of birth, and a new state bureaucracy. The ideas that drove the revolution came from the innovative thinkers of the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, and inspired the people of France to question those who reigned over them. While the events of the French Revolution transformed France, the reign of Napoleon turned the revolution into a European event by sparking revolution in countries that had not already. Napoleon’s conquests helped spread the mind set created in the French Revolution around Europe. The French Revolution marked the beginning of “modern history,” because the revolutionary ideas that it created sparked the creation of citizen-governed nations across Europe...
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...patriotic Ghanaian citizen. Tax payment is the demonstration of such a desire, although most income earners see it as a means of exploitation by the government. Tax payment is a voluntarily contribution imposed by the Government on personal income earners, companies, investors, exporters, importers etc. revenue realised from taxation is a major source of revenue to the Government of Ghana, and as such is an important tool used in the development of Ghana and her economy. However, tax evasion which is the wilful and deliberate violation of the law in order to escape payment of tax, posses a big threat to income taxation in Ghana as it reduces tax revenue to the Government, thereby hampering economic growth and development. However, this research was undertaken to help increase revenue generated from income tax to the government, by pointing out the challenges faced by tax officials in discharging their lawful duties. Various challenges such as tax evasion on the part of the income taxpayers drastically reduce income tax revenue to the government. This has been a big problem for decades and needs to be properly addressed. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY AND PROFILE OF THE ORGANIZATION After a thorough research on the revenue structure of Ghana, it became evident that revenue from tax was a big source of income to the government of Ghana, and needed much attention because; taxation in Ghana like most West African Countries faced numerous challenges such as Tax Evasion (which is the...
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