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Cosmic Creation Myths Across Cultures
Jessica McTavish
HUM 105
January 21, 2013
Roxanne Russell

Cosmic Creation Myths Across Cultures
Myths are everywhere and so it seems there are many different cultures have their own beliefs of how they were created. There is a significant amount of importance of how certain cultures worlds were created and what they need to continue to believe so that nothing changes with the cycles of how they live. The creators of the myths that are with the different cultures have Gods that they praise and believe in so that they have what they need and if they would not worship the creators there would be problems the people would have to face.
Inca Creation Pachacamac was the brightest creator that the Incans worship and follow. Pachacamac is the sun and he was the brightest in the sky that no one could see anything else. The night skies were very dark so he created the stars, plants and the moon, which the moon was Pachamama and she became his wife. Pachacamac and Pachamama created a son and daughter which were created out of pity to help the people. The son helped teach the people how to plow and plant the fields and how to build houses. The daughter taught the women the art of weaving and how to prepare food. The children spoke highly of Pachacamac and the rules, along with be fair and kind to one another and to not forget their creator. With everything they were taught all Inca cities were divided into northern and southern halves, representing the male and female forces (The Big Myth, 2011).
Zulu Creation There was a lot of darkness and just a seed which the large seed turned into a man which was named Unkulunkulu; he was the first man and creator of all things. There were other men and women growing from other seeds as Unkulunkulu walked by. Unkulunkulu created everything that we see all around us, he taught the first men and women how to hunt and make fire, how to make clothes and prepare corn. He gave all of the animals their names (The Big Myths, 2011). With many things that Unkulunkulu created, he then also told all the villagers about death and once he did it never left mankind.
The Creators In many of the cultures the creators were all male and they added the females that become their wives which helped in the ways of teaching the people of the worlds they created. The gender is very significant because they are the leaders and they said what can happen and how does what in the worlds that they created the people. Death is a part of the Zulu creation because the lizard got to the people in the world before the chameleon got to the people to say that they will never die. The creators both wanted to be cherish in a certain way but they needed to be fair and kind to others in the world. Both creators created man and women, along with the animals and how to live off of the land. The people are not to take anything for granted and follow what they have been told.
The Creations In the Inca world men and women were created by an enormous mountain rock by Pachacamac and in the Zulu world men and women were created by seeds. There are similarities in both worlds because the creators wanted to be loved and cherished for what they did to get the worlds started, but there are differences on which creator did what they did in order to make the world work with the people that were a part of the worlds. All worlds and myths that are created to believe in have men and women a part of so that they could make families and have certain individuals do certain tasks to keep the worlds going. Death is in many of the cultures if certain laws are not followed but death comes in many ways depending on how the cultures explain it.

Conclusion Myths are designed for the fun of understanding that someone was in charge of creating men and women. Each culture has their own ways of explaining how their worlds were created and what came along with the creations that were made. With the cultures that we believe in have some similarities with the two cultures that I have looked up but there are differences just like other cultures that are in the world that others believe in. Creators want to be cherished for what they have created and that is why they have certain ways of getting the people in the worlds do so, just like praying to the Gods.

(2011). Distant Train, inc. The Big Myth. Retrieved from

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