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Old Science Work


Submitted By sharahmed
Words 411
Pages 2
|Source |Visible |Are we exposed |Are they dangerous |Is it ionising/ non- |
| | | | |ionising |
|Alpha | | |Yes, Alpha particles |ionising |
| | | |are very dangerous if | |
| | | |inhaled or ingested. | |
| | | |They can cause organ | |
| | | |and tissue damage | |
| | | |since they have great | |
| | | |ionizing potential. | |
| | | |For example, "they | |
| | | |throw bowling balls" | |
| | | |at the body’s | |
| | | |molecules, DNA, | |
| | | |tissue, etc. which can| |
| | | |cause radiation | |
| | | |poisoning and | |
| | | |sickness. | |
|Beta | | |Yes, It is capable of |ionising |
| | | |penetrating much | |
| | | |deeper into living | |
| | | |matter. Contact with a| |
| | | |living cell, is likely| |
| | | |to damage some of the | |
| | | |chemical links between| |
| | | |the living molecules | |
| | | |of the cell or cause | |
| | | |some permanent genetic| |
| | | |change in the cell | |
| | | |nucleus. If the damage| |
| | | |occurs within the | |
| | | |generative cells of | |
| | | |the ovaries or testes,| |
| | | |the damage may be | |
| | | |passed to new | |
| | | |generations. | |
|Gamma | | |Yes, they are very |ionising |
| | | |dangerous. They are | |
| | | |highly penetrative. | |
| | | |They can penetrate | |
| | | |through any gap, even | |
| | | |a subatomic one. They | |
| | | |can cause many | |
| | | |problems to humans and| |
| | | |animals as they have | |
| | | |very high frequencies | |
| | | |and hence very high | |
| | | |energies. Gamma rays | |
| | | |have the highest | |
| | | |frequencies of all the| |
| | | |EM waves (and hence | |
| | | |the shortest | |
| | | |wavelength and the | |
| | | |high penetration). | |
| | | |Some can cause severe | |
| | | |problems like DNA | |
| | | |alterations and even | |
| | | |cancer. | |
|Cosmic Radiation | | |No, Cosmic radiation |ionising |
| | | |is a collection of | |
| | | |many different types | |
| | | |of radiation from many| |
| | | |different types of | |
| | | |sources. When people | |
| | | |speak simply of | |
| | | |'cosmic radiation' | |
| | | |they are usually | |
| | | |referring specifically| |
| | | |to the cosmic | |
| | | |microwave background | |
| | | |radiation. The | |
| | | |particles that do make| |
| | | |it to the earth | |
| | | |interact with our | |
| | | |atmosphere, which acts| |
| | | |as a 'radiation | |
| | | |shield.' The | |
| | | |high-energy cosmic | |
| | | |rays bombard us all | |
| | | |the time, but they | |
| | | |interact quickly, | |
| | | |producing particles of| |
| | | |much lower energy | |
| | | |which impact the earth| |
| | | |harmlessly. If this | |
| | | |was dangerous to us, | |
| | | |we wouldn't be here to| |
| | | |discuss these things! | |
|U-V Radiation | | |Yes, Ultra-violet |Non-ionising |
| | | |energy is dangerous to| |
| | | |some extent because | |
| | | |ultraviolet is emitted| |
| | | |from the sun it is a | |
| | | |type of energy that if| |
| | | |humans are and were | |
| | | |exposed to, there is | |
| | | |some benefactors and | |
| | | |dangers like for | |
| | | |example. Some sunlight| |
| | | |is good for the body | |
| | | |because the U-V | |
| | | |radiation gives off | |
| | | |vitamin D however too | |
| | | |much of it and it can | |
| | | |cause health problems | |
| | | |for like for example | |
| | | |sunburns and also | |
| | | |cancer which is | |
| | | |usually detected | |
| | | |through what is called| |
| | | |a “sun spot”. | |
|Infra-Red | | |No, in small |Non-ionising |
|Radiation | | |quantities it’s very | |
| | | |beneficial i.e. | |
| | | |infra-red saunas | |
| | | |however an excessive | |
| | | |amount can be harmful | |
| | | |to the skin. | |

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...narrative characters in order to create an objective vision of life. The most prominent among the writers who continued the traditions of realism were: J. Galsworthy, A. Bennett, H. Wells, B. Shaw; and their followers R. Aldington, G. Orwell, J. Priestley, and E. Waugh. The Novel is certainly the most important literary form of the period. The realistic novel is represented by such novelistic forms as: the social and social-psychological novel (J. Galsworthy, E. Waugh, R. Aldington) the social-domestic novel (A. Bennett, H. Wells) the comic or satirical novel (E. Waugh) family chronicle or epic cycle (J. Galsworthy) science fiction (H. Wells). Despite all this, realism and his representatives suffered much criticism. The main argument developed between Arnold Bennett and Virginia Woolf. She felt that there was something missing from the works of Bennett, Galsworthy and Wells; that there was something deficient in their approach. They still followed the Victorian tradition as far as the technique of the novel is concerned. Woolf wrote,...

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