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Cost Account


Submitted By jfl232
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1. (35 points) The United States Post Office provides an array of services which according to recent reports to Congress has resulted in billions in annual losses. A special committee has identified potential services that could be reduced or eliminated as follows:
a. Reduce days of delivery from six to five days i.e. eliminate Saturday delivery for residential and commercial customers
b. Eliminate special delivery services such as express mail and certified mail
c. Change the pricing structure for bulk (aka junk mail) to discourage use and encourage digital distribution to save costs on transportation, storage and labor
d. Consider eliminating other services such as passport and Post Office Box (POB) and any other non mail processing and delivery services
Use the above information to develop a framework for a recommendation for the USPS to continue or discontinue two of the services above. Your discussion should consider a make or buy decision or product line discontinuation decision or outsourcing decision or any combination with identification of the relevant costs to be considered. Your response should outline the quantitative factors such as relevant/avoidable/differential costs as well as the qualitative factors that should be considered in your decision. Provide an opinion assuming you had the appropriate information on what the USPS should do regarding future services.
We examine points “a” and “d.” Both these are product elimination decisions. In making the decision, we need to consider the loss of revenue and the savings in cost. The loss of revenue would come from discontinuing the service and the savings in cost would be due to lower activity. In looking at the cost savings, we need to identify the relevant costs. The relevant costs are those costs which change with the decision. Therefore, if savings in costs exceed the loss of revenue, we would want to discontinue the service. Let us examine the reduction in days of delivery from six to five days. In my opinion, the loss of revenue would be quite small. Most United States commercial business customers work from Monday to Friday and so eliminating Saturday delivery would not make much of a difference because most of these businesses are closed on the weekend. These commercial business customers would be just as happy to receive the same package on Monday, when they are open again. As far as residential customers are concerned, again eliminating Saturday delivery would not make a difference to most of them. These customers would still use the Post Office’s Monday to Friday service even if the package does not get delivered on Saturday.
In terms of the costs, the relevant costs would be the delivery costs incurred in making the Saturday delivery. Rest of the other costs would be fixed in nature and so it would not change. Given the size of the country and the number of postal offices, each day delivery cost would be substantial in terms of wear and tear and fuel costs. If the same mail can be delivered on Monday without any additional cost, then there would be full cost savings on the costs incurred on Saturday delivery. In terms of qualitative factors, customers may feel a slight degree of annoyance when they would hear that Saturday delivery is being eliminated. Getting mail as soon as possible would be something the customer’s usually desire. Initially, there may be some resistance, but gradually the customers would get used to this new delivery system. In my opinion, savings would outweigh the benefits and USPS may consider eliminating the Saturday delivery.
The USPS should eliminate all other non delivery services because services such as money order, PO boxes and passports require specially and bonded trained individuals to always be on staff thereby changing the USPS’s variability in staffing capabilities. They will have to hire additional people to keep a rotation of having one person trained in these tasks and others to handle the normal workflow. If the USPS had five people working full time one of these people through USPS policies would have to be in charge of these additional services. Also by concentrating employees on their core business services operating efficiencies should arise because of the learning curve principle and economies of scale which should decrease the variable cost for delivered items. Many of these additional services should be eliminated because they are also readily available at many other private firms for less money or hassle. Money orders can be obtained from many local retail stores, Western Unions or departments of large chains such as Wal-Mart at a cheaper price who also provide other forms of money wiring services. Passport services provided through the USPS provide easier access to individuals so that they do not have to go through the secretary of state thus furthering the disenfranchisement of seniors, and those living on a limited/fixed income. However this is a function that can be shifted to a different operating government facility or have more emphasis on obtaining a passport through the mail and directing questions online.
Eliminating passport services will help lower the relevant additional expenses such for the passport centers such as camera, film, and additional material and labor related to ensuring safe processing of passport. There is also the opportunity cost of what the additional employees can be contributing to the primary workload. Although the argument for these other services takes in to account the differential cost, that even if they operate at break even prices the additional services help to spread out all the fixed costs and help to absorb overhead. Keeping the product should then help improve margins on the core business of the USPS while eliminating it decrease the external contribution margins of other delivery services. The USPS should perform a CVP analysis to see the products derive the highest utility/profit for every direct labor hour and overhead tied to every direct labor hour. The USPS can use multiple regression analysis to test their sensitivity to the variables for each line of business.

2. (20 points)Explain why Sears Holding Company’s two enterprises:
a. Sears store should use target pricing and,
b. Kmart stores should use market based pricing
Target pricing is where the price is determined based on what the customers would be willing to pay for the product based on the product features. Market based pricing is also uses target pricing but also considers the pricing of competitors in deciding its own price. Sears store and Kmart stores operate in different customer markets and so would use different pricing strategies.
Sears store is a department store which sells different types of merchandise which are differentiated from the competitor offerings. Since the products are differentiated, it would make sense to use target pricing. Depending on the type and features of the product, Sears should be able to assess what the customers would be willing to pay for it and so use it in its pricing decisions.
Kmart stores are discount stores which also sell many different types of merchandise. Since this a discount store, product differentiation would be low and the selling proposition would be low price. Customers would also be willing to buy from stores which offer the lowest price for the product. In this segment, it would make sense for Kmart to make pricing decisions based on competitor pricing since customer buying decision would be influenced mainly by the price.

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