...Marginal costing and Absorption costing: the concept of marginal and absorption costing and its practical applications on business decisions. Cost Volume Profit Analysis: Relationship, impact on pricing, practical decision making strategies through CVP analysis Standard Costing and Variance analysis: concept and objectives of standard costing, advantages and limitations, variance analysis (Material, labour, overheads and sales variance), practical applications Budgeting and budgetary control mechanism Activity based costing, Responsibility Accounting Target costing Objective Objective of this course is to help student understand: 1. The essence of management accounting-effective use of the accounting information for planning, control and business decision making. 2. To use cost accounting as a managerial tool for business strategy and implementation. 3. To understand analyse the costing tools and their business application for enhancing revenue and profitability of a firm,. 4. To analyse various aspects of costing such as, marginal costing, absorption costing, allocation of costs, standard costing and variance analysis, activity based costing, target costing etc. 5. To understand the process of decision making, planning and budgeting in a business organisation. Pedagogy Lectures Discussions on case studies Term Projects and presentations Discussion and presentation on published research papers on related topics. Text book: Management Accounting: Paresh...
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...Completion date | Submitted on | | 16-09-2012 | 17-09-2012 | Qualification | Unit number and title | BTEC LEVEL 7 EDSML | Unit 13 : Managing Financial Principles and Techniques | | | Assignment title | FORD MOTOR COMPANY – A CASE STUDY | In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found. | Criteria reference | To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: | | Task no. | | Evidence | 1 | explain the importance of costs in the pricing strategy of an organisation changes | | 1.1 | | 9 | 1 | design a costing system for use within an organisation resource | | 1.2 | | 17 | 1 | propose improvements to the costing and pricing systems used by an organisation | | 1.3 | | 21& 24 | 2 | apply forecasting techniques to make cost and revenue decisions in an organisation | | 2.1 | | | 2 | assess the sources of funds available to an organisation for a specific project | | 2.2 | | | 2 | select appropriate budgetary targets for an organisation | | 3.1 | | | 3 | participate in the creation of a master budget for an organisation |...
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...2 1.0 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………...3 2.1 Economic Theory ……………………………………………………………………………...3 2.2 Costs …………………………………………………………………………………………...5 2.3 Cost – plus Pricing …………………………………………………………………………….5 2.4 Production Mix Decision …………………………………………………………..................6 2.5 Target Costing …………………………………………………………………………………7 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………….................8 2.0 The Role of Standard Costing …………………………………………………….................8 3.6 The Role of Variable Analysis ………………………………………………………………...9 3.7 The Values and Limitations of Variance Analysis …………………………………………..10 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………….11 3.0 Advantages and Disadvantages of Introducing ABC System ………………………………11 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………15 Recommendations ………………………………………………………………………………15 Appendix A - Elastic and Inelastic Demand ……………………………………………...........16 Appendix B - Summary of Variance Formulae …………………………………………...........17 Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………….20 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report discusses the different models and concepts which could affect Manac’s pricing decisions and what we should consider when pricing. It also pays attention to the current standard costing approach adopted by the company together with Variance Analysis and the roles it plays in management accounting and how variance analysis contribute to overall profit. In efforts to improve profit...
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...profit of every entity and this makes a not only accurate but also strategic pricing decision a necessity for any business that wants to thrive. There are many methods and models available for managers to use in order to fix price for a varying range of products and services, depending on the position of the company in the market and the strategy associated with the product. For a multinational company that produces electronic products, it is most likely to be a large supplier in a diverse market and great or little, its ability to influence market price is, nonetheless, certain. As a result, managers of said company will most likely take full advantage of this active power to further their strategy for the entity. Usually, the process of arriving at the selling price that is tagged with each product involves coming up with a base price or a marked up price, which are derived from cost information and then, this price will be further adjusted along with other market forces and competition so that a compromise is reached, enabling the company to earn profit and yet, the price is not so high as to drive customers away. Because of its easy-to-apply formulas, cost-plus pricing provides a simple start for managers to set up prices for new products, as Smith, Thorne and Hilton, 2006, p. 972 has suggested that “managers cannot ignore market forces, nor can they ignore costs. In practice, cost-plus pricing is used widely to establish a starting point in the process of determining a...
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...Managing Financial Principles and Techniques - Financial and Investment analysis Contents 1. Be able to apply cost concepts to the decision-making process 2 2. Be able to apply forecasting techniques to obtain information for decision making 4 3. Be able to participate in the budgetary process of an organization 5 4. Be able to recommend cost reduction and management processes for an organization 7 5. Be able to use financial appraisal techniques to make strategic investment decisions for an organization 8 6. Be able to interpret financial statements for planning and decision making 10 References 12 1. Be able to apply cost concepts to the decision-making process 1.1 explain the importance of costs in the pricing strategy of an organisation The pricing strategy becomes the major element in marketing mix of Dell Computers as it is related to product positioning. When there is a planning for new product launch pricing strategy is important and it requires general sequence of stages involved during pricing the new product. The different steps are as follows: (Daft, 2011) * Developing marketing strategy – helps the company to develop marketing strategy based on market analysis, market segmentation and positioning * Marketing Mix decisions – Defining a product, distribution and its promotional tactics * Estimation of demand curve – Estimating the demand and understand how it varies from quantity wit price * Cost Calculation – Calculation of fixed...
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...ACTIVITY –BASED COSTING (ABC) IN SERVICE INDUSTRIES Name: Ira Suri Date: April 23, 2016 Class Name: ACC 560: Managerial Accounting Professor Name: Professor Jones Olajide Abstract This paper explores Activity- based costing in Amazon Company, which is predominantly considered to be a forerunner in online retailing. It offers comprehensive range of products like books, CDs, videos, DVDs, electronics, toys, tools, home furnishings and housewares, apparel, and kitchen gadgets. It has evolved over the years and through this paper we shall evaluate how a time driven ABC cost system can be implemented in Amazon and how will it provide a competitive edge to the company in the market space it maneuvers in and subsequent impact of the business performance. Also, the paper will assess the latent impact of time- driven ABC costing on services provided online with those delivered through traditional channels. Amazon.com Amazon is one of the biggest online retailing companies, which deals in an innumerable collection of products like books, Cd.s, Dvd’s, shoes, clothing, home furnishings, hardware, music and what not. Amazon’s vision is to be globe's supreme consumer centric business; to construct an abode where individuals can uncover and discern everything they might desire to acquire online.” Amazon.com also retails goods from renowned dealers involving Virgin Wines, Hotwire, Toysrus.com Inc., Target, The Borders group, Circuit City Stores Inc., Waterstones, Expedia...
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...Contents Task 1: Applying costs concepts to decision making process 2 1.1Explaining the importance of costs in pricing strategy 2 1.2 Designing costing and pricing system 2 1.3 Recommending proposal 4 Task 2 Application of forecasting techniques 5 2.1 Forecasting Techniques 5 2.2 Sources of Funds for the Expansion of ABZ Ltd 6 Task 3 Participating in the Budgeting Process 10 3.1 Selecting appropriate budgetary targets 10 3.2 Preparing Master Budget 11 3.3 Comparing Actual expenditure and income with master budget 12 3.4 Impact of Lack Budget Monitoring Process Policy 12 4.1 Process in Managing Cost Reduction 14 4.2 Potential for the Use of Activity-Based Costing (ABC) 15 5.1 Applying financial appraisal methods 16 5.2 Evaluating and recommending suitable project 16 5.3 Reporting appropriate strategic investment decision 18 Task 5 Interpreting Financial Statements 18 6.1 Analyzing Financial Statements 18 6.2 Applying Financial ratios 18 6.3 Recommending Strategic portfolio management 20 References 21 Task 1: Applying costs concepts to decision making process 1.1Explaining the importance of costs in pricing strategy Cost can be looked upon as one of the most important elements of the process of taking pricing decisions and implementation of pricing strategies. Particularly, companies that adopt cost based pricing strategy, utilizes manufacturing and production costs as the basis of pricing (Brag, 2001). Cost considerations on the part...
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...1. Using the information in the case, design an activity-based costing system and estimate product costs and gross margin percentages for valves, pumps and flow controllers. Justify your reasons for your ABC system design and computations. As per the ABC costing system, the 5 overhead cost drivers that can be identified are: A. Product Sustaining Activity Costs (i) Engineering Costs B. Batch Activity Costs (i) Receiving & Production Costs (ii) Setup Labor Costs (iii) Packaging & Shipping costs C. Unit Level Activities (i) Machine utilization cost Calculation for cost per unit (per piece) for each of the overhead activities for the 3 products Machine Valve Pump Flow Controller Total Machine hours 3750.00 6250.00 1200.00 11200.00 Machine hrs / unit 0.50 0.50 0.30 machine related exp. 336000.00 Cost / machine hrs 30.00 $ Machine / unit 15.00 15.00 9.00 Engineering Valve Pump Flow Controller Total Hrs Engg Work hrs 250.00 375.00 625.00 1250.00 Engg Work hrs / unit 0.03 0.03 0.16 Engineering Cost 100000.00 Cost / engg work hr 80.00 $ engg hrs / unit 2.67 2.40 12.50 Receiving & Prod.Control Valve Pump Flow Controller Total No. of Prod. Runs 10.00 50.00 100.00 160.00 No. of components 4.00 5.00 10.00 Receiving & Prod. Control Cost 180000.00 Cost / Prod. Run 1125.00 Total Cost for all components of a prod. 11250.00 56250.00 112500.00 $ Receiving Cost / unit 1.50 4.50...
Words: 1824 - Pages: 8
...organization. Pricing is more than a number on a tag and has many components. Pricing decisions, strategies are complex and involve the decision makers to consider many elements such as the company’s positioning, the company’s brand, the customers, the competition and the marketing environment (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Companies use many methods to determine the prices for products that will generate better revenue. The owner or boss of a small business will often be the ones that determine the pricing strategy but in a big corporation, the pricing strategy will be established by the top management. The divisional, product and line managers of the big corporation use the pricing strategy policies and objectives approved by the top-management team (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Lipman Bottle Company is a bottle distributing company that offers bottle label printing solutions to their customers. Lipman Bottle Company launched its operation in 1909 and had become the leading bottle distribution company in Albany (Anthony, Hawkins, & Merchant, 2011). Over the past two the use of plastic has increased because of its use in manufacturing bottle caps, lids, spray pumps and also because distributors had the technology that allowed them to print directly labels onto bottles, making it convenient and more cost effective for users to purchase both solutions from one vendor. In November 1982, Robert Lipman the vice president of Lipman Bottle Company wanted to develop a pricing strategy that...
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...organizations[show] | Development[show] | Business portal | * v * t * e | In Management accounting or managerial accounting, managers use the provisions of accounting information in order to better inform themselves before they decide matters within their organizations, which aids their management and performance of control functions. Contents [hide] * 1 Definition * 2 Scope, practice, and application * 3 Differences between financial accountancy and management accounting * 4 Traditional vs. innovative practices * 5 Role within a corporation * 6 Specific methodologies * 6.1 Activity-based costing (ABC) * 6.2 Grenzplankostenrechnung (GPK) * 6.3 Lean accounting (accounting for lean enterprise) * 6.4 Resource consumption accounting (RCA) * 6.5 Throughput accounting * 6.6 Transfer pricing * 7 Resources and continuous learning * 8 Tasks/services provided * 9 Related qualifications * 10 Methods * 11 See also * 12 References * 13 External links ------------------------------------------------- Definition[edit] IFAC Definition of enterprise financial management concerning three broad areas: cost accounting; performance evaluation and analysis;...
Words: 3095 - Pages: 13
...included North America and selected international markets. In 2007, Elkay’s main outlet market begun to collapse; prices of raw materials increased sharply; Chinese competitors began to encroach on its low-end and threaten its relationships with key customers together with its pricing pressure from retailers and fabricators. All these factors severely undermined Elkay’s profitability. Since Elkay kept using a traditional standard costing system and analyzed its customer P&Ls within it, managers didn’t take well actions toward the decline in profit for they knew information provided by this system were actually inaccurate and meaningless. Due to Hrudicka’s tireless efforts and successes from two pilot projects, PPD implemented the new Discrete Product Costing by adopting the time-driven ABC system eventually. However, in may 2008, after received report about SKU profitability provided by the new system, the vice president of sales contemplated about taking action towards unprofitable customers. (为20000个顾客提供6000 SKUs products) Problem and issue: The problem that faced by Elkay’s PPD is the severe decline in profit. Issues underlying these problems are stated below: (1) In the past, Elkay’s traditional standard costing system simply ignored its products diversity and cost structure; it did not reflect its actual resources consumed by products; gave inaccurate information about product costs and customer profitability by wrongly allocated...
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...Zauner’s current costing methods. She approached her senior analyst, Yung Chen, to prepare an analysis of unit-product costs for each of Zauner’s products, namely small glass ball ornaments, large glass ball ornaments, and specialty glass ball ornaments. Using information from the sales department, Chen calculated the cost per box using traditional volume-based costing system and as a result, small glass ornaments’ cost is more than twice higher than its selling price, which means the company is losing money. David Metz, the directory of Operations, analyzed the results and suggested to redo the calculations and to try allocating overhead to each product based upon direct materials and direct labor. Chen calculated the cost per box using Metz’ suggested approach and found that product costs are below current sales price. Yet, Chia-Yu was not fully convinced of this approach and realized that activity-based costing (ABC) system might reflect Zauner’s product costs more accurately and serve as a basis for better product-pricing decisions. II. POINT OF VIEW The analysis of Zauner Ornaments’ cost allocation per product will be taken from Chia-yi Yu’s perspective, being the new controller, who aims to review and provide more accurate costs and improve product-pricing decisions. III. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The problem is to choose among traditional volume-based costing, direct materials-and-direct labor-based costing and activity-based costing that will reflect...
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...Contemporary Managerial Accounting Concepts 1. 2. Value Chain a. Just in Time (JIT) b. Total Quality Management (TQM) c. Theory of Constraints 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Target Costing Kaizen Costing Life Cycle Costing (LCC) Pricing Methods Uses and Limitations of Cost-Based and Market-Based Pricing Factors Affecting Prices Pricing Models for Not-for-Profit Organizations 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 Page Chapter Two: Total Quality Management (TQM) – an Introduction and Its Applications Chapter Three: Conclusion Appendix 1: References 12 23 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPORARY MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS Over the years, the managerial accounting practices had evolved. From the traditional costing method, many firms now have adopted the contemporary managerial practices to achieve better product costing and manufacturing processes. There are many contemporary managerial accounting in practice, some of them being Value Chain, Just-In-Time (JIT) Manufacturing, Total Quality Management (TQM) and the Theory of Constraints (TOC). All of the mentioned concept will be explained in brief in this chapter. Other than that, Target Costing will also be highlighted in brief. Kaizen Costing, a Japanese concept adapted by the westerners, will also be introduced. This chapter will also touch on life cycle costing (LCC), pricing methods, uses and limitations of cost-based price & market based price, factors affecting prices...
Words: 6580 - Pages: 27
...1. Executive Summary This report covers on the central problem the business encounters and offer solutions to reconstruct certain facets of the business. The main concern that Cambden Cakes faced is the inaccuracy of the method of costing used which results in a misstatement in its profit report. This report is to offer an alternative to the current costing method - Activity-Based Costing (ABC). The following detailed explanatory will be covered in the main body Limitations of original costing system and how ABC system overcome the limitations mentioned; The benefits of ABC system to the company; Comparison of calculated values and differences between the two methods; and lastly The implementation of ABC system and its issues 2. Background on Cambden Cakes Business in Cambden Cakes includes manufacturing and distributing of a variety of cakes and pastry products to supermarkets which are located all over Victoria, Australia. It has a factory in Clayton, Melbourne, Australia which both manufacturing and distributing process occurred, followed by delivery to Cambden Cakes' customers' warehouses which then send out to supermarket outlets. Chris Lee is Managing Director of Cambden Cakes. He showed keen interest in expanding the business and followed up on the interest by modernizing the manufacturing processes in the factory. This result in a shift from being labour-intensive in its original manufacturing...
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...Solutions Manual COST ACCOUNTING Fifteenth Edition Charles T. Horngren Srikant M. Datar Madhav V. Rajan ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Acquisitions Editor: Ellen Geary ------------------------------------------------- Editorial Project Manager: Nicole Sam ------------------------------------------------- Editorial Assistant: Christine Donovan ------------------------------------------------- Project Manager: Roberta Sherman ------------------------------------------------- Supplements Project Manager: Andra Skaalrud ------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying...
Words: 9620 - Pages: 39