Premium Essay

Creating a Statement of Work


Submitted By Rocka2000
Words 381
Pages 2
Database Major Topics:
• Occupancy rate
• Total Revenues in rent
• Total expenses in maintenance and repairs
• Deposits
• Lease Forms
• Rent Payment Forms

A. History/Introduction: Wild Woods Apartments owns 20 different apartment complexes in Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho. Each apartment complex contains anywhere from 10 to 60 separate apartments of varying sizes. All apartments are leased with a six-month or on-year lease.
B. Scope of Work:
Creation of centralized database system using SQL to allow Wild Wood apartment complex managers to improve the ease and efficiency with which the apartment managers conduct their daily business.
C. Constraints:
Primary Key Constraints – Lessee Name, Lease Number
Foreign Key Constraints – Lessee Name
Check Key Constraint – State Column
D. Objectives:
To develop a centralized database that the managers of Wild Wood Apartments complexes can use to track the daily business of their apartment building and to prepare their reports.
E. Tasks and Timeline: o Gathering Data: Obtain all information regarding Wild Wood Apartments Quarterly reports, Rent payment forms, Maintenance request forms, and Lease forms.
 14 days from signing of contract
 Possession of all data documents from project coordinator o Analyzing Data: Summarizing of all obtained data
 20 days from receive date of gathered data
 Summarization of analyzed data in word document given to project manager.(Signed Document) o Normalization: Organization of all data obtained, ridding it of redundancies and inconsistent dependency.
 14 days from submission of analyzed data to project manager
 Submission of Normalized data to project manager(Signed Document) o Building the Physical Database: Creation of SQL centralized database for Wild Wood Apartment complexes
 30 days from Normalization data submission
 Access given to the

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