...Creating Your Dream Job Creating Your Dream Job Denise Frevert 12/15/2013 Bus 310 My Dream Job There is nothing more frustrating that waking up in the morning and going to work, but when you wake up to do what you love then you not working you are enjoying yourself. My dream job is to be a Register Nurse, ever since I was a little girl I dream of being a nurse to help people. Register Nurse is a nurse who has graduated from a nursing program at a college or university and has passed a national licensing exam. As a child I always play that I was the nurse and my cousins and brothers were my patients. I would provide care and medication to make them feel better: stickers were bandages and water or juice was the medication. It feels good helping others in need and it’s a pleasure to feel needed. Creating a job description and specifications for your dream job. When creating my dream job I need to know the basic functions of my job description and job specifications. Job description is a lists of tasks, duties and responsibilities that a particular job entails (Denisi /Griffin, 2012). A job specification focuses more on the individual who will perform the job, which indicate the knowledge, abilities, skills and other characteristics (Denisi/ Griffin, 2012). These are some of the job description and specification with this profession as registered nurses that I will typically be responsible in order to perform my job: * Record patients' medical histories and symptoms ...
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...Argumentative Essay Ever since you were little, your parents have been talking about this wonderful thing called college. They told you that you have to go there to get an education before you can get a good job. Many kids have dreamed of going to college, and being able to get the job of their dreams. By putting in hard work and dedication to good grades in high school, you had high hopes that you would be able to get into an Ivy League school. The American dream of being able to go to college to get a degree is sliding away from many people due to rising costs. With increasing tuition prices and job loss, the college dream is slowly and surely slipping away from many students and their families. The first step in the college process is to be able to afford the tuition and other expenses. Many families are unable to do so by themselves and depend on the help of financial aid and loans. Financial aid has recently been harder and harder to come by and loans are now harder to get. In 2000, the average gap between a financial aid offer and a family?s ability to pay for college tuition was $3,000.00. Since then, tuition has risen twenty one percent and shows every sign of continuing to rise with inflation (U.S. News and World Report, 53). If federal aid and federal loans are not easily accessible to families, how are they supposed to send their children to college? The financial aid system is meant to help needy students and their families, but the system is cracking under...
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...My Dream Job I guess my dream job would be a combination of things. I don’t like just sitting at a desk. I need to get up and move around. I guess it would be a helpdesk role along with a systems administrator and a network administrator. I enjoy working with people hence the helpdesk role. I like the freedom to move around of the helpdesk role. Network administration is the most challenging of the roles. System admin is probably the most mundane of all. The helpdesk requires you to go to a person’s desk and interact with them. In the network admin role you work with the different devices. You may have to troubleshoot a connectivity issue, install a device, and configure the device. In the system admin role you mostly create user accounts, set shares and permissions, create e-mail accounts. To be able to land this type of job I will have to update some of my credentials. Probably go to college for at least an associate’s or maybe a bachelor’s degree. A lot of job advertisements I am seeing are requiring those now. I have experience but no degree. I need to renew my CCNA certification. That entails either going to classes or studying online. Going to classes would be the best because it would go toward a degree and give some hands on experience. The same applies to my A+ certification. Some of the other certifications also need refreshing. At my age I wonder if it would be worth the effort of working toward a degree. It would take over two years to complete...
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...Opportunities Paper Upon coming to the United States here and Brinkley and Son's we have amazing opportunities for you for your future. We are seeking newcomers to our new regions covering the New United States. If you come work for us you will live the American dream. We have new companies that are arising as we speak and have amazing opportunities for everyone who is seeking the American Dream. We are a fast growing company full of opportunities and we have great pay and great benefits for you and your family. If you are wanting opportunities in American that please contact us so that we can offer you a great paying job full of new future. There are railroads that are now being built and heading west for our fast growing economy. We are currently finishing up our railroad in Stockton and Cairo and are needing strong men to help us complete more opportunities for this fast growing United States. In china the average person's yearly salary is $20 a year. Here is America you can make that in one day giving the right opportunity. New industries are arising everywhere now and its creating more and more opportunities to everyone from Europe to China. Their are opportunities to start your own business in the United states home of the American dream. If you are from Europe you can avoid the Military Draft by coming to the United States. Coming to the United States you will be able to help build the United States stronger and better then it is now. There are many new business's that...
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...Composition My Dream Some people dream about becoming a Doctor, Lawyer, or even a famous Actor. Me, myself and I dream about something bigger. Something larger than life, Ok well maybe not that big but pretty darn close. My greatest dream is to become Batman! Probably didn’t see that coming? Why would I want to be Batman, well for many reasons. I mean come on Batman is wealthy, has really cool gadgets, plus he save innocent people’s lives. Sure money isn’t everything; in fact money can be a bad thing if used for the wrong reasons. Putting all of that aside who wouldn’t want to be wealthy? I wouldn’t mind being wealthy. Let’s be honest if Batman wasn’t wealthy could he really be Batman? Although the money and gadgets are not all that make him Batman, Money did not buy his ability to train in multiple fighting styles. The actual fighting is purely just his intelligence and strength. The money makes him able to be a step ahead of his enemy, more so through theatricality. Either way all of his cool gadgets make the finishing touches of making him Batman. That brings me to another reason as to why I would want to be Batman. The Gadgets!!In most of the movies the gadgets were all similar. There may have been some changes made to allow them to fit the setting of that specific movie but all were meant for the same purpose. You have to advanced suit that protects him from his enemy and also allows him to glide across the city. I would love to just be able to glide across the city...
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...your future career is an excellent way to show colleges and scholarship organizations how you will use your education. College is not your final destination, but a springboard that will help you reach larger goals in life. Colleges and scholarship organizations do not expect you to be 100% certain about your future job. Don’t be afraid to aim high and write about your dream job. STEP 1: Brainstorm Your Future Career You don’t need to be absolutely certain about your career choice. You’re going to write about your dream job and there’s no limit to what this could be. Answer these questions to help you decide what to put in your essay: 1. What is your dream job? _______________________________________________________ 2. What attracts you to this job? ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did you first get interested in this type of work? Did someone in this career inspire you? How? ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What do you hope to accomplish in this career? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Have you prepared yourself for this career in any way? (e.g., talked to someone in the field, read...
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...ends‒ so do my dreams, my income, my footprint, my support, and my motives”(Rivera). In an interview with Andrea Rivera, a family friend, she explains how DACA has affected her life and how the ending of DACA is not the answer. DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals was enacted by the Obama Administration in 2012 to give undocumented children temporary residence in the United States, eligibility for a driver licence, and work permit at 15. DACA was passed to grant these undocumented children or better known as“Dreamers” assurance that they could remain in the United States without the fear of being deported. As of recent, under Trump’s Administration, the program is no longer taking new applicants and renewals will not be processed after March 5, 2018. DACA should be replaced in the form...
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...2018… What does this year mean for you personally? For football lovers, 2018 means Russia… With the world cup being held there. For Ski lovers… 2018 means Pyeongchang, with the winter Olympics being held in South Korea. For others, 2018 is just another number, another year bearing no remarkable importance. For me… 2018 is a year of utter importance, it is the year I’ll realize my dreams. What dreams? Some of you may wonder… While growing up, I never dreamt to become an astronaut, never dreamt to become an actor, nor become the president. I had one dream, and that is to become a millionaire. Thus 2018 for me is the year I will make my first million. Oscar Wilde once said “There is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor.” Today, we will be discussing the one thought that possesses every man, the one thing that every man and woman covet, and that is money. It was once said by Henry Wadsworth, an American poet that “Music is the universal language of mankind”. Today however, music has ceased to be the universal language of mankind, and money arose to become the prominent language that connects all people across the globe. Rupees, Pound, Yen, Lira, Dinar, Euro, and Dollars; languages that every single one among you speaks, languages that all men speak. And to master that language; to become a fluent speaker capable of communicating and influencing others, one ought to become a millionaire. Thus, as a student studying business...
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...The American Dream is something we hear about from our parents when we are growing up. Is the American Dream some unattainable thought of someone’s misplaced perception of reality? Or is the legendary American Dream just a matter of a few steps away from all of us? This dream we know of is not an illusion but a reality, all we must do is work for it. Some might say Gatsby in the “The Great Gatsby” had the American dream as he lived in a huge mansion and got anything he wanted. Well that is except for Daisy, his only love. Others might say that the American dream is to have a healthy and happy family instead of all the material goods in the world. Generation after generation, individuals and families have come to this land we call America in high hopes of creating successful life. They come in high hopes of finding a job to support their spouse and kids. These generations do not stop here but will only continue for the times to come. The American Dream is not something people simply hope to attain one day but are willing to work for it. By whatever means necessary they are willing to work for their dream. We all hope to live the American Dream; we all want the fancy car with the big house and the beautiful family but are we willing to work for it? When that question is upon us we are quick to answer yes but not all of us pursue our dreams. The few who do pursue their dreams and education sometimes do obtain the dream. The others who do not are the individuals...
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...BMW’s Dream Factory and Culture Priya Prasad Strayer University Dr. Sheila Monjeau Letica BUS520- Leadership and Organizational Behavior January 30, 2010 Question: Describe the culture at BMW? The culture at BMW is employee oriented and employee driven. As stated in the article BMW’s Dream Factory by Business Week, “Much of BMW's success stems from an entrepreneurial culture that's rare in corporate Germany, where management is usually top-down and the gulf between workers and managers is vast. BMW's 106,000 employees have become a nimble network of true believers with few hierarchical barriers to hinder innovation. From the moment they set foot inside the company, workers are inculcated with a sense of place, history, and mission. Individuals from all strata of the corporation work elbow to elbow, creating informal networks where they can hatch even the most unorthodox ideas for making better Bimmers or boosting profits” (BMW’s Dream Factory by Business Week, Oct 16, 2006). Hence it is clear that employees play in a key role in the company’s innovation and success. As stated in the textbook, “If people are happy, they are more efficient. If they are unhappy, they are not going to bother making suggestions” (Organizational Behavior, Hellriegel & Slocum, Pg.112, 2010). Hence the culture at BMW motivates employees to work harder and participate in the company’s quest for innovation. Question: Discuss the model of leadership illustrated at BMW and the related...
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...Creating Your Dream Job Tanishia Skipper Denise Frevert Human Resource Management December 2, 2012 Create a job description and specifications for your dream job. My dream job would be a fashion buyer (you may know it as apparel buyer). I have always love high end fashion. As a child I would go into my mom’s closet and dress myself with her jewelry, pumps and different high end clothes. My mother always had different designer closes and shoes. I do believe that is where I began to love fashion because she would always dress very stylish. I grew to love to dress other people and show them how to put stuff together. My sisters would come and ask me what looked good together and what did not. By the time that I was 18 I would have my family members asking me about fashion. Then before I knew it it was something that I was doing naturally. I have come to realize that most people have no idea as to what all is involved in fashion. People do not understand that fashion does not only include putting colors together. I have a cousin that is a fashion buyer with Neiman-Marcus. She has been working for them for about 10 years now. She went to the University of New York to earn her degree in Business Management. She has been my inspiration as a fashion buyer. Being in this field of fashion allows you to travel across the country and it also allows you to be able to attend the different fashion weeks across the country. I am attending Strayer University and majoring...
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...Introduction In America, the wealth gap between the rich and the poor has undoubtedly increased over the years. Most Americans do not doubt the presence of this gap, but not all believe it is an issue that impairs our economy. Scholars from the Intelligence Squared U.S. debate argue over whether the American dream of upward mobility is hindered by our economy’s disproportionate income distribution. Based on statistical evidence and facts from the arguments, it is clear that income inequality does, in fact, impair the American dream of upward mobility. Analysis According to a census performed in 2015 by the U.S. Census Bureau, America has experienced economic growth in regards to national income. Though this sounds like a factor that would...
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...Yobana Andreina Garcia I believe that having a career is fundamental to success in the world these days. We live in a time when if you do not have a degree you probably will not work in the area of your interest, or get very far for that matter. Luckily, some people have found their dream job and have not required a university degree, but this is the exception, not the rule. An example of this is my mother, she has a medical degree from a technical school and she loves her job. She goes to villages that cannot even be accessed by car, and she is so committed to her job and helping others that she has been doing it for over thirty years. She wanted to go to college, but sadly her boss discriminated against her for being a woman and did not...
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...The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Social Media During a Job Search Your Name Here Your Class Here Your Professor Here Date Executive Summary Social media is quickly becoming a key element in the modern day job search. The rise of social media and living in a connected world means more opportunities for job seekers, and utilizing your social presence online can indeed land you that dream job. There are many advantages of using social media for a job search. However, there are also potential disadvantages of using social media, and caution must be exercised to avoid losing employment opportunities. It is vital for job seekers to understand how recruiters and hiring managers are using social media platforms in all stages of the employee selection process. You should be careful about what you post, because it is a direct reflection of the image you are portraying to potential employers. However, you can also use social media to your advantage by creating and maintaining a consistently professional image. Introduction Social media is quickly becoming a key element in the modern day job search. Employers use sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to find out much more about prospective employees than the information provided in their resumes. Social media has gained popularity over the years and since 2012 it has become the top online activity for many teens as well as other age groups. In fact, in 2013 there were over 1.15 billion registered users...
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...“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” These famous words by Walt Disney are the foundation upon which so many people build their lives. The belief that one can achieve the American dream, to prosper financially, to hold social status, to be a success. This dream is realized by many, but others struggle and can never quite seem to reach it’s summit. It is this struggle that captivates the reader as they journey through Death of a Salesman. Arthur Miller paints a vivid tapestry with his use of symbols to depict one man’s attempt to achieve success and the American dream. Willy Loman’s dreams for success are represented by Miller’s use of seeds. The seeds symbolize the starting point on Willy’s long journey...
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