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Creative Writing: The Mustang

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The Mustang
Growing up all we ever want to do is be adults. we figure there is no school, no parents and freedom. Each milestone is almost new life for kids. There is the big ONE-THREE, the teenage years. Then of course 16 is when we start thinking are car is coming our way, but then 18 hits and we are free to do as we please (so we think). Then there is 21 and all we want to do is party like a rock star. At of all that I feel 16 was my favorite. I was very fortunate when my parents buy me car. Although my car wasn’t the most expensive thing on the street, it sure was to me. It was a 1998 midnight blue Ford Mustang. she was a beauty. The Mustang was midnight blue during the day and black at night. Almost as if I had two cars. Then of course

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...What a marketer want???? N how he get there???? Types of marketing… Societal marketing Traditional marketing Word of mouth Sales promotion Gorilla marketing Viral marketing n so n so on….n what not…many more YYYYYY DY NEED TO STUDY ALL DEZ…YYYY…ITNI CARE TO HMRI HMRY PARENTS B NHI KRTY…JTNA YE LOG KRTY HY… R DEZ REALLY THE CUSTOMERS OR THE PROFIT????? TOPIC…….BIRD EYE VIEW OF HOW P & G TACKLES ITS CUSTOMERS…. SUBJECT….MARKETING MANAGEMENT SUBMITTED BY…..SADAF, FARAH ,MARYAM,RUBINA DATE OF SUBMISSION…30 APRIL 2014 SUBMITTED TO….MAAM SADI AZIZ Mahatma Gandhi > Quotes > Quotable Quote “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. CUSTOMER PSYCHOLOGY……HOW IMPORTANT FOR A MARKETER TO STUDY????? Companies use marketing to promote and sell their products or services, and consumer behavior is how consumers act and respond in the retail environment. In order for a company to create a strong marketing campaign, it is important to understand how and to what the consumer will respond. This relationship between marketing and consumer behavior involves studies, focus groups, psychological analyses and other methods of studying the market for a particular...

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