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Textual Variances

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For this essay we are are required to talk about textual variances and how they effect our viewpoint on scripture. With textual variance there is textual criticism which can be found when there is no original documents survived and there are many copes of the same instance but textual variants exist between them. Though out out time in class learning about textual criticism I have found myself becoming closer to God. There are a few reasons for this affect; one is that most of the textual variants are so miner that there really is no need to talk about them at all, such as spelling of words, and the changing of meaning of words though time. Another is that I believe God did not write the Bible, man did, but God heavily influenced the writings. Because we are human there will be textual differences making me want to study and understand the Bible more. Textual criticism will always be a part of the Bible because if there is something out there people usually question it which causes criticism. Some of the ways I …show more content…
The thought did cross my mind that I should read multiple versions of the Bible to see what the text real means but I had never truly done so. This dose affect my personal view because it helps me question what I believe. The more I question the stronger my faith becomes. Learning about these veronicas has inspired me to read more translations to find the true meaning of the text. Making sure to ask questions and know that we will never understand everything because of our finight minds compared to God. Questioning is almost like fighting with God. I have been told that you do not truly know someone until you know what makes them angry. Not that we are making God angry by questioning, actually the exact opposite, he is proud of our questioning because that means we are using the minds he has given

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