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The Role Of Creatures In Harry Potter

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In Harry Potter there are many magical creatures. Most of the creatures are at Hogwarts, but creatures like Dobby, the house elf, are not. Dobby lives in the house with the people while other creatures live in the woods at Hogwarts or are hidden at Hogwarts the like three-headed dog. There are also creatures that are snuck into Hogwarts and aren’t supposed to be there like the dragon that Hagrid gets. One creature that roams around in the woods at Hogwarts is the centaur. Centaurs are half-human, half-horse. The have the body of a horse and the torso of a human. Centaurs are always focused on the moon and not interested in anything but the moon. Centaurs know many things, but they don’t tell much, the like to keep to themselves. Another

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