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Anita Martinez Interview

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When we are children we are told that the sky is the limit and that we can be whoever we want to be, but as we get older life’s realties seem to change the meaning of those words. We can be whoever we want to be; however, these words now carry more than a feeling of desire but hard work and determination. Every single human must work hard to overcome prejudice, personnel obstacles, and even people; some more than others. For these very reasons humans need people like Anita Martinez, to remind us that becoming the person that we want to be may require a lot of work and sacrifice, but it is something that has been done before and can be done again. It was an honor to have the opportunity to be able to interview Anita Martinez. The reason I …show more content…
When I grow up I want to go into medical research, so it was exciting to be able to speak to someone that did research, especially someone who is a Latina. It’s sad to say but in my life time I have not come across too many Latinas with a career in the medical field; soon I know this will change. Anita is originally from Denver, Colorado; born and raised. She is the youngest of five children. In the time she grew up in, women were seen more as care takers and stay at home wives, so her exposure to the opportunity of being more was limited. In her early teen years Anita was not able to graduate from high school. By the time she was seventeen she was married and by nineteen she had three children. By the age of 22 she was divorced. At this point in her life she had realized she had not acquired the skills to make her happy in a career or job, or to give her family a stable life. One person that helped her in this journey was one of her older brothers. When she saw her brother was going to a community college, she was inspired and started going to …show more content…
For the most part of her career, she was working directly with patients and making decisions about their care as a PA. However, when her mother passed away she reached a ‘burnout’ stage and she felt like she didn’t want to have the responsibility of someone’s life in her hands. Even though she doesn’t have a direct contact with patients, she is still satisfied with her work because she knows she helps people get what they need. Not only does Anita have experience in case managing and patient care, but she also has experience in medical research. For five years of her career she took part in a research that was helping produce better medication and treatment for different illnesses. In her experience, she was not in a lab all day as one might think. She had the opportunity to talk to patients in the clinical trials and see if the medication was successful. Although she just did this type of medical work for a short period of time, she did enjoy this part of her career and the fact that some of the drugs she was testing are helping people

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