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Kraft Macaroni And Cheese Research Paper

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You get home, throw your backpack on the floor, and turn on the TV to watch your favorite afternoon show. An hour later your mom yells that dinner is ready. When you make it to the table you see the orange, gooey pile of cheesy goodness that is named Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Kraft has always been known for this American favorite that kids all over the nation enjoy, but what really is behind the tasty meal of your childhood? This is an analysis of the most interesting ingredients that make up the famous cheesy dinner in box. The ingredients that you see on the side of the box may look concerning with their long scientific names and complicated spellings, but usually they are not a cause for alarm. In this instance, the ingredient calcium phosphate pops up. Calcium …show more content…
Calcium phosphate is completely safe and even found in your bones as tiny crystals; however, it does turn up in some strange things. For example, calcium phosphate is found in fertilizers as a supplement for all types of flora. It can also be in toothpaste, paints, paper products, and antacids. Calcium phosphate is a useful compound that does everything from giving structure to your body to cleaning your teeth. Another main ingredient used to make the classic elbow macaroni is durum. Durum is a type of wheat created from artificial selection that is made into a flour specifically used for pastas. To make this flour the wheat is harvested and sorted to get rid of the outside and faulty kernels. The sorted grain is then milled and purified. The wheat makes a dough that is disparate from the dough people regularly make for something like cookies. This dough is easy to shape allowing the creation of the many types of pastas. Durum is also used for many other foods such as couscous, which is a Middle Eastern food of boiled durum. With several uses in foods, durum wheat is an essential part to making the pasta in Kraft Macaroni &

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