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Analysis Of Crooks In John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men'

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Everyone has been mistreated to an extent. Whether it be big or small, it will still cause you to change things, or at least reexamine them. In Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men, Crooks is the perfect example. With Crooks being the only black man on the farm, the other men don't know how to treat him or even approach him. With Crooks having his very own sleeping quarters based off his skin color is very shameful and makes him feel very mistreated. “Cause I’m Black. They play in there, But I can’t play Because I’m black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, All of you stink to me.”(68). This goes to show just how disgusted Crooks is with his mistreatment from the other ranch hands. You can tell by the wording in the quote that he is frustrated to

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