...Phase 2 Research Country Selection Matrix: A Tool to Prioritize Geographic Focus IKATU is GUARANI for “Yes I Can ” Ikatu International is attempting to create employment opportunities for the world’s youth population. We are identifying gaps within current youth employment efforts, strategically modeling and implementing solutions that leverage our blended value experience (economic, social, and environmental), and creating significant impact measurements that drive dialogue on transparency and accountability. Ikatu International aspires to enable self sufficiency, teach life and social skills, and create building blocks for future generations by connecting youth to economic opportunity. Ikatu is Guarani for “Yes I Can”, a translation that speaks to both our organization and the belief systems we hope to cultivate. We would like to inspire personal dignity, realized opportunity, and leadership within young adults who have been underexposed by circumstance. Giving back to the community through smart business can stimulate positive change regardless of economic, political, religious and social context. At Ikatu International, we believe in endless possibilities and the power of “Yes I Can”. Country Selection Matrix: A Tool to Prioritize Geographic Focus Revised Report August 2010 Ikatu International The original report was authored by Meghan Corroon and Elizabeth Stewart from Causemopolis in January, 2009. INTRODUCTION The Country Matrix analysis is a reference document...
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...A Study On Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in U.A.E Submitted By: Vishal Bobal MBA (2015-2017) AUD4325 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION 2.1 DEFINATITION 2.2 SMEs IN DUBAI 2. SERVICES PROVIDED BY UAE GOVERNMENT TO SMEs 3. GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES TO PROMOTE SMEs 4. IMPORTANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES 5. SMEs ROLE IN THE ECONOMY 6. PROBLEMS TO SMEs 7. BARRIERS TO SMEs 8. CONCLUSION 9. REFERENSING INTRODUCTION 1.1 DEFINATION The small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have got very few resources, opportunities or turnover which is upto a certain extent. The definations of SMEs are flexible. This is variable from person to person. There are many people who use the word SME for those firms who have less than 500 employees, whereas some use this word for those businesses that have more than 500 workforces. However, some use the word “Big Businesses” for the organizations that have more than 500 employees. If we look at the middle east, it can be easy to see that there are numerous differences in which a regional can be taken into an account. It is also widely understood that the SMEs are the very important...
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...Polytechnic of Namibia School of Human Sciences Department of Education and Languages Peter Gallert Private Bag 13388, 13 Storch Street, Windhoek, Namibia Tel: +264-(0)61-207-2268 Fax: +264-(0)61-207-2051 Course Outline: ICT521S: Information Competence Statement about Academic Honesty and Integrity All staff and students of the Polytechnic of Namibia, upon signing their employment contracts and registration forms, commit themselves to abide by the policies and rules of the institution. The core activity of the Polytechnic is learning and in this respect academic honesty and integrity is very important to ensure that learning is valid, reliable and credible. The Polytechnic therefore does not condone any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and cheating on tests and assessments, amongst other such practices. The Polytechnic requires students to always do their own assignments and to produce their own academic work, unless given a group assignment. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: • Using the ideas, words, works or inventions of someone else as if it is your own work. • Using the direct words of someone else without quotation marks, even if it is referenced. • Copying from writings (books, articles, webpages, other students’ assignments, etc.), published or unpublished, without referencing. • Syndication of a piece of work, all or part of an assignment, by a group of students, unless the assignment was a legitimate group...
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...South Africa © 2011 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 Telephone 202-473-1000 Internet www.worldbank.org All rights reserved. 1 2 3 4 08 07 06 05 A copublication of The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. This volume is a product of the staff of the World Bank Group. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone 978-750-8400; fax 978-750-4470; Internet www.copyright.com. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher,The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax 202-522-2422; e-mail pubrights@worldbank.org. Additional copies of Doing Business...
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...[pic]International Islamic University Chittagong (Dhaka Campus) Assignment On “Telecommunication Operator Banglalink™’s Operation in Bangladesh as MNE” Course Title: International Business Course Code: MKTG-5602 Assignment Submitted To Mr. Amir Ahmed International Islamic University Chittagong (Dhaka Campus) Assignment Submitted by, |Name |Metric No. | |Fuad Bin Mostafiz |M 091662 | |Md. Shahkwat Hossain |M091661 | |Md. Momenul Islam Khan |M 091651 | |Md. Zakir Hossain |M 091659 | |Khandkar Md. Zahiruddin |M091660 | ORIGIN OF THE REPORT This report is prepared for fulfilling the International Business, MKTG-5602; course requirement of Department Of DBA, International Islamic University Chittagong. This report mostly covers a research report on “Telecommunication Operator Banglalink™’s Operation in Bangladesh as MNE”. OBJECTIVE: Primary Objective: - Primary objective of the report is fulfilling the course requirement for Completion of MBA program under department of DBA, International Islamic University...
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...necessarily reflect those of the United Nations. Project coordinator: Adrian Gauci Editorial coordination: Cristina Müller Team: Abebe Shimeles, Workie Mitiku, Vanessa Steinmayer, Reto Thoenen This report was produced with guidance and input from Augustin Fosu, Director of the Economic and Social Policy Division of the ECA. It benefited greatly from the revisions of Bartholomew Armah and Kwabia Boateng. Special thanks to Lorna Davidson for the final editing, to Akwe Amosu for her valuable input, and to Seifu Dagnachew and Teshome Yohannes for creative and efficient lay-out and production. The report was designed by the ECA Communication Team and printed by the Documents Reproduction and Distribution Unit, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Photo credits (left to right): Front cover- R. Zurba/USAID, J. Dunlop/USAID, R. Zurba/USAID, M. Crozet/ILO. Back cover- J. Maillard/ILO, T. Brunette/USAID, I. Getachew/UNICEF. Table of Contents Acronyms ........................................................................................................ iv Preface.............................................................................................................. v 1. The MDGs: What are they and where are we? ........................................ 1 The MDGs as an international commitment to human development..... 3 The MDGs embody several national and international development...
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...and Eastern Europe are growth markets with significant long-term potential for media and broadcasting. At the time, they were not well served by other companies, and all three regions lacked an adequate supply of local broadcast engineers. Megahertz International’s export strategy was simple. The company aimed to provide a turnkey solution to emerging broadcast and media entities in Africa, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe, offering to custom design, manufacture, install, and test broadcasting systems. to gain access to customers, Megahertz hired salespeople with significant experience in these regions and opened a foreign sales office in Italy. Megahertz also exhibited at a number of exhibitions that focused on the targeted regions, sent mailings and e-mail messages to local broadcasters, and set up a Web page, which drew a number of international inquiries. The response was swift. By early 2000, Megahertz had already been involved in projects in Namibia, Oman, Romania, Russia, Nigeria, Poland, South Africa, Iceland, and Ethiopia. The international operations had expanded to a staff of 75 and were generating £10 million annually. The average order size was about £25,000,and the largest...
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...the three back to back trips being offered. The first would be the ever popular West Coast trip, then continuing to the Namib Desert New Year trip and ending with the Richtersveld return trip. Very important, it will be your choice how many of these back to back trips you will join. You are welcome to choose the trips that will suit your time available before having to return home. Richard will be guiding all three of the trips mentioned above, starting 16 December 2014 on the West Coast and continue to Namibia spending Christmas at Amanzi camp on the bank of the Gariep River. From there he will continue to Solitaire, the rendezvous for the New Year Namib Desert trip starting 28 December 2014. On completing the New Year Namib Desert trip in Walvis Bay, Richard will head for the Richtersveld via Solitaire, Helmeringhausen, Seeheim, Hobas and Ai-Ais. The ferry at Sendelingsdrif will be used (depending on the Gariep River water level) to cross the border between Namibia and South Africa. From there he will head directly into the Richtersveld National Park. At least five days are planned to explore and enjoy the beauty of the largest rock desert in the world. For more information visit the Cederberg 4x4 website to view the agendas for the West Coast trip 16 – 22 December 2014 and the A-Ais/Richtersveld return...
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...1970 – With 38 stores open, Wal-Mart enjoys $44.2 million in sales. The company also opened its first distribution center in 1970 in Bentonville, Ark. 1972 – Wal-Mart is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. For two years before it was listed on the NYSE, shares in the company were traded over the counter, meaning that brokers directly bought and sold the stock from one another. 1977 – Illinois becomes the tenth state to have a Wal-Mart store. 1983 – The first Sam’s Club, the company’s first members-only warehouse store, opens in Oklahoma. The new club is setup to compete with Costco, which first opened for business customers in 1976. 1987 – Wal-Mart celebrates its 25th anniversary. After 25 years in business, the company boasts some 1,198 stores with $15.9 billion in sales that year. 1988 – The first Wal-Mart Supercenter opens in Missouri. Those stores, which now encompass some 109,000 to 220,000 square feet, contain a traditional Wal-Mart and a supermarket. 1990 – Wal-Mart becomes the number one retailer in the United States, with some $26 billion in sales. Wal-Mart also purchased grocery distributor McLane Co., which was sold to Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway in 2003. 1991 – Wal-Mart opens its first international store in Mexico City. The company also continued to increase the number of Sam’s Club by merging with The Wholesale Club Inc. of Indianapolis. Those 28 stores were then integrated into the Sam’s Club chain. 1992 – Wal-Mart co-founder Sam Walton dies at...
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...support activities Supporter IGES Sector Energy use in the rice mill sector Supply side energy efficiency Country/Region Cambodia Status Initial assessment successfully concluded Capacity development for incorporation of SB into NMMs or PoAs Road map study Concept stage Not yet started IGES Mongolia ADB UNDP MDG Carbon Global Environment Center Foundation Cook stoves Agricultural sector Not yet defined Solomon Islands Asia-Pacific Not yet defined UNDP LED Grid Emission Factor Uzbekistan Initial assessment successfully concluded 3 Standardized Baseline support activities Supporter ACAD/UNEP Riso Sector Grid Emission Factor for the Southern African Power Pool Country/Region Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe Uganda Status Approved Green Resources Charcoal (fuel switch, technology switch, methane destruction) Clinker production in the cement sector Positive List for electricity generation from landfill gas and methane destruction factor Approved Ethane Biofuels/Ethiopia UNFCCC/RCCs (Africa/LAC) Ethiopia West- and EastAfrica/Caribbean and Latin America Initial assessment QA on initial submissions/concept stage 4 Standardized Baseline support activities Supporter KfW/UNFCCC RCC, Lomé Sector Replication of the charcoal SB (with methane avoidance component) WAPP GEF SB GEF SB Country/Region West Africa Status Scope is being determined ACAD/UNEP Riso UNFCCC RCC Lomé /St. George's ...
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...November 2010 [pic] Contents Executive summary 5 1. Introduction 8 2. Value chain analysis 9 2.1. The general value chain concept 9 2.2. The value chain concept applied to fisheries and aquaculture 11 2.3. Conclusions about using the value chain analysis 14 3. The international seafood industry and Africa’s place in it 16 3.1. African seafood exports and imports 18 3.2. Main destinations 20 3.3. Imports 21 3.4. Value addition in Africa 21 4. Studies where value chain analysis has been used 22 4.1. Revenue distribution through the seafood value chain 23 4.2. Lake Victoria Nile perch fishery, Tanzania 25 4.3. Pelagic fishery in Morocco 32 4.4. Value addition opportunities in the Namibian seafood industry 38 4.5. Ugandan Nile perch quality management and certification 41 4.6. The Kenya capture fisheries value chain 45 4.7. Nigerian domestic catfish production 50 4.8. Gender analysis of aquaculture value chain in Nigeria and Vietnam 54 4.9. Private sector applications of value chain analysis 60 5. On-going value chain analysis studies 68 5.1. Value chain analysis of international fish trade and food security 68 5.2. Ghana: Value Chain and Cost Earnings Analysis 69 6. Example from Asia: Analysis of the fishery sector in Sri Lanka 70 6.1. Value chain summary 71 6.2. Production 71 6.3. Ownership and collective...
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...Orphans in Africa: Poverty and School Enrollment 483 ORPHANS IN AFRICA: PARENTAL DEATH, POVERTY, AND SCHOOL ENROLLMENT* ANNE CASE, CHRISTINA PAXSON, AND JOSEPH ABLEIDINGER We examine the impact of orphanhood on children’s school enrollment in 10 sub-Saharan African countries. Although poorer children in Africa are less likely to attend school, the lower enrollment of orphans is not accounted for solely by their poverty. We find that orphans are less likely to be enrolled than are nonorphans with whom they live. Consistent with Hamilton’s rule, the theory that the closeness of biological ties governs altruistic behavior, outcomes for orphans depend on the relatedness of orphans to their household heads. The lower enrollment of orphans is largely explained by the greater tendency of orphans to live with distant relatives or unrelated caregivers. I n a follow-up to the 2001 noted that nearlyGeneral Assembly Specialare suffering HIV/ United Nations Session on AIDS, UNAIDS researchers 40% of the countries that from a generalized AIDS epidemic lack a national policy to support children “orphaned or made vulnerable by AIDS” (Joint United Nations Programme 2003:12). This is an important issue in sub-Saharan Africa, where the death of prime-aged adults from HIV/AIDS has led to pronounced concentrations of orphans. Recent Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) have indicated that in Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, nearly 15% of all children under age 15 have lost...
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... MAJOR ARTICLE SUMMARY This article is a general overview of the Russian economy as of December 2008 that reflects on the causes for a “slowdown” the preceding October. Even though there was a “slowdown” in the economy, growth was still taking place as evidenced in the GDP. For October of that year, GDP growth was 5.9% relative to the 7.7% seen in January-September. The price of oil and raw materials fell during that period which accounted for a greater decline in exports. Retail sales and agricultural output seemed to be carrying the weight of the economy during the last quarter of 2008. Industrial outputs and manufacturing took a dive and the overall outlook from the business sector showed a considerable lack of confidence and access...
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...CA Dayavanti Khilolani 28th January 2012 2 • • • • • • • Introduction to Section Chargeability of Sum and TDS rate determination Section 90(2) of the IT Act Section 206AA of IT Act Issuance of Form 15CA / 15CB process Revised guidelines of NSDL (major differences) • • • • • • Why DTAA and What is DTAA? Principles and Purpose of DTAA Nature and Types of DTAA How do treaties remove Double taxation Structure of a typical DTAA and major Models Conventions used in world Applicability of DTAA Interpretation techniques of DTAA How to determine which DTAA is applicable and how to apply that DTAA Some important concepts used in DTAA Some important points to remember 3 Problems faced while uploading • Form 15CA • • • CA Dayavanti Khilolani 28th January 2012 CA Dayavanti Khilolani 28th January 2012 4 Tax Payer resident of State A Operating in State A State B State C Each state having its own tax system and rights over taxpayer Double taxation of Income in the hands of taxpayer Economic Double taxation Juridical Double Taxation Same Income taxed in two states in the same period in the hands of different taxpayer Same Income taxed in two states in the same period in the hands of same taxpayer Elimination of Double Taxation Via Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements CA Dayavanti Khilolani 28th January 2012 5 ...
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...1. evaluation of factors contributing to FDI flows in Tanzania as governed by the Tanzania investment Act. Investment as defined in the Tanzania Investment Act, (1997) is the creation of or acquisition of new business asset and includes the expansion, restructuring or rehabilitation of an existing business enterprise. As part of this industry, The Foreign Direct Investment inflow is defined as the direct investment from foreign companies to host countries in order to gain certain lasting interests by Maina (2004). According to the guidewhois.com (2011) it can be looked at from different angles; the first angle, Horizontal Foreign Direct Investment arises where a firm duplicates its home country-based activities at the same value chain stage in a host country through foreign direct investment. The second angle; Platform Foreign direct investments where Foreign direct investment from a source country into a destination country for the purpose of exporting to a third country and the third angle, Vertical Foreign direct investment takes place when a firm through Foreign Direct investment moves upstream or downstream in different value chains. Tanzania in endowed with enormous natural resources and other economic potentials that provides for the escalating opportunities in the investment sector. As many other countries in the world, Tanzania depends on foreign direct investment so as to develop. In accordance with the Tanzania ministry of industry and trade website...
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