...NHTV University of Applied Sciences DATE!! Advisory Report ’t Schip CREM II Group J Fabiana Meaño;Tibor van Noesel;Nathalie Muti;Inge Broeders;Ivo Bruijnaers;Mirjam te Brinke Advisory report ’t Schip – Savills CREM II Group J Tutor Maarten Staps Theme manager Pieter le Roux Fabiana Meaño 121145 Tibor van Noesel 123539 Nathalie Muti 122703 Inge Broeders 111052 Ivo Bruijnaers 123352 Mirjam te Brinke 121001 Preface Table of Content Preface 2 Introduction 4 Deliverable 1 Research Questions 5 Deliverable 2 Plan of Approach 6 Deliverable 3 Context Analysis 10 Deliverable 4 Building Analysis 14 Deliverable 5 Industry Analysis 16 Deliverable 6 Optimization / Transformation 20 Deliverable 7 Company Profile & Program of Requirements 21 Bibliography 26 Introduction Deliverable 1 Research Questions 1.1 Main question How can this building generate future profit for the owner of the building? 1.2 Sub-questions 1. In what way does the context/surroundings influence the attractiveness of the building? (deliverable ‘context analysis’) 2. In what way does the exterior of the building influence the attractiveness? (deliverable ‘building analysis’) 3. In what way does the interior of the building influence the attractiveness? (deliverable ‘building analysis’) 4. What kind of service contracts is used with this building? 5. What are the rental/service prices? 6. What are the possible target groups...
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...Course Project: Technology Plan Author’s Name: Damar Grant Date: August 24, 2014 Course Project Introduction The aim of a technology plan within any institution is simply to supplement insight of excellence in academics and make sure that all the students authenticate competence. In today’s society change is refers to as a standard rather than a hypothesis. Students need to adjust learning by researching how to use new information to explore. It is the responsibilities of the teachers to teach students how to learn. A lecturer of mine once told me, it is not what you teach, but how you teach. In this paper the technology plan speaks to preparation for the future. It is design to assist in preparing our students for their future and administering skilled-learning for teachers and administrators. Background Damar Grant in a paper previously stated, “Children differ not only in their achievement level and their rate of learning, but also in almost every characteristic trait. They differ when they come into the world; they differ physically, mentally and socially. They differ even in their interests and special talents. They differ in learning. No one system of instruction can possible do full justice to all these differences and in all its aspects. One important thing to remember though, is that differences in teaching contribute to the difficulties in learning”. It is the intention to use this technology plan to develop an atmosphere...
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...Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Online studies refer to the use of electronic media and information and communication technologies in education. It is broadly inclusive of all forms of educational technology in learning and teaching. Broadly synonymous with multimedia learning, technology enhanced learning, computer-based instruction and training, computer assisted instruction, internet-based environments (also called learning platforms), and digital educational collaboration. These alternative names emphasize a particular aspect, component or delivery method. Online studying includes several types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video, and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video tape, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based learning, as well as local intranet/extranet and web-based learning. Information and communications system whether separate or based on either local networks or the internet in networked learning, underlie many e-learning processes. Online studying can occur in or out of the classroom. It can be self-paced, asynchronous learning or may be instructor-led, synchronous learning. It is suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but it can also be used in combination with face-to-face teaching, in which case the term blended learning is commonly used. It is commonly idea that new technologies make a big difference in education. Many proponents of believe that everyone must be outfitted...
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...Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Online studies refer to the use of electronic media and information and communication technologies in education. It is broadly inclusive of all forms of educational technology in learning and teaching. Broadly synonymous with multimedia learning, technology enhanced learning, computer-based instruction and training, computer assisted instruction, internet-based environments (also called learning platforms), and digital educational collaboration. These alternative names emphasize a particular aspect, component or delivery method. Online studying includes several types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video, and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video tape, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based learning, as well as local intranet/extranet and web-based learning. Information and communications system whether separate or based on either local networks or the internet in networked learning, underlie many e-learning processes. Online studying can occur in or out of the classroom. It can be self-paced, asynchronous learning or may be instructor-led, synchronous learning. It is suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but it can also be used in combination with face-to-face teaching, in which case the term blended learning is commonly used. It is commonly idea that new technologies make a big difference in education. Many proponents of believe that everyone must be outfitted...
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...Here goes nothing. Adam bent over and started picking up papers. “Angel, right?” Adam finally worked up his courage to talk to someone at this school. He never had (not including teachers). “Yeah,” Angel said brushing her long brown hair behind her ear. “And you’re Adam?” “Uh, yeah” Sounds like she’s just like you. Said a little voice in his head he assumed to be his conscience. “Hey, want some ice cream Adam?” Asked Angel after she and Adam had hung out a little. “Ice crem…cram…? What?” Asked Adam. “Ice cream, here try some.” Angel popped the spoon in his mouth before he could get a word in about it. Adam popped it right back out as fast as she had popped it in. “It’s gross!” “Hey I made that myself in my new ice cream maker for the cafeteria. Here maybe you just need to try a different flavor not everyone likes strawberry.” “No thanks I’m good.” “Alright if you say so, but your loss.” “How will I live with it? Fake cry, fake cry.” “Well I got to get going. I’ve got dance.” “Bye Angel.” “Bye...
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...Corporate Social Responsibility – Issues and Challenges with reference to Bhopal city. Ms Charu Modi Ms Ankita Rajdev Ms Meenal Pathak Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor JSSGIW – FOM JSSGIW – FOM JSSGIW – FOM 08871312197 09893299224 09989773177 Abstract Corporate Social Responsibility is the term used to define organisation’s commitment to the society and the environment within which it operates. Corporate initiative to assess and take responsibility for the company’s effects on the environment and impact on social welfare. The term generally applies to company efforts that go beyond what may be required by regulators or environmental protection groups. Stakeholders like employees, community, suppliers and shareholders, today are redefining the role of corporate taking into account the corporate’ broader responsibility towards society and environment, beyond economic performance, and are evaluating whether they are conducting their role in an ethical and socially responsible manner. As a result of this shift many forums, institutions and corporate are endorsing the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In Bhopal companies like BHEL and Crompton and Greaves etc are practicing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). But still there are many companies that are lacking behind in CSR practices. A lack of understanding, inadequately trained personnel, non availability of authentic data and specific...
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...Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 75–90 www.elsevier.com/locate/apthermeng An axiomatic design approach in development of nanofluid coolants In Cheol Bang a,*, Gyunyoung Heo b b a Energy Sciences, Global Edge Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1-S6-13 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyung Hee University, 1 Seocheon-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyunggi-do 446-701, Republic of Korea Received 4 September 2007; accepted 4 February 2008 Available online 12 February 2008 Abstract The experimental data for nanofluids in thermal-fluid systems have shown that the new fluids promise to become advanced heat transfer fluids in terms of thermal performance. While enhancing thermal characteristics, the solid–liquid mixtures present an unavoidable disadvantage in terms of pumping cost for economic operation of thermal-fluid systems. In addition, there is a lack of agreement between experimental data provided in the literature. The present work found that there would be no comprehensible design strategy in developing nanofluids. In this work, the Axiomatic Design (AD) theory is applied to systemize the design of nanofluids in order to bring its practical use forward. According to the Independence Axiom of the AD theory, the excessive couplings between the functional requirements and the parameters of a nanofluid system prevent from meeting the functional goals of the entire...
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...Does ICT use improve contextual performance? Recent evidence from the European Union Adel BEN YOUSSEF (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis & GREDEG-CNRS) adel.ben-youssef@unice.fr Ludivine MARTIN (CEPS/INSTEAD & CREM-UMR CNRS) ludivine.martin@ceps.lu Nessrine OMRANI (University of Paris Sud & ADIS) nessrine.omrani@u-psud.fr Abstract The impact of workers’ ICT usages on their excepted performance is a puzzling topic. An optimistic literature has shown the increased role of these technologies inside the organizations. Technology is allowing workers to do bettering and faster work. Economic theory has focused since that its topic on the increase of the productivity and worker’s performance. Several articles have tried to established such a link and have found a significant increase over recent years in the productivity ([Aral et al.2007], [Licht and Moch1999], [Lichtenberg1995], [Greenan and Mairesse2000], [Hans-‐ Olof Hagén et al.2008]). One challenging ...
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...CSR and EDUCATION 1A Kalyani, Assistant Professor, NBN SSOCS, Pune Dist, koukuntla.kalyani@gmail.com 2Dr. K E Balachandrudu Professor & HOD-CSE, PRRMEC, SHABAD – R R Dist. Kebalu.chinni@gmail.com Abstract Universities, especially private ones are in need of strong corporate strategies in order to be successful in the highly competitive education industry. In this respect, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becomes one of the highly preferred strategies by higher education institutions for gaining a good reputation and a competitive advantage. The major finding of the study is that in order for an institution to be successful in CSR strategy, CSR actions has to be internalized and must be supported by the management. In India companies like TATA and Birla are practicing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for decades , long before CSR become a popular basis. In spite of having such good glorious examples; In India CSR is in a very much budding stage. A lack of understanding, inadequately trained personnel, coverage, policy etc. further adds to the reach and effectiveness of CSR programs. Large no. of companies are undertaking these activities superficially and promoting/ highlighting the activities in Media. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, higher education, competitive advantage, Societal Marketing, reputation. Introduction In a societal structure, we have many stakeholders, one amongst them are companies or Corporate Houses. These Corporate...
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...Term paper of marketing management On Colgate cold cream WASEEM RAJA J&K BANDIPORA LEC. IN LSB R315B35 LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my gratitude for the helpful comment and Suggestions by my teacher. Most importantly I would like to thank my PROF. MR.PARVEEN SINGH KALSI, for her days of supervision. Her critical commentary on work has played a major role in both the content and presentation of our discussion and arguments and I would thank my friends for their help in making of this term paper. I have extended my appreciation to the several sources which provided various kinds of knowledge base support for me this period. SHEFALI VIJ CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 MARKETING PLAN OF COLGATE-PALMOLIVE 4-12 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 13-16 MARKETING STRATEGY 16-20 SEGMENTATION 20 TARGETING ...
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...Belgium Trade Manual: Canada The following document is a report on the current economic, political, cultural, and industry specific (Food) environment in the country of Belgium. This particular manual was specifically compiled for the Sweets Corporation of Toronto, Canada for June of 2011. C o n s u l a t e o f B e l g i u m -‐ T o r o n t o 2 B l o o r S t r e e t W e s t , S u i t e 2 0 0 6 , B o x 8 8 T o r o n t o , O N , M 4 W 3 E 2 Table of Contents Section 1 – Background Information ....................................................................................................... 3 1.1 - Geography ................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 - People .......................................................................................................................
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