...29, 2012 Megan Mattioda Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan Introduction To me technology is a logical and practical addition to learning science and assisting students in their problem solving that helps them meet today’s basic human needs. Technology is an innovative vision for a better future. Technology literate student accesses and acquires knowledge, exchanges ideas and opinions, solves problems and creates, innovates and expresses themselves through the skillful use of a variety of technologies. (Oregon Department of Instructional Technology, 2011) Mission Statement In my classroom I will strive to provide my students with the chance to incorporate technology in the classroom as an educational tool and use these tools to assist my students in achieving the highest possible standards in academics, creativity, and cultural diversity, in the real world. It is my duty to get the community and the parents involved in the students’ education and the educational standards that they face. Vision Statement My students will be able to excel in academics through the use of technology learning and hands on experiments that will entice the students to learn the joys and the thrills of science. Through the use of technology my students will develop skills that will aid them in the real world. My students will be successful by incorporating 21st century technology in their everyday learning. My students’ technology skills will aid them in problem solving and research...
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...Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan EDU- 225- Instructional Technology TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Mission and Vision Statement & Rational II. Communications Plan III. Integrating Instructional Technology IV. Software to Support Assessment V. Technology Ethics in the Classroom VI. Conclusion/ Reflection Section One Vision Statement, Mission Statement & Rationale VISION STATEMENT Demonstrating technology supportive curriculum in a multicultural classroom to meet, and encourage global, creativity, critical thinking, communication, curriculum, and innovation skills to enhance, the needs of every student in different core subjects for the 21st. century. MISSION STATEMENT To facilitate 21st. century innovation skills; so all students can prepare themselves to the future by improving his/her creativity, critical thinking skills, communication skills, and collaboration skills, so all students can exhibit technological leadership in a safe environment, while demonstrating his/her accomplishments in a global community. RATIONALE Computer Technology and digital media will enhance and provide our students with all the resources available for the 21st. century. Demonstrating technology supportive curriculum in a multicultural Christian classroom will meet, and encourage global awareness, creativity, critical thinking, communication, and innovation skills to...
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...MAE 4310 Individual Lesson Plan – Technology Reflection Name: Lynndsey Wilson 1. What technology did you use in your lesson plan? Please be as specific as possible. In my lesson plan I used the smart board to bring up the http://nlvm.usu.edu/ website. On the website we used the interactive graph, which you can find when click on k-2 and data analysis. 2. Did the technology help you to better understand the content? If so, how? If not, why not? The technology that I used in the lesson did not personally help me better understand the content. This is because the lesson for graphs is just an introduction for first grade, I feel very confident in my understanding of this content. 3. Do you think your technology will better help your future students understand the content? Why or why not? I feel strongly that by using the interactive graph and displaying it on my smart board will really help my future students. I believe that it will help those students who are visual and kinesthetic learners because it is displayed for the students and it is interactive. 4. Did the use of your technology help you devise methods to teach the material to your future students? If so, how? I do not think that the technology really help me devise methods to teach the material to my future students. I came up with how I was going to teach the lesson first. After I came up with the lesson I looked for what kind of technology I could use in...
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...EDU-225 Instructional Technology April 13, 2013 Instructor: Toni Kutner COMPREHENSIVE CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY PLAN Mission Statement: Teachers will promote 21st Century Pedagogy. Emphasis will be placed on core subjects to support state standards of learning. In addition, students will develop skills in creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, communications and collaboration, life skills and digital technology. Technology will be a tool to engage students in the learning process. Teachers will engage in professional development to enhance education. Teachers will prepare students for success in the 21st century global and multicultural community. Vision Statement: The 21st century student will learn to his or hers fullest potential. Technology will be woven into traditional and innovative teaching methods to enhance student learning. The needs of students will be fully addressed to prepare them for lifelong learning, personal success and independence for their future achievements. Rational: In order to prepare students of the future, it is necessary to engage students with the aid of new technologies. Students of today are digital natives. They have grown up in a society filled with innovative technology. Technology is advancing in an accelerated pace. It is role of educators to keep pace with these advances and find new and innovated ways to facilitate student learning. “Traditional 20th century educational practices will no longer...
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...Section 1: Mission and Vision Statement My mission statement: I will do everything as a teacher that I can to go above and beyond to teach and encourage my students. By using the latest and most age appropriate technology available, my students will leave my class with the confidence of being able to successfully use and employ each technology tool. Vision statement: I will teach my students what they will need in order to be successful in years to come, giving them a since of knowledge that they can productively improve the community they live in by using good communication, and technology skills. Section 2: Communications Plan The development of a plan to integrate technology into the learning environment in a classroom is a process that needs careful research and planning (Vanderlinde& Van, 2013). As a new educator I do feel confident that if set up for success this is possible. When it comes to communication it very important that teachers use technology as a tool to enable communication to take place easier and faster, with their students and parents. Being a teacher I find it necessary to allow all types of communication to be possible. When doing so it is proven that the parent and family involvement leads to better academic achievement (Kervin, Verenikina, Jones, & Beath, 2013). As a teacher I am a strong believer that communication from parent to teacher is a must for students be become stronger learners. Being a new teacher I need the help from parents...
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...As educational organizations, especially those concerned with primary and secondary grade levels, continue to increase technology based learning applications into the student’s everyday academic careers, creating the opportunity for parents, families, and guardians have closer involvement with the student’s classroom, and for all educators and administrators to have better communication about individual instructor’s schoolrooms and lessons teachers are taking to the internet and creating classroom websites to services these needs. It is important for one to remember “It is not about the technology; it’s about sharing knowledge and information, communicating efficiently, building learning communities and creating a culture of professionalism in schools” (Ginopolis, 2014). The technological world makes fantastic advances and that individuals and companies use to the advantage of students around the globe to improve their academic and computer skills that are implemented into classrooms and homes. These advances and programs allow educators to maintain student interest in their required subjects thereby increasing their productivity and communication capabilities. Aside from providing parents and students with class assignments and what is going on in the pupil’s classroom and school the teacher may provide an emergency contact list for their class that includes not only teacher and all school district personnel’s workplace contact information but also for the parents of that instructor’s...
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...Multimedia Architects 3D Virtual Reality Strategic Technology Plan Tony E. Rumford, Quincy Jones, Cheri Bennett, Ryan Shemer, Darren Roony CMGT/557 - EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES & ISSUES 07/13/2015 TAMMY BORUNDA Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 3 Overview of Technology Plan........................................................................................................ 4 Organization Mission: ............................................................................................................... 4 Organization Description: .......................................................................................................4-5 Technology Planning Team: ..................................................................................................... 5 Organization Analysis .................................................................................................................5-6 Current Business Processes: ...................................................................................................6-7 Process Improvements: ..............................................................................................................8 Current State of Technology: .................................................................................................8-9...
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...Strategic Technology Plan Strategic Technology Plan Introduction Technology Selected It was evident that Jabber was a suitable choice, as it was the original form of technology to be invented that would provide the first method of communicating via the Internet. The development of Jabber technology began in 1998 by Jeremie Miller who completed and released the first version of the Jabberd server in 1999. Jabber provided the development of the very first use of Extensive Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) formats. The purpose for Jabber was to demonstrate the improvements in communication as well as its inheritance to other communication systems. Jabber would prove the start of instant messaging system. Its capability was to provide The evolution to its start has allowed for it to have an impact as an upward trend in technology as well as to its downfall. It was evident that Jabber was a suitable choice, as it was the original form of technology to be invented that would provide the first method of communicating via the Internet. The development of Jabber technology began in 1998 by Jeremie Miller who completed and released the first version of the Jabberd server in 1999. Jabber provided the development of the very first use of Extensive Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) formats. Its large feature as an open-source communication software proved to be a cost savings benefit as well as an easy method to communicate as an instant messaging service...
Words: 575 - Pages: 3
...Technology Plan Paper Akosua Adjei Sentara College of Health Sciences Technology Plan Paper Introduction As remote monitoring of patients gradually more becomes a vital part of our health care delivery system globally, and patients become more comfortable to its ease, hospitals, health systems, insurance providers, and clinicians will have to seek out new ways to use the fast developing technology in diverse and modern ways. While telemonitoring technology is gaining interest as a plan to improve the care of patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, heart failure; they frequently also raise their own different set of legal and compliance challenges, particularly in the area of privacy and security. This paper will analyze needs and recommend ways in creating a remote monitoring program for patients with heart failure with information to how to implement it throughout the organization. What is Telemonitoring? Key information technology application domains in health care include telemedicine and home telecare. On the one hand, telemedicine is defined as the direct provision of clinical care, including diagnosing, treating, or consultation, via telecommunications for a patient at a distant (Wainwright &Wootton, 2003). Remote monitoring, or telemonitoring, can be regarded as a subdivision of telemedicine, which is the use of electronic and telecommunications technologies to provide and support health care when distance separates the participants (Nangalia...
Words: 1600 - Pages: 7
...Classroom Technology Plan Introduction This Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan details ideas and concepts that I wish to put into practice in my future high school classroom. This plan demands common sense and excellence and focuses on providing students information for them to become their own digital citizens. The categories of this plan include my mission and vision for my classroom, my communication plan for engaged groups in the educational community, classroom instructional technology integration ideas, digital assessment thoughts, technological ethics principles, and my reflection of this plan. Section One: Mission and Vision Statement Vision Statement My classroom will be a technology friendly environment that strives for academic, digital, and personal excellence. It will be a room of comfort, positivity, and collaboration with the cornerstone of respect. Mission Statement I will provide a technology friendly classroom environment by teaching students the proper use of technology, being open to technological developments and ideas (from students and outside sources), including technology in the curriculum and daily lessons, and ensuring they are capable of achieving the educational technology standards for their respective grades. We will foster comfort by using communication and collaboration and being open and understanding of the various needs within the classroom and that each person has unique strengths. I will integrate technologies that I find...
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...Janine A. Bettis http://janinebettis.weebly.com EDU-225 7/20/2015 Entry 2: Technology to Enhance Instruction Integrating Instructional Technology Integrating instructional technology is very important in the 21st century classrooms. Technology has many advantages throughout education. As future educators, we are preparing our students for the future and technology is becoming more and more advanced. Today’s technology helps the teacher plan lessons and it also helps students gain valuable knowledge to succeed in today’s world. “There is also governmental legislation in place, such as the Enhancing Education through Technology program that requires all students to be technologically literate by the eighth grade. This is ensured by the Government Performance and Results Act program that assesses the percentage of eighth grade students who meet technology requirements.”(www.uscranton.com). There is a variety of technology that is being used in classrooms today. Kid Blogs Kid blogs is a great way to get the younger students involved in technology. It allows them the opportunity to start up their own blogs that are connected to their classrooms. Creating a kids blog in your classroom encourages the students to write more and use their creative side. Teachers are able to monitor all the activity in the blog, and parents have the opportunity to read the blogs as well. The kid’s blog focuses on meaningful writing, but allows students to also work on collaborating projects...
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...EDU 225 Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan My mission is to incorporate technology strategies in the classroom as much as possible, while following the guidelines set out by the state curriculum. My vision is to create a classroom/environment where all students are excited and anxious to learn and that students be able to show what they have learned at the end of each lesson. As technology continues to grow, there will be more and more of a need and demand for technology use in the classroom. When using computer technology in the classroom, one must find the course of action to correctly guide lessons for the curriculum so that students can reach their optimum goals. Ultimately to mark how each student is doing in the classroom we must locate software for formative and summative assessments. After all, a teacher’s ultimate goal to be able to teach our students and also be able to document what those students have learned. In that light one, the teacher must look a number of things, how can technology assist in efforts to assess student learning? What are formative assessment and summative assessment and how do they compare and differ? What are the pluses and minuses of using technology in the classroom? Should only technology be used in assessing learning? These are the questions that teachers seek to answer and justify. First, let us explore assessments in the classroom. Why is assessment necessary? What are formative and summative assessments...
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...3D STREAMING TECHNOLOGY AND LIMITATIONS 3D films are not a new technology, but only recently have movies been brought into our homes thanks to the high capacity of Blu-Ray discs and because of new televisions that feature high refresh rates which show films at double the frame rate required for our eyes to distinguish motion. A 3D movie is really two entire movies shown at the same time, one that your left eye sees, and one for your right eye. Special glasses are required to switch between the two in a way that your brain perceives as three-dimensional. Because of this, twice as much data is needed for a 3D movie compared to a 2D one, which presents certain issues when trying to send this data over a medium such as the Internet. Thankfully, several technologies are emerging that will make this possible in the near future and that we believe Blockbuster is well positioned to take advantage of in order to offer 3D content streaming to their customers. The biggest factor of sending a movie over the Internet is the amount and type of compression that is used. It would be impossible to send a fully uncompressed high definition movie directly to your home, whether or not it is 3D, because the amount of data is staggering. In order to make the files smaller and able to be sent in small pieces, companies like Netflix use compression formats such as MPEG or AVI which use special technologies that result in smaller files. This involves limiting the bit depth for colors in a way...
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...Technology in the Classroom Proposal If a department or teacher has an interest in upgradin their classroom, completing the Technology in the Classroom Proposal could provide any or all of the following: 1) 2) Funds to upgrade the classroom itself (electrical, lig ting, screens, boards) Funds to install/upgrade the teaching technology in the room or provide portable carts to be shared between classrooms To help ensure that the equipment requested be supported and maintained and teachers be trained in the use and implementation of their requested equipment, they need to complete the following form and also commit to will gly participate in whatever training deemed necessary for the full implementation of the equipment. 1. Project Title: 2. Summary of the Project Proposal (3 or 4 sentences). 3. List of Teachers/Classrooms Involved: 4. Relevance to the District Curriculum and Other Rationale: 5. Technology Equipment Necessary to Complete the Project in all Classrooms. List each classroom separately. 6. Technology Training Needs/Assessment: Based on your proposal, what kinds of training will you or your group need to implement the technology equipment effectively with your students in the classrooms. 1) How do you see the training taking place? 2) When and where should the training be done and how will your you or your group commit to attending that train- ing? 3) How will an assessment of the outcome of the training take place? This request...
Words: 255 - Pages: 2
...As an educator my vision is to use a variety of technologies in my classroom to implement new teaching strategies that will provide access to information that will engage my students in the learning process and enrich their learning experience. Technologies used in my classroom will influence students learning process, build critical thinking skills, and creativity and literacy skills while meeting the curriculum standards and benchmarks. I will use technology to communication ideas and skills effectively with students, administrators, and parents. “Students will use digital media and environment to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others” (ISTE, 2007, standard #2). Training and hands on experience with technology will assist with the integration of technology into my classroom and will be used to support and enhance teaching strategies already in place. Weinburgh, Collier, and Rivera (2003) believes that teachers should have a personal working knowledge of technology and an understanding of how to integrate technology into their lesson in order to create a meaningful learning experience for students. “Teachers will use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments” (ISTE 2007, standard #1) My mission for my students is that...
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