...2015 James L. Smith Crime Reduction and Prevention Proposal Chicago is a major city with a huge amount of crime and this paper will address crime reduction and prevention in this particular city. It will also address other issues such as; assisting victims, preventing crime, and achieving effective justice. This paper will address the effect that criminological theories and research have had on contemporary and historical crime control policies in Chicago. It will include theoretical rationale for the recommendations that are suggested. Chicago needs more help in these areas because of the amount of crime they are seeing. Victim assistance programs are well organized and widely available to the public of Chicago. The number of programs varies from domestic violence to identity theft. There are specific programs for every individual affected by crime. The Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has created and made the priority of victim assistance a key service to not only victims but to responder’s as well. In assuring that the right training is given to each field in order to assist victims appropriately. Programs and Trainings available to the people of Illinois According to the Attorney General • The Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Program (Direct financial assistance to innocent victims of violent crimes) • The Domestic Violence Fund (legal assistance funding, legal services to victims of domestic violence) • The Violent Crime Victim Assistance (VCVA) Program...
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...Preventing Crime Crime Prevention and safety is always an issue when it comes to a community. It’s something that individual learn from observing others, reading, and learning from mistakes of others are some of the reasons we post and talk about near misses and direct hits that each of use have encountered (Safety Toolbox Talks, n.d). There are several ways to plan for crime prevention, but the best way is by the community being the eyes and ears of law enforcement. Crime prevention uses many different programs and strategies to foresee, distinguish, consider and tackle misdeeds and the variables which play a role in crime (Bureau of Justice Assistance, (n.d.). There are different target levels of crime prevention including families, communities, individuals, and certain locations. Individual level of crime prevention usually deals with preventing persons from ever committing crimes. It’s more as an avoidance tactic. Community crime prevention usually deals with changes in how a community functions and what they are doing to prevent crime. In order to maintain public safety and low-crime rates, Detroit is eager to get the community involved through community-based programs. Neighborhood Watches are the best way to prevent crime. A neighborhood watch program creates a renowned system of communication connecting law enforcement and neighborhoods concerning crime related predicaments (The City of Detroit, n.d.). Over the last several decades, the neighborhood watch has...
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...In this case study I will evaluate the unethical behaviors, the contributing factors, consequences, and how the role of leadership may have influenced the members of the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department’s Selective Crime Occurrence Reduction Enforcement (SCORE) unit who were charged with criminal unethical behavior. According to the indictment, three officers; Jeffery Bell, Darryl Forrest, and Dustin Sillings under the color of law did willfully conspire and agree with each other to injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate citizens while they were exercising and enjoying their constitutional rights to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures and were not to be deprived of property without due process (United States vs. Jeffery Bell, Darryl Forrest, and Dustin Sillings, 2011). The significance of the unethical behaviors of former officers, Bell, Forrest, and Sillings is that their conduct contradicted the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics which states in part, “ I will never engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor will I condone such acts by other police officers. I will be honest in thought and deed both in my personal and official life. I will be exemplary in obeying the law and the...
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...Task Research and analyse debates on the current 'war against drugs' and its success or otherwise, globally and/or locally. Explain the debate and present an argument, supported by evidence, for either the continuation of a 'war against drugs' or for an alternative. Introduction The use of prohibited drugs has been predominant in Western society since the 19th century, with cannabis introduced to the United States in 1839, while opium was introduced to Europe and the United States through trade with China. These drugs were initially used for pharmaceutical benefits, but over time various legislatures introduced laws to administer, regulate and prohibit the use of various drugs. The declaration of ‘war on drugs’ took place in the United States of America (USA) in 1971. The historical response to the ‘war on drugs’ has been prohibition: the complete banning of drug use. This approach, which involves strict enforcement of illegal drug laws, has proven costly and ineffective (RCAP & RANZCP, 2004). This essay will focus on Australia’s current drug debate regarding the legalisation of certain prohibited illicit drugs. Whilst examining the Australian position, this essay will use international examples to illustrate how the current strategy fails and survey workable solutions. Firstly, this work examines the historical position of the ‘war on drugs’. It will outline the history of drug use in Australia and the nation’s current drug policy. This essay will then discuss the criminal...
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...Poverty Reduction Strategy and Poverty Monitoring: Philippine Case Study By Celia M. Reyes and Lani E. Valencia* I. Introduction The overarching goal of development efforts is the improvement in the quality of life of the people. The Philippines is no exception. Being one of the nations who participated in the Millenium Summit in September 2000, it has committed to achieve 48 targets including eradication of poverty. In addition to international commitments, the Philippines has been working toward poverty reduction for decades. It has even included targets on human development and poverty reduction in its medium-term development plans. The growing consensus is towards a comprehensive approach to poverty reduction. Rapid and sustained economic growth is needed to improve the quality of life of the population; at the same time targeted interventions aimed at reducing poverty are needed to reach the very poor and marginalized sectors of the economy. With poverty reduction as main goal of the government, the demand for poverty statistics has become more important. Several poverty monitoring systems are being conducted both at the national and community level providing income and non-income based measures of poverty. These have become the basis for social and economic development plans and programs of national and local governments. The objectives of this paper are to examine the poverty situation in the Philippines and to assess the country’s poverty reduction strategy and policy...
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...Prohibition and Harm Reduction Bryon Wilson BEHS 364 August 5th 2014 There have been two different strategies of society dealing with alcohol; harm reduction and zero tolerance. The method of harm reduction is focused primarily on reducing the negative effect of alcohol society and the people who drink. This is usually implemented by our government. They create policies and social programs that can treat those afflicted with alcoholism. There are several ways that this can be accomplished, such as limiting access, and taxing the substance to reduce demand. There are also social programs put in place that can help educate, rehabilitate and help recover. This a strategy compared to zero tolerance carries a unique ability to be tailored to suit individual needs as opposed to a one size fits all blanket policy. The harm reduction policy stands on a principle that alcoholism will not be completely eliminated so it would be more benefit to address the negative harms. For instance as alcoholism can be a major problem at work, some companies provide someone as an advocate and counsel. These counselors can work with them to modify behavior and reduce alcohol related incidents and further harm to their self on the job and in their personal life. That is something prohibition policies cannot do for an individual person. The proponents of zero tolerance see the alcoholic epidemic as a disease and therefore cannot allow continued usage if the person is to be treated and recover. It...
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...Oeriew International cooperation at a crossroads Aid, trade and security in an unequal world Every hour more than 1,200 children die away from the glare of media attention The year 2004 ended with an event that demonstrated the destructive power of nature and the regenerative power of human compassion. The tsunami that swept across the Indian Ocean left some 300,000 people dead. Millions more were left homeless. Within days of the tsunami, one of the worst natural disasters in recent history had given rise to the world’s greatest international relief effort, showing what can be achieved through global solidarity when the international community commits itself to a great endeavour. The tsunami was a highly visible, unpredictable and largely unpreventable tragedy. Other tragedies are less visible, monotonously predictable and readily preventable. Every hour more than 1,200 children die away from the glare of media attention. This is equivalent to three tsunamis a month, every month, hitting the world’s most vulnerable citizens—its children. The causes of death will vary, but the overwhelming majority can be traced to a single pathology: poverty. Unlike the tsunami, that pathology is preventable. With today’s technology, financial resources and accumulated knowledge, the world has the capacity to overcome extreme deprivation. Yet as an international community we allow poverty to destroy lives on a scale that dwarfs the impact of the tsunami. Five years ago, at the start...
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...A Handbook for Development Practitioners Ten Steps to a 29672 ResultsBased Monitoring and Evaluation System Jody Zall Kusek Ray C. Rist THE WORLD BANK A Handbook for Development Practitioners Ten Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System A Handbook for Development Practitioners Ten Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System Jody Zall Kusek Ray C. Rist THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. © 2004 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 Telephone 202-473-1000 Internet www.worldbank.org E-mail feedback@worldbank.org All rights reserved. 1 2 3 4 07 06 05 04 The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank encourages dissemination...
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...Regional Organization for Public Administration All rights reserved. Table of Contents Foreword Pro-Poor Policy Processes and Institutions: A Political Economic Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. ADIL KHAN The Dilemma of Governance in Latin America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JOSE GPE. VARGAS HERNANDEZ Institutional Mechanisms for Monitoring International Commitments to Social Development: The Philippine Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MA. CONCEPCION P. ALFILER Globalization and Social Development: Capacity Building for Public-Private Collaboration for Public Service Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . AMARA PONGSAPICH Trade Liberalization and the Poor: A Framework for Poverty Reduction Policies with Special Reference to Some Asian Countries including India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOMESH K. MATHUR 1 16 26 55 76 Government and Basic Sector Engagement in Poverty Alleviation: Highlights of a Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 VICTORIA A. BAUTISTA Private Sector...
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...Good Governance 1. INTRODUCTION: Governance implies control, direction, and rule with authority or administers laws to govern a system to achieve certain objectives. Good Governance implies running administration according to the defined laws to achieve the objective of promoting the welfare of the people in a democratic oriented order. Bad governance means departing from the norms of laws and subjecting system of administration to whims, idiosyncrasies of the rulers to achieve certain ulterior motives at the cost of national interests. The hallmark of great nations is that they learn from their past experience to become wiser in conducting their current and future affairs. Another distinctive feature of such nations is that they try to understand the emerging long-term trends to identify new challenges, and plan for the future so as to take maximum advantage of the opportunities and avoid the pitfalls that may lie ahead. On the other hand, the nations on the trajectory of decay and ultimate oblivion neither learn from the past nor have the inclination to look ahead into the future to plan for their security, progress and welfare. All it lacks in the context of Pakistan; socially, economically and politically as well. In the words of Mahbbub-ul-Haq, ‘Crisis in Governance’, “Human Development Report in South Asia”: “Governance is the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority to manage the resources of a country. It is always based upon certain rules...
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...Low Employee Productivity Course Project Outline GM 591 Leadership and Organizational Low Employee Productivity Course Project Outline I. Introduction The Housing Authority was created to provide safe and sanitary housing for low income families. The position of an area clerk is to provide administrative support to the property manager and maintenance staff so that their focus would be on the development and the residents. The lack of maintenance professions motivation and effort to complete work assignments efficiently has caused issues in our developments. Public housing was established through the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Public housing comes in all sizes and types, from scattered single family houses to high-rise apartments for elderly families. There are approximately 1.3 million households living in public housing units, managed by some 3,300 HAs. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers Federal aid to local housing agencies (HAs) that manage the housing for low-income residents at rents they can afford. HUD furnishes technical and professional assistance in planning, developing and managing these developments. II. How can we motivate our Maintenance professionals? Maintenance professionals are not completing their assignments efficiently. They are not organized and detailed when handing in work orders...
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...2000, 189 world leaders signed a Millennium Declaration. The leaders set 2015 as the deadline for achieving the set MDGs. There has been a mixed result of the progress towards attaining these goals. One of the major achievements has been achieved is that there has been a major reduction of people living in extreme poverty. Accordingly, the proportion of poverty fell to less than one fifth from nearly a third between 1990 and 2004. However, the results are not consistent throughout the world. For instance, the sub-Saharan Africa has not been able to meet any of the set targets. On the contrary, there has been a significant economic growth in some parts of Asia, especially, the Eastern part. The following is a summary of the progress that has been made so far based on the 2007 Millennium Goals Report. Extreme Poverty The percentage of people living in extreme poverty fell to 19% in 2004 from nearly a third in 2004. If this trend can continue for a long time, there is likelihood that the MDG will meet its target of halving those living on less than 1 dollar per day. As already noted, the progress towards this goal has been inconsistent throughout the world. Indeed, most of the progress in poverty reduction is attributed to the economic gains in East and Southeast Asia. The sub-Saharan Africa remains the poorest region with most people living on less than one dollar in a day. There is no equal distribution of resources in developing nations, and this hinders the attainment of the...
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...2.4. Total number of children in the family 2.5. Total number of class attendance 2. What is the socio-economic status of the respondents? 3.6. Main source of livelihood of the parents 3.7. Monthly income of the parents 3. Is there a difference between the average of class attendance among pupils who are 4P’s recipients and the non- 4P’s recipients? 4. Is there a difference between the academic performance of the pupils who are recipients of 4P’s program and not recipients of the 4P’s program? 5. Is there a significant relationship between 4P’s recipients and not 4P’s recipients to their academic performance? Review of Related Literature Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) 4Ps is a poverty reduction strategy that provides grants to extremely poor households to improve their health, nutrition and education particularly of children aged 0-14. It has dual objectives namely; Social Assistance – to provide cash assistance to the poor, to alleviate their needs (short term poverty alleviation) and Social Development – to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty through investments in human capital (nutrition, health and education. 4Ps is patterned after the successful Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Programs in Latin America and Africa. CCT has been cited as one of the key factors behind the positive socio-economic outcomes achieved by...
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...Sarah Fisher MSN News Pope’s immigration message draws praise, criticism from advocacy groups 9/24/2015 Summary: On Thursday Pope Francis spoke before the entire Congress to talk about the current overwhelming immigration crisis, but law makers doubt that the pontiffs speak will have a long term effect on policy regarding the asylum seekers. The pope is also seeking a serious change in the tone of the presidential debate, specifically in the case of Donald Trump, who’s known for his extreme anti-immigration comments. The pope isn’t looking for immigration reform in the sense that he wants a new want to give the 11 million illegal aliens living in the states a better way to citizenship; more that he’s calling for unlimited immigration for the asylum seekers from the Middle East. Once they come to the United States they will have to go through the same citizenship process as everyone else. Congress is run by Republicans who are primarily in favor of toughening up immigration laws and have increased deportations of illegal immigrants. However, President Obama has taken serious action to ensure that children born in the United States to illegal immigrants receive citizenship and are educated. He’s also made it so that people who came to America illegally as children can apply for citizenship and for working permits, the same applies to illegal parents of citizens living in America. Lynn Tramonte, a representative from America’s Voice, said that the efforts to aid the asylum seekers...
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...The Mission- A Review History of Christian Missions CHHI657 B01 201220 The Mission a film directed by Roland Joffe, recounts the tales of the Guarani Indians of Paraguay. In the paragraphs that follow we will look through the lens of the film and reflect on missions in the context of the colonial expansion that was taking place. Secondly the mission strategy of the Jesuits will be un-wrapped. Lastly it will be noted the attention to culture and the challenges of the work which goes hand in hand with the over all strategy. The film brings this time in history to life and paints a beautiful picture in the mind of the viewer of what took place. The whole encounter with the Guarani Indians was set in motion long before anyone outside of Paraguay knew they existed. The Spanish and Portuguese sought new lands in Central and South America. As they quested after these lands three things took place conquest, settlement, and evangelization[1]. The peoples of these lands were then subjects under the dominion of Christian Kings to whom the Pope had given sovereignty. Columbus took his first voyage in 1492, and by1515 the occupation of the West Indies was complete. With every expedition or quest and conquest came friars and priests. A good portion of the work was done by the Franciscans and the Dominicans, and later the Jesuits. The most notable for the Jesuits was Paraguay. In the beginning the work of the Jesuits suffered a lot from the hostility of the colonists. The colonists...
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