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Criminal Justice System Essay

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The justice system is made to be fair and equal to all. The united states is based in principals of freedom equality. Are these facts and morals actually true within our own system of justice? Endless amounts of data, stats and news coverage tells a different story. While our legal system is designed to be blind, the reality shows that the system benefits those of a higher class. There is also evidence that supports the fact that the system discriminates based off race and gender. First off, the obvious case of the system benefiting those of a higher class is the implementation of bail. Bail is the release if a accused person while they await trail on the payment of a sum of money. This allows people with money to avoid ever going to prison and fall into the detrimental cycle that comes along with it. In this case, simply having money puts people at a major advantage, allowing them to avoid prison and prepare for their trial while poor people must go and sit …show more content…
These people pose no threat to public safety and should be sentenced to treatment instead of the government spending money to keep them in prison. A sentence based off a small amount of marijuana is ridiculous, what harm was this person doing to belong in jail? Yes, they should be punished but jailtime for such a small innocent act is horrible. Prison breeds more crime, “The Bureau of Justice Statistics' report on state prisoners in 2014 found that 68% of state prisoners were re-arrested fewer than three years after their release and 77% were re-arrested within five.” People in poorer communities are more likely to grow up around and fall into a life with drugs. These people are then targeted by the legal system and instead of reaching out a helping hand the system makes their lives harder. Perpetually trapping the low class in a system of hardships that is extremely hard to

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