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Criminal Justice System And Racism Essay

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I never really thought about racism until my family experienced “shopping while black”. After our awkward experience at that upscale mall was then when I realized that racism still exists. Racism is still very alive in our modern world today and present through the media and the criminal justice system.
The media is undoubtedly racist and some examples would be that news articles often use unsympathetic headlines towards victims of murder if their skin if darker and often use pictures of them that show them being unprofessional or part of a “gang”.
They want to portray the victim of murder if the murder was their fault, and if the suspect or murderer was white, they often portray them as a “brilliant and smart” person. The differences …show more content…
In “beauty” magazines, you never see a dark black woman on there.
In magazines depicting a black man as a murderer or victim , they tend to edit it darker. Time was caught for doing this as shown in the next picture (Drayton).

The criminal justice system has long been criticized by other countries for being racist, but that doesn’t stop racist cops and judges from doing anything they want. Blacks and Latinos are three times more likely to be stopped by the law enforcement than white people, according to a California study. 80% of people pulled over were people of color, and even when whites were stopped, 8% were frisked while 85% of the minorities were frisked.
People of color usually get longer sentences than white people regardless of the crime committed. 83% of the colored people arrested have life sentences (Quigley). Melissa Alexander was sentenced to two decades for firing a “warning” shot towards the wall to scare off her husband, who has a history of domestic abuse. Her only crime? She used her stand your ground law while black. On the other hand, George Zimmerman, was let free on bail for killing a black teenager. This means that the criminal “justice” system will treat you differently if your black, and if you try to protect yourself from domestic violence without hurting anyone, you will get arrested

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