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Banning Pipelines

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The once glorious and bountiful earth, now laid barren and discarded from the throws of humanity. A broken pipeline spews waste from inside its rotten core. Animals no longer live here, people have fled from this land. The once spoils of harvest do not grow, instead the ground seeps tar. This is a tangible and real event that happens when pipelines break in communities and in environments. United States Government officials should ban laying pipelines on Native American reservations. The word sovereign means to “possess supreme or ultimate power” ( According to this definition, tribes located on reservations should be able to decide what they want. However, this is far from the case. The US Government wants to lay pipelines …show more content…
Soils may become eroded by the chemicals emitted off the pipes. Also, vegetation can be effected by the disturbance in the community. This can cause plants, forests, and even water life to become impacted. Another big risk factor is the wild life; animal habitats may change with the added alien structure that impedes in their community. Raw tar sand is what is being transported throughout these pipes. This substance is more damaging than any other, resulting in a higher increase of spills and breaks. According to “Pipelines: Environmental considerations” an article written by Tim Williams, he mentions that, “the environmental risks of most people, however, are not associated with a functioning pipeline, but a pipeline with a rupture in it” (Williams). Pipeline ruptures are not uncommon. Older pipelines are distinctly more susceptible to rupture. “ According to Canada’s National Energy Board, over 80 federally regulated pipelines ruptured between 1992 and 2011, three of which released over 3,000 cubic meters of oil” (Williams). Placing these pipelines on Native American reservations puts them at an increased risk of harm that can in danger their way of …show more content…
However, in the areas affected, their economy, community, and way of life will suffer greatly. It’s estimated that the United States will “save as much as $9.1 billion in crude oil costs, per year” ( Also professional’s state that cost of oil will go down dramatically in the years to come as the pipeline is built. All these benefits will help America tremendously. However, at what cost to the Native’s that this pipeline will affect. Their lives will be changed as well, the added structure could impede on fishing areas, or plant life. It can and will hurt their economy as they combat the threat of ruptures. Natives already have obstacles to overcome on reservations; they do not need the added pressure of a plunging local

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