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Brain Injuries Treated

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What is within the Brain?
The brain is an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity. The brain is very sensitive to an human. Your brain controls body temperature ,blood pressure , heart rate ,and breathing. It accepts a lot of information about our various senses,as in, seeing , tasting, smelling, hearing and feeling. Your brain controls your physical movement such as walking ,talking, standing, or sitting. Lastly it lets you think, dream, and remember reasons of emotional experiences.
Before we get into that I would like to tell a little about the brain. The Brain weighs 2.75 pounds and 28 bones that makes up the skull. Eight of these bones are into locking plates, meaning they form the cranium. The fluid the brain floats in is called CSF means …show more content…
Anyone who has a head or brain injury needs immediate medical attention.
A brain injury that seems mild -- referred to as a concussion -- can be as dangerous as clearly severe injuries. The key factor is the extent and location of the damage. Brain injury does not necessarily result in long-term disability or impairment. But the correct diagnosis and treatment is needed to contain or minimize the damage.
The extent and effect of brain damage is determined by a neurological exam, neuroimaging testing such as MRI or CT scans, and neuropsychological assessments. Doctors will stabilize the patient to prevent further injury, ensure blood and oxygen are flowing properly to the brain, and ensure that blood pressure is controlled.

When the brain is starved of oxygen for a prolonged period of time, brain damage may occur. Brain damage can occur as a result of a wide range of injuries, illnesses, or conditions. Because of high-risk behaviors, males between ages 15 and 24 are most vulnerable. Young children and the elderly also have a higher

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