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Checks And Balances

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Checks and Balances
In efforts to provide a strong nation for the people, in 1789 the states united to write a set of principles that will provide structure and fairness in the nation’s government. To avoid any branch abusing its power, three branches were created; the branches are the executive, the legislative and the judicial. Along with each branch are checks and balances. The system of checks and balances are meant to obtain each branch from too much power. Each branch has certain privileges against other branches that will keep them on check. A great example of checks and balances in action is the process of making a law. Initially, the legislative branch will come up with a bill. Instead of it automatically becoming a law, it will go …show more content…
Once a law is created, the law is discussed and is to be voted on in congress. Some of their main roles and powers are to regulate trade, regulate money and declare war. The legislative branch consists of two Houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representative. In each Senate there are 100 senators, with two senators representing each state. Each senator is elected by their state and serves six-year terms. One of senate’s responsibilities is to elect a Vice-President by a two-thirds vote, in case an Electoral College fails. The House of Representatives currently has 435 representatives. Representatives are also elected by their state but serve two-year terms. The House of Representatives are to select a president if an Electoral College fails. In efforts to prevent overpower, the legislative branch may impeach the president. In this case, the House of Representative serves as the prosecutor and the Senate as the jury. The seventeenth President of the United States Andrew Johnson was impeached, after allegedly violating the Tenure of Office Act in 1867. On May 26, 1868 Andrew Johnson was acquitted, due to one vote short of the two-thirds majority needed. The legislative branch may also impeach judges; on March 12, 1804, Judge John Pickering was found guilty for drunkenness and unlawful …show more content…
The president officially approves and passes the bill created by the legislative branch. The executive branch also consists of the Vice President and members from the Cabinet. The Cabinet is made up of 15 major members. The Cabinet members are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. The Cabinet also assists the president in make decisions. To prevent overpower, the president has the power to veto laws passed by the Congress, making it harder for the legislative branch to pass a law. Honorable President Barack H. Obama vetoed the Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act in February 24, 2015. The President can also propose a bill but a member of Congress must submit it. Currently, Honorable President Barack H. Obama has proposed gun control. President Obama’s speech on January 16, 2013 suggested legislative to take action, in efforts to keep guns out of the wrong hands. President Obama’s proposal includes, increase in background checks, banning military-style assault weapons, high- capacity magazines, safer schools and increasing access to mental health services. In the executive branch, the president may pardon individuals convicted of a crime. A historic pardon

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