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How Did The Sub-Saharan African Trade Route

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The trade route was conducted through a vast region of Mediterranean countries and sub-Saharan Africa, it was important trading route because from the early 8th century to the late 17 century. This trade route connected europeans to african empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai. In 750 C.E, the post-classical era, caravans of camels improve the way of transaction through the constituency this provided a faster way of travel for the people traveling. The technology that was used to travel were camels. This made the travel faster and more efficient.
The hardships of crossing through the desert made it hard to cross and so that's where camels played a big part in the trade.Camels were used for transportation, because they could adapt to desert conditions, camels can go days without water and carry heavy loads.So they were perfect for the desert. A large amount of camels usually consisted of thousands of camels.Trade was primarily located in northern part of African cities that were developing around the Trans-Saharan trade route that resulted in thriving population and large amounts of growth. Popular exchanges had consisted of; …show more content…
The biggest trade was the “ Gold Trade and the Mali Empire “. It all started around the time of 1050 A.D. when Ghana was strong enough to assume control of the Islamic Berber town of Aoudaghost. But the strength didn’t stay with them it soon left them around 5 years later. After this part of the trade route started to close so did the rest. The journeys around the West African coast opened up new avenues for trade between Europe and West Africa. By the early sixteenth century, European bases were being built on the coast and trade and with the wealthier Europeans they soon became the prime importance to West

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