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Daylight Savings Time

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Has the clock struck midnight for Daylight Savings Time?
If something wasteful was costing you money would you want to continue doing it? What if it was bad for your Health? Each year millions of dollars are thrown out the window due to Daylight Savings Time. For the last 50 years we have had to move our clocks forward one hour during the spring, and push them back one hour during the fall. This process is called Daylight Savings Time, a concept that I along with many others feel is no longer practical and should be abolished. Daylight Savings Time was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin in 1784 as a way to conserve on candles (History of Daylight Savings Time-DST). When electricity came around many saw it as a way to conserve energy. Their …show more content…
This being said I want to state that there are those out there who believe in two different ideas. Some believe we should leave things just the way they are, and then there are those who believe we should keep Daylight Savings Time all year long. Those who believe we should leave Daylight Savings Time in place all year state several interesting points. Research has shown that deadly car accidents decrease during the Daylight Savings Time months (Welsh). This could be in part to the fact that there is daylight on our commute home from work in the evening. This in turn helps with visibility leading to less deadly crashes (Welsh). This seems to be a good argument, but reports also show non-fatal accidents actually increase during Daylight Savings Time (Welsh). Some make the argument that crimes like: robbery, assault, juvenile crime, and car theft occur are more frequently in the hours just after sunset, and that delaying dark by one hour will in turn help curb these (Calanelrillo). This could be a valid point, but I would believe this only delays these crimes from occurring by one hour. After the sun sets these crimes continue to occur. So I am not sure there is much footing in this argument. Finally; there are still those out there they want to make the argument that it savings on energy usage. They make the point …show more content…
We can try to persuade our politicians to repeal the law. When enacted by our federal government in 1966 rather or not to observe Daylight Savings Time was left in the hands of each states government (History of Daylight Savings Time-DST). For us that means we do not even have to worry about getting things changed in Washington D.C. This means less red-tape. For us we only have to get our politicians in Frankfort to listen. As a matter of fact the issue gets brought up in several state legislatures ever couple of years, usually being voted down (History of Daylight Savings Time-DST). Kentucky would not be the first state not to mess with its clock. There are a couple of states and United States territories that not observe Daylight Savings Time today. “Those included Hawaii, Arizona, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam” (History of Daylight Savings Time-DST). So let’s not let Daylight Savings Time take one more dollar from our pocketbooks and wallets. Let’s not have to worry about whether or not changing our clock is going to cause us to have a heart attack from lack of sleep. Let’s not have to worry about increased stress causing us mental anguish increasing suicide rates. Go out today and educate others on the risk of Daylight Savings Time. You will find most do not know the risk that comes with moving that clock hand ahead one hour every spring. Write your state representative and tell them you want Daylight

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