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Civil Disobedience In America

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We as Americans hold privileges that entitle us to unalienable “God given” rights. We as a nation have grown to create laws to keep order in our “free society”. The question of whether the created laws are just can generate ordeals that lead us to civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is a great part of the American history, giving the American population the extraordinary privilege of being able to speak against any policy or regulation that corrupts our great nation. Peaceful resistance has been practiced in our country since its birth. The fact that Americans are willing to have overlooked the consequences of civil disobedience is quite remarkable, as it instills the ideal that Americans are always striving for a better tomorrow. As a democratic country, protest was our very foundation. How did we get there? Since 1776, every generation has had an “end of the world” dilemma that they choose to resist with and without peaceful protest, including two movements that were very close in time but extremely distinct in outrage, the Civil Rights movement and the Vietnam War. …show more content…
The reality of a non-white America was harsh; being consider an irrelevant second hand citizen was their everyday norm. The resistance against discrimination began to increase, as activist leaders such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X began delivering speeches. Sit ins and bus boycotts started to catch the government’s attention, Policemen would often release dogs on men, hose down protesters, and then arrest them for exercising their constitutional right. The American public didn’t fight without reason. Brown V. Board of Education made it federally illegal to segregate school. Thus the Jim Crow laws established in the 1880s began to crumble

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